View Full Version : Leaders in Loquacity

03-18-2010, 03:46 PM
Ranked by # of Posts as of 5 PM EDT/18 March 2010:

#1 jocko 1310 :blah:

#2 JohnH 887 :blah:

#3 Wyntrout 815 :blah::third:

#4 Vinikahr 612 :blah:

#5 Bawanna45cal 464

#6 Dietrich 443

#7 jeep45238 381

#8 In-Yo-Grill 346

#9 500KV 317

#10 Itxi 284

#11 ripley16 272

#12 mr surveyor 225

#13 wagon 221

#14 zena 218

I was going for the top 10 and then decided there should be at least one Lady that I was sure of... some of the others could be:confused:... that's the fun of the Internet!
I started with a minimum of 500 goal. After paging through the members for 72 pages, I was looking at the list and thought... maybe it's like other lists and it will sort highest down...yup!
Some of you guys will have to work harder. No one is going to overtake jocko, but I can see getting second soon. JohnH isn't such a Bucket Mouth!


It kind of hampers me that we can only use 8 smilies??

03-18-2010, 03:50 PM
Whats loquacity?, is that like limp wristing or something?

Mr Wyn, we might as well let it out of the closet. I'm your mother:eek:

Behave with this foul loquacity language or cut yourself a switch.

03-18-2010, 03:54 PM
Very thoughtful to include at least one known woman also. Not quite up to snuff with Mr. Dietrichs valentine (dang I wish I'd thought of that one?) but very thoughtful none the less. You picked a winner too. We gotta build a little fire under MX5fan and get her towards the top as well. I hear they are busy though, weathers getting decent, lots of stuff on the get r dun list.

03-18-2010, 04:20 PM
I've been doing the wash all afternoon and called it quits. I was trying to take a nap and my timers kept going off.:rolleyes:
As you can see, I've been real busy! I thought of "Lords of Loquacity" but that was too fancy.
Today's my son's 37th birthday. My daughter turned 35 last month, but she could still pass for about 23 and will be carded in bars for a long time.
Hmmm. Thinking of a snack... got to keep my glucose readings up. Hypoglycemia is the reason I've gained weight... or preventing it, I should say.

03-18-2010, 04:28 PM
I've been doing the wash all afternoon and called it quits. I was trying to take a nap and my timers kept going off.:rolleyes:
As you can see, I've been real busy! I thought of "Lords of Loquacity" but that was too fancy.
Today's my son's 37th birthday. My daughter turned 35 last month, but she could still pass for about 23 and will be carded in bars for a long time.
Hmmm. Thinking of a snack... got to keep my glucose readings up. Hypoglycemia is the reason I've gained weight... or preventing it, I should say.

What no phone number or pictures of your daughter for the team? Where's Vini, picture please or she didn't happen. Maybe a PM first, kind of an unfair advantage but I've been known to cheat when needed.
37 and 35? I'm thinking old than dirt might cause weight gain. I'm pretty certain that's what occurred in my case but don't tell your daughter, might blow my internet image.
Lords of Loquacity, yup a little fancy smancey, thumb your nose at us little people bringing up the rear.

03-18-2010, 04:44 PM
Sorry about your logorrhea!.. How about a top ten for ownership of most Kahr handguns, with the first person to own one of each wins a obsessive-compulsive certificate.

03-18-2010, 04:57 PM
I don't think that anyone could keep up with all of the models and variations -- plastic or SS frame, SS or DLC finish, "shiny" or matte, engraved or not, NS or regular or Novak, safety add-ons or not, etc. times the number of models times the number of calibers. You would need a whole page to to list all the variables if ordering a Kahr!
I guess it would be fun to try, though, unless your significant other uses one of them on you!:eek:
I've used all occasions to buy a Kahr up to, but not including, next Christmas!
The old "not getting any younger" deal is getting those "hard" looks from my wife.

I think Bawanna chose his new avatar after seeing mine... reaction?

03-18-2010, 05:04 PM
Sorry about your logorrhea!.. How about a top ten for ownership of most Kahr handguns, with the first person to own one of each wins a obsessive-compulsive certificate.

Yeah good idea, lets do that but that 5kahrs guy which I think should read 7 kahrs now might have a lead leaving the starting gate. But that's ok, good idea.:cool:

03-18-2010, 05:09 PM
The old "not getting any younger" deal is getting those "hard" looks from my wife.

