View Full Version : Rear Sight Screws Keep Getting Loose!

11-28-2012, 07:24 PM
I have a 1