I think Bawanna chose his new avatar after seeing mine... reaction?[/QUOTE]

I didn't plan it that way but it is appropriate. I had Dan Blocker for a couple hours but wasn't sure I was worthy of using his image for a low life like my self. I stood in awe for probably half an hour looking at his gunbelt and gun at the Cody Museum. Had all of their stuff in a glass case but he was the man. I consider myself an authority on receiving "hard" looks from a spouse. I'm working on stuff for Christmas 7 years from now, hope there is a 7 years from now, hate to cross the river having to give stuff back ya know?

03-18-2010, 05:14 PM
You know Mr. Wyn, I was thinkin if you went by the word rather than the entry you might just take the loququisolee lead and be king of the mountain. You could demand more smilies per entry and knight people and be the head bucket mouth and everything. Something to think about?:2eek:
If you move into a castle make sure it's got ramps and stuff in case I visit your daughter the princess. Princess bucket mouth? Don't gotta good ring to it.

03-18-2010, 05:35 PM
I like it! Kind of miss your butt but not very much and not in any kind of unatural wierd kind of way, ya know?:lie:

03-18-2010, 05:41 PM
I don't think that anyone could keep up with all of the models and variations -- plastic or SS frame, SS or DLC finish, "shiny" or matte, engraved or not, NS or regular or Novak, safety add-ons or not, etc. times the number of models times the number of calibers. You would need a whole page to to list all the variables if ordering a Kahr!
I guess it would be fun to try, though, unless your significant other uses one of them on you!:eek:
I've used all occasions to buy a Kahr up to, but not including, next Christmas!
The old "not getting any younger" deal is getting those "hard" looks from my wife.

I think Bawanna chose his new avatar after seeing mine... reaction?
Well I was only thinking about the 19 models that are listed on the Kahr site (and we can add any models that have been discontinued). For example if someone has both a PM9 SS and a PM9 DLC it would count as one. We could start a thread just for everyone to list their current models and every time they add (or sell) one a new post can be made. One requirement should be that a photo with all of one's holdings needs to be included in the post. We can run this for one year and we can all (whomever that may be) chip in a few bucks to get a collective prize from the Kahr shop. I'll immediately exclude myself from winning as there is no way I could catch up with some of you guys - though every time I see or hold one of the all stainless models I want to own it.

03-18-2010, 05:50 PM
Well I was only thinking about the 19 models that are listed on the Kahr site (and we can add any models that have been discontinued). For example if someone has both a PM9 SS and a PM9 DLC it would count as one. We could start a thread just for everyone to list their current models and every time they add (or sell) one a new post can be made. One requirement should be that a photo with all of one's holdings needs to be included in the post. We can run this for one year and we can all (whomever that may be) chip in a few bucks to get a collective prize from the Kahr shop. I'll immediately exclude myself from winning as there is no way I could catch up with some of you guys - though every time I see or hold one of the all stainless models I want to own it.

Sounds good to me, I'll be excluded also since I only got one and in a year might have 2, that = 1 K40 & one wishful PM45. But I'll :cheer2:from the sidelines and chip in on the prize.
Maybe we could do a all guns kind of bucket list challenge. He with the most toys wins type of thing. I might have a tiny bit of a chance on that one. Might be one of them old guys unfair advantage deals though or young guys with lots of money things.
Hum a few bars and I'll hum along.:cool:

03-18-2010, 05:55 PM
Sounds good to me, I'll be excluded also since I only got one and in a year might have 2, that = 1 K40 & one wishful PM45. But I'll :cheer2:from the sidelines and chip in on the prize.
Maybe we could do a all guns kind of bucket list challenge. He with the most toys wins type of thing. I might have a tiny bit of a chance on that one. Might be one of them old guys unfair advantage deals though or young guys with lots of money things.
Hum a few bars and I'll hum along.:cool:
I think we should run this idea by the Kahr marketing department. If this new thread causes them to sell hundreds of firearms, maybe they would throw in a new something or other as a prize.

03-18-2010, 06:00 PM
I think we should run this idea by the Kahr marketing department. If this new thread causes them to sell hundreds of firearms, maybe they would throw in a new something or other as a prize.

Bet they would!

03-18-2010, 06:01 PM
Sorry about your logorrhea!.. How about a top ten for ownership of most Kahr handguns, with the first person to own one of each wins a obsessive-compulsive certificate.

Hmmmm. I was just thinkin'... you wouldn't be working for one of those gun-confiscation groups??? These lists and pictures might come in handy for scooping them up when Prezbo's Police get up to speed... ya know, the National Police Force as strong as the military... that he envisioned during his "run" for office.

Just something to think about... thinking, that is.:D


03-18-2010, 06:22 PM
Hmmmm. I was just thinkin'... you wouldn't be working for one of those gun-confiscation groups??? These lists and pictures might come in handy for scooping them up when Prezbo's Police get up to speed... ya know, the National Police Force as strong as the military... that he envisioned during his "run" for office.

Just something to think about... thinking, that is.:D

Not on your life... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.... or was that a Motel 6 when they actually cost $6. I did go to a meeting at the Intl Monetary Fund building last fall and you have to go through about eight layers of security. So they wouldof confiscated all my guns. Once we were safely inside we were told that this is one of 2 buildings in the US that terrorists really want to blow up! Yikes!!

03-18-2010, 06:34 PM
Hmmmm. I was just thinkin'... you wouldn't be working for one of those gun-confiscation groups??? These lists and pictures might come in handy for scooping them up when Prezbo's Police get up to speed... ya know, the National Police Force as strong as the military... that he envisioned during his "run" for office.

Just something to think about... thinking, that is.:D


Ok, I'm out. I don't own any firearms, I borrowed one once and for that I'm terribly sorry. Gotta get back to digging the bunker to store all my politically correct material items. This Holiday Inn stuff is going right over my head. Mr. Jocko stays there all the time. Is this secret code talk? You ain't some of the Florida indian wind talkers are ya?

03-18-2010, 06:41 PM
Ok, I'm out. I don't own any firearms, I borrowed one once and for that I'm terribly sorry. Gotta get back to digging the bunker to store all my politically correct material items. This Holiday Inn stuff is going right over my head. Mr. Jocko stays there all the time. Is this secret code talk? You ain't some of the Florida indian wind talkers are ya?
No secret talk here... all posts are edited by the Kahrachi madrasah. Just like the Japanese did not invade us after Pearl Harbor because of the 2nd amendment, the BGs want to know where not to invade.

03-18-2010, 06:41 PM
To really change the topic... I have thoughts about where we're situated with an unobstructed view to the northeast towards the port facilities, the Mayport Naval Station, and the Marine Port on Blount Island. I think about a bright flash and looking at it instead of away... just before the blast wave gets here... kind of like The Sum of All Fears, though that was rewritten for the screen so as not to show the Arabs in a bad light... wouldn't want to do that!
I grew up with "the bomb"... and I wound up sitting alert with them, but if it happens, there's not much you can do about it.
If you survive something like that, it would be nice to have weapons to keep the "less fortunate" from trying to share your stuff!
Man! I can ramble! Yeah, I think if words were counted, I would be the top dog, or whatever!:blah:

03-18-2010, 07:55 PM
Dang! Fess Parker just died... Davy Crockett and Dan'l Boone. I had one of them thar coonskin hats back in the 50's. Peter Graves, too, passed today. I guess his brother James "Matt Dillon" Arness is still going though.
Every once in a while you hear of someone dying, and you wonder... I didn't even know they were still alive.
That's life... you get old and then you pass on... your guns, your money, your wife... and other loved ones.
I just hope to put that off for another forty years or so... as long as I'm still able to have fun... like shooting guns and blowing stuff up.

03-18-2010, 08:53 PM
I like the idea of most Kahr's in a year. I only have one but the way things are going I don't think I'll ever sell it and maybe thats not a bad thing. Maybe time to just add more. I think my wife will go for it, I'll just tell her sorry honey, I didn't want to buy another gun but I'm trying to win a contest. Grand prize is a getaway for two to Las Vegas. What do you think, would it work?

03-18-2010, 08:56 PM
I like the idea of most Kahr's in a year. I only have one but the way things are going I don't think I'll ever sell it and maybe thats not a bad thing. Maybe time to just add more. I think my wife will go for it, I'll just tell her sorry honey, I didn't want to buy another gun but I'm trying to win a contest. Grand prize is a getaway for two to Las Vegas. What do you think, would it work?

Works for me, that's something that I'd try. Get about 8 or 9 Kahrs and then it's just oh dang, was so close, the winner had 10. Maybe next year.

03-18-2010, 08:59 PM
PS- your Kahr will sell without a doubt. Just most are like me, I'd take it right now but I just don't got enough marbles in the sack. Word gets around, mention to people you know and it'll happen. The day after it sells 20 people will ask about it, probably including me and we'll be all bummed cause we just got the money together. Don't give it away, time is on your hands. Buy the DLC and sell this one later if you can part with it. I've had my K40 on word of mouth sale block for a year, just not that important to sell it although there are times I wish I had money instead of a K 40.

03-18-2010, 09:23 PM
PS- your Kahr will sell without a doubt. Just most are like me, I'd take it right now but I just don't got enough marbles in the sack. Word gets around, mention to people you know and it'll happen. The day after it sells 20 people will ask about it, probably including me and we'll be all bummed cause we just got the money together. Don't give it away, time is on your hands. Buy the DLC and sell this one later if you can part with it. I've had my K40 on word of mouth sale block for a year, just not that important to sell it although there are times I wish I had money instead of a K 40.

I was thinking of purchasing a PM40 DLC with N/S tomorrow, if mine sells then fine and if not I have a 9 and a 40. Does this make sense or is this foolish? All my other pistols are 9MM.

03-18-2010, 09:31 PM
I was thinking of purchasing a PM40 DLC with N/S tomorrow, if mine sells then fine and if not I have a 9 and a 40. Does this make sense or is this foolish? All my other pistols are 9MM.

Warning Personal opinion forthcoming.
I have a K40 all stainless steel, heavy for size. Nice gun. Kicks like a Missouri Mule. You know why Illinois got the Swedes and Missouri got mules right? Missouri got first choice. I'm allowed to say that. I love mules and married a full bred swede, looks alot like Tiger Woods wife, the cheating son of a gun? Plus I was born in Missouri. Impossible to lie. Show me, honesty.
Anyhow you asked me, my opinion is that PM40 is gonna rock, I've heard some here say different, I never shot one, would love to but I think it's gonna rock. I'm setting my marbles aside for a PM45 (maybe). Mr Wyn says he shoots his better than his 9. I believe him. Nothing wrong with owning both, unless of course you family is going hungry to pay and even thats ok long as it isn't for too long. Keep us posted on you decision.

03-18-2010, 09:47 PM
Warning Personal opinion forthcoming.
I have a K40 all stainless steel, heavy for size. Nice gun. Kicks like a Missouri Mule. You know why Illinois got the Swedes and Missouri got mules right? Missouri got first choice. I'm allowed to say that. I love mules and married a full bred swede, looks alot like Tiger Woods wife, the cheating son of a gun? Plus I was born in Missouri. Impossible to lie. Show me, honesty.
Anyhow you asked me, my opinion is that PM40 is gonna rock, I've heard some here say different, I never shot one, would love to but I think it's gonna rock. I'm setting my marbles aside for a PM45 (maybe). Mr Wyn says he shoots his better than his 9. I believe him. Nothing wrong with owning both, unless of course you family is going hungry to pay and even thats ok long as it isn't for too long. Keep us posted on you decision.

you got it. I'll let you know tomorrow.

03-19-2010, 01:20 AM
I was thinking of purchasing a PM40 DLC with N/S tomorrow, if mine sells then fine and if not I have a 9 and a 40. Does this make sense or is this foolish? All my other pistols are 9MM.

If you're buying it tomorrow it will be light again so you won't need the N/S. :>)
Actually get them, or add Mepros later, worth it.
Good side of having different guns, any ammo you find you have something
to launch it from.

I really like PM40 but have small hands and only get 2 fingers on the grip,
might be a problem for some of you apes. :D
Used to 44mag so the kick doesn't seem bad at all. Semi-auto has the recoil
absorber on top which slides back & forth (isn't that what that's for?).
Hope to heck I never have to fire it indoors (in haste), fired outside one day with
one earplug about 97.3% seated in ear, actually made that ear ring.
Incentive to only shoot if I REALLY have to. Might take class on negotiation.
Anyway it's pretty accurate too for a 2" barrel. And easily concealed.
I DO want the 45 but it's not because I don't want the 40.

(Artist's conception.)

My date tripped up the stairs she was talking so much,
I told her to loquacious going...

03-19-2010, 07:34 PM
Dang! You guys hijacked my thread and got off topic! What the heck!?

This here thread is about bucket mouths and who has the most posts.

I was over at the P380 Forum trying to see what it takes to "progress" from Newbie. I joined it before I joined this forum. There are only two guys that have over 100 posts -- the "Oracle" with over 330 posts and kraigser414 the Global Moderator with about 160+. THE REST are ALL Newbies! #3 only has 47 posts! I'm #8 with 37 posts! Lots of action. I don't think that I'll ever break 100 posts there. Maybe if I get my dang P380N I'll get motivated.

03-19-2010, 07:57 PM
Dang! You guys hijacked my thread and got off topic! What the heck!?

This here thread is about bucket mouths and who has the most posts.

I was over at the P380 Forum trying to see what it takes to "progress" from Newbie. I joined it before I joined this forum. There are only two guys that have over 100 posts -- the "Oracle" with over 330 posts and kraigser414 the Global Moderator with about 160+. THE REST are ALL Newbies! #3 only has 47 posts! I'm #8 with 37 posts! Lots of action. I don't think that I'll ever break 100 posts there. Maybe if I get my dang P380N I'll get motivated.

Mr Thread stealer hisself is charging the rest of us with hijacking a thread. Hope I don't wet myself. It happens dude, grab the tiller (thats how you steer a sailboat for you landbubbers) and steer it back.

03-19-2010, 08:55 PM
Mr Thread stealer hisself is charging the rest of us with hijacking a thread. Hope I don't wet myself. It happens dude, grab the tiller (thats how you steer a sailboat for you landbubbers) and steer it back.

Can he say that on TV? And what the heck's a sailboat, one o' them
new eco-green-transportation things? Savin' the earth, right? Hey,
we should make sail-everythings! First one to make a sailgun wins a dolphin...

Sorry, I blame the whiskey.

03-19-2010, 09:28 PM
Dang! I take a little nap and I guess it's "you snooze, you lose", eh? WTF is a landbubber? And who are you callin' one?:confused:

Vini' found his "mojo" and got his smilies back.
That ought to be a good tale.

My baby just called and is on her way home from work.

It's touch and go on whether or not the country starts going down the tubes big time as the Dems try to twist arms and get more guys to take a big one for the Prezbo's healthcare SCHEME! Damn, I can't wait until November to watch the bloodshed. It's gonna be like the Reign of Terror after the French Revolution.
Vive le révolution!

Well, it will be entertain wifey time shortly, if I can stay awake. I'm drinking my last warmed over cup of coffee from this morning's pot.

03-28-2010, 07:15 PM
Ranked by # of Posts as of 5 PM EDT/18 March 2010:

#1 jocko 1310 :blah:

#2 JohnH 887 :blah:

#3 Wyntrout 815 :blah::third:

#4 Vinikahr 612 :blah:

#5 Bawanna45cal 464

#6 Dietrich 443

#7 jeep45238 381

#8 In-Yo-Grill 346

#9 500KV 317

#10 Itxi 284

#11 ripley16 272

#12 mr surveyor 225

#13 wagon 221

#14 zena 218

I was going for the top 10 and then decided there should be at least one Lady that I was sure of... some of the others could be:confused:... that's the fun of the Internet!
I started with a minimum of 500 goal. After paging through the members for 72 pages, I was looking at the list and thought... maybe it's like other lists and it will sort highest down...yup!
Some of you guys will have to work harder. No one is going to overtake jocko, but I can see getting second soon. JohnH isn't such a Bucket Mouth!


It kind of hampers me that we can only use 8 smilies??

Wyn, Thought I'd help you hijack your thread back by thanking you for your consideration in going so far as to include me as your token female. That's what I seem to be in the gun world...the only female in sight everywhere I go. Where is MX5? I miss her. And how did women ever get to be labeled as never shutting up?!?! I need to work harder to get a word in around here. (Tried to add smilies and they got bumped!)

03-28-2010, 07:23 PM
Hey, I wanted to include at least one of you ladies, since I kept expanding the "requirements" for the top "whatever".
I wonder if JohnH wiped my footprints off his back? #2! Woohoo! But I'm not getting closer to the Oracle.


You can only use 8 things like smilies.:(

03-28-2010, 08:03 PM
Hey, I wanted to include at least one of you ladies, since I kept expanding the "requirements" for the top "whatever".
I wonder if JohnH wiped my footprints off his back? #2! Woohoo! But I'm not getting closer to the Oracle.


You can only use 8 things like smilies.:(

I think a nation wide celebration party is in order when you hit the 1000 mark. Wonder what the count is now? Your at 933?

04-23-2010, 01:32 PM
Update. Hey, Bawanna', I can't even see your dust trail. Wait for me indeed! You're gaining on jocko! I guess I'm safely ensconced in third place... for a while. Vini' is kind of a threat in the future, but he's slowed down a bit, too.
User Name Posts Reverse Sort Order
jocko Senior Member 1,692
Bawanna45cal Senior Member 1,378
wyntrout Senior Member 1,203
JohnH Administrator 909
Vinikahr Senior Member 754
Dietrich Senior Member 513

04-23-2010, 02:19 PM
Update. Hey, Bawanna', I can't even see your dust trail. Wait for me indeed! You're gaining on jocko! I guess I'm safely ensconced in third place... for a while. Vini' is kind of a threat in the future, but he's slowed down a bit, too.
User Name Posts Reverse Sort Order
jocko Senior Member 1,692
Bawanna45cal Senior Member 1,378
wyntrout Senior Member 1,203
JohnH Administrator 909
Vinikahr Senior Member 754
Dietrich Senior Member 513

I haven't seen nor heard Vini for a spell since his duke out with Beavers dad. Hope he didnt run off and leave us. I really don't pay much attention to them numbers but I'll try to coast for awhile, I'm not qualified for this leader stuff. I'm a little people, always have been. Maybe I'll go delete a bunch of post. Alot of new guys lately which I like to see and my own little duke out the other day, guess the jabs add up the post count.
Color me coasting best I can.

04-23-2010, 02:31 PM
Man,I didn`t have any idea I had spent so much time on this forum.Think I`ll kick back for a while and let some of the others pass me by until I`m around just the top 30 or so.I`ll be able to learn more with my mouth closed.That`s what the old man used to tell me anyway.Y`all write and I`ll read.

04-23-2010, 02:36 PM
Man,I didn`t have any idea I had spent so much time on this forum.Think I`ll kick back for a while and let some of the others pass me by until I`m around just the top 30 or so.I`ll be able to learn more with my mouth closed.That`s what the old man used to tell me anyway.Y`all write and I`ll read.

I disagree, you come up with some of the best and most interesting post here. I probably blabber to much just trying to keep things going and fun with mixed success. I tried to get the 1911 section humming and it just keeps dieing on the vine. I was just looking for some more pics to maybe reignite that area. You write and I'll try to read. I don't care if I learn anything, everything now days is a new trick for an old dog.:lie:

04-23-2010, 02:45 PM
Wow! I feel like such a light weight! I do not think I have even broken 100 posts (have not really looked!)

(I wish I really was a light weight!) :D

04-23-2010, 02:52 PM
Wow! I feel like such a light weight! I do not think I have even broken 100 posts (have not really looked!)

(I wish I really was a light weight!) :D

Thats 101 WMD. Congratulations, your now a senior and puberty has been left behind for whatever miniscule benefit that might provide. Step it up please you give us some good stuff too.
Crud, I'm suppose to be reading and not writing.........:(

04-23-2010, 03:01 PM
Hah! you're a natural Bucket Mouth!:blah::typing: As am I. :D You're a lightweight, though... low word counts. :D I have your back, though. You just slip quietly up on Jocko and vault over him like you did me. Then I'll have his back and you'll be The Man!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

04-23-2010, 03:06 PM
Hey whatever you guys do, please do not start one of those "post to get your post count up" threads. Talk about boring!!



04-23-2010, 03:10 PM
Hey whatever you guys do, please do not start one of those "post to get your post count up" threads. Talk about boring!!



Definitely agree on that, although I think you just say that cause Wyn blew by ya without notice.

On a serious note which I don't do often I'm sure sorry to hear about your loss recently. Those things can really take the wind out of our sails for sure. Our words of course can't help make anything better but we're thinking of you.

04-23-2010, 03:37 PM
Now here's what it really looks like, from 03-18 to today when I logged the guys(BMs) over 500. I included In-Yo-Grill 'cause he's almost at 500.

Bawanna' +914 !! Who's the freaking BM king?? he must post in his sleep... or that's the problem... he doesn't sleep!

wyntrout +388
Jocko +382
In-Yo-Grill +151
and Vini' +142
Dietrich +70
JohnH +17

Wynn:blah: :D

04-23-2010, 03:45 PM
Loquacity. When I seen that posted in the orginal thread, I shyed away from it, thinking it was maybe some kind of desease or infection one gets when messing around with dogs etc. then I see it was posted by Wyn, so I knew right off, it meant nothing about anything, just a word that came to his mind at that particular time. Fear not Bawanna, ur safe,..

04-23-2010, 03:47 PM
Bawanna' said "On a serious note which I don't do often I'm sure sorry to hear about your loss recently. Those things can really take the wind out of our sails for sure. Our words of course can't help make anything better but we're thinking of you."

Ditto on what he said, John. I'm sorry that I didn't say something earlier. I apologize for my insensitive remarks about your low number of posts recently. Doh!

04-23-2010, 03:52 PM
Now here's what it really looks like, from 03-18 to today when I logged the guys(BMs) over 500. I included In-Yo-Grill 'cause he's almost at 500.

Bawanna' +505 !! Who's the freaking BM king?? he must post in his sleep... or that's the problem... he doesn't sleep!

Jocko +231
wyntrout +225
In-Yo-Grill +151
Dietrich +70
and Vini' +50
JohnH +17 (real talkative! Business only?)

Wynn:blah: :D

How the heck to you come up with these figures? I've been here at 11 or 12 at night on the west coast and your logging post in Florida, that' gotta be like wee wee hours of the morning. It does seem like it's been a real busy month. Guess I'm having way too much fun here. I'm trying to coast and you keep trying to call me out, not fair. I'm logging out now and getting some work done here, this isn't like me to be here when I should be working but obviously the numbers do not attest to this.
Anyhow I might have a PM9 in my sights, might have a rifle sold to provide the money. Flipping the coin over the PM9 or a Hornaday LockNLoad progressive. Really want both but thats two severe beatings from the missus and with summer coming, the bruises are gonna show and everyone will know that she is my master. Not good for my rep.
You guys go back to talking about loquacity whatever that might be.
I'm lurking.

04-23-2010, 03:59 PM
I screwed up and had to correct that post for today's count since 03-18. I was working from another list that was later. Look now! +914 !! Does that make you feel better?

Here's the correction:
Bawanna' +914 !! Who's the freaking BM king?? he must post in his sleep... or that's the problem... he doesn't sleep!

wyntrout +388
Jocko +382
In-Yo-Grill +151
and Vini' +142
Dietrich +70
JohnH +17

04-23-2010, 04:00 PM
Be glad I'm pretty quiet here. Have at least 40,000 posts over the last 10 years on several other boards. :o

04-23-2010, 04:30 PM
Bawanna', I thought you already had a PM9 and were thinking about a PM45?? You ought to look around and see if there's something else you're not using that you can sell to get enough money for the PM9, PM45 and the Hornady press.
If i weren't so lazy, I could clear out some of the clutter here by selling it on ebay or something. We need to have a garage sale. I'll bet that I could get a lot of people by here if I list ammo for sale... maybe some I would rather not see, though. We don't really see any "'Bangers" around here for garage sales, but ammo may bring them out.:eek:
I CCW and pay attention. I've sold guns and ammo and reloading equipment before, but times have changed!

Armybrat, just jump in. It's hard for us to bite over the 'Net. I gotta get busy in the yard, though... running out of daylight... sitting here typing. i'm doing wash and drying clothes as well.

04-24-2010, 08:08 AM
That's right Wynn, you just get back to work and stay off the keys for some time...:D

04-24-2010, 08:39 AM
Eh, I feel I may contribute a small something here, but usually just run off at the mouth or fingers as it is. I should be slowing down pretty soon, got things to do and all. Besides not only can I just not catch those guys, but I can't even offer the kind of wisdom they have. Thanks for noticing though ;)

04-24-2010, 10:55 AM
:)OK, 1st let me say, jlottmc I AM NOT TRYING TO PICK ON YOU !!!!

Now, with that said.....................I noticed that jlottmc has been a member here for less than 1 month. He is about to hit 300 post. ( just the fact's ma'am ). At this rate he is gonna blow past ALL of you bucket mouths in just a very few months. (do the math ). Jocko, Bawanna, Wyn. You are all in TROUBLE !!!!

Gentlemen, I think we have a new Prince, soon to be King.

ONCE AGAIN........ NOT casting judgment here, Just recognizing who we will be bowing to in the future.:D

I wanted to say this very thing but didn't want to add to my post count and increase the distance for Wyn to catch up. Dang it I did it again. I'm trying to coast, speak when spoken too and be a reader not a writer but by keyboard keeps ringing. I am always in trouble though so nothing new.

mr surveyor
04-24-2010, 12:30 PM
could someone post a map, or a link to a map to show me where this "lococity" can be found? I'm sure that if I knew where lococity was located I could possibly follow the rest of the thread. Actually, come to think of it, I may actually be in lococity and just not realize that fact.


04-24-2010, 02:48 PM
:)OK, 1st let me say, jlottmc I AM NOT TRYING TO PICK ON YOU !!!!

Now, with that said.....................I noticed that jlottmc has been a member here for less than 1 month. He has OVER 300 post. ( just the fact's ma'am ). At this rate he is gonna blow past ALL of you bucket mouths in just a very few months. (do the math ). Jocko, Bawanna, Wyn. You are all in TROUBLE !!!!

Gentlemen, I think we have a new Prince, soon to be King.

ONCE AGAIN........ NOT casting judgment here, Just recognizing who we will be bowing to in the future.:D

Uh, Bawanna had 464 on 18 March... this year! Now he has 1,398... that's 934 in little over a month!! He has definitely set a record and a pace. No one is in his class and Jocko's gonna have tires marks up his back in another week or two at that rate! Turbo chair... heck, TURBO Bucket Mouth!:D That's not a bad thing, though, it's all in fun.
Keep up the good work, Bawanna.

04-24-2010, 04:04 PM
And I thought I spent too much time here. Wow. I can't even contend there. Oh well.

04-24-2010, 04:04 PM
:) Turbo Bucket Mouth !!!!

I LOVE IT !!!.........................LOL !!! :D

Dang it you guys know I just love talking to you and helping new guys and old guys and harassing guys that think they know more than Wyn. It's like a social circle here. In real life I'm really timid and shy, a loner who doesn't play well with others. This is a way to release my true inner self, open the closet door so to speak and let it all hang out? I fear that all this bucket mouth attention is gonna force me back into the closet and the door will get stuck shut. Maybe you guys would like that though. Maybe I'm too big on myself, maybe my pride if clouding my picture of the big picture if you will. 934 in a month, that's a turbo bucket mouth for sure, I'll give you that without question. Jocko need not worry about my tire tracks on his back, although I'm ashamed to say I said the same thing to Wyn. That's was a bald faced lie I guess and no little white lie at that. Momma's gonna give me a whuppin and I deserve it, I best go cut my own switch right now.

04-24-2010, 05:47 PM
I knew when I was thinking of that phrase, before I typed it, that someone would pick that up and hang that on the Turbo Bananna.... There's another one! I do think that we need an award for his accomplishment of most posts in a month.
When I was making the original list, I was limiting it to posters over 500 and he didn't make the cut at #5, I decided to extend the list to the top 10. Well, I needed to include at least one of the ladies, so I extended the list down to Zena at #14.
I guess seeing his name on the list, kind of lit a fire under his butt -- the "Turbo Mode"-- and the rest is history... as was I...<sniff>, and soon the Oracle. I guess that I awakened his competitive spirit.:target::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

05-12-2010, 11:33 AM
Well ladies and Gents in would appear that Bawanna is poised to become the new oracle, though I suspect the original may have something to say about that. Perhaps though he leads in his numbers he will only hold the title of turbo bucket mouth.

05-12-2010, 11:42 AM
Having a high number of posts doesn't necessarily imply wisdom or "Oracle" status.:blah::rolleyes:

05-12-2010, 11:52 AM
Well ladies and Gents in would appear that Bawanna is poised to become the new oracle, though I suspect the original may have something to say about that. Perhaps though he leads in his numbers he will only hold the title of turbo bucket mouth.

There is only one oracle as there should be who incidently really doesn't like the oracle handle much. There are many knowlegable people here who may or may not consider themselves diciples and it really is of no matter. The fact that 98.4% (swag) of them are smarter than me is of really no consequence.
As usual I've not been keeping track of my participation here and just find myself chiming in when I have something to say which is apparently quite frequently to say the least.
Anyhow I just broke out the handy dandy calculator machine and after much math solving, you know adding and takin away and such I see that I'm within 152 of Mr. Jocko, back not that long ago I didn't think it would be possible to ever get this close to him but looking closely now I think I can see a trace of his dust or it might be Harley exhaust.
Soooo, I shall strive to go back into lurking mode, put my mittens on and allow him to increase the gap and Wynn can use this opportunity to close the gap. Failing this I guess I better work on my Turbo Bucket Mouth acceptance speech. Hmmm, how to begin. I'd like thank all the little people whos backs I've used for traction during these terribly slippery times. Naah, to conceited.
Which reminds me, where oh where is riceboy? He'd dropped under the radar.

ok bye

05-12-2010, 11:55 AM
Well like Ry said I was coming hard and fast, but I just can't hold a candle to you oh leader of the keys...

05-12-2010, 12:02 PM
Well like Ry said I was coming hard and fast, but I just can't hold a candle to you oh leader of the keys...

It could be an indication of life or lack there of, the amount of time spent here. I've certainly never been addicted to anything like this place before. I don't look at or participate in any other forums and I'm not gonna take the chance of looking at them. I really do need to wein myself from here a bit and refocus my efforts.

Logging off now.

05-12-2010, 12:55 PM
Yea ok see you in a bit. I have had a bunch of stuff pop up on me so I get to have less time here. But all things considered, this place is a good place to be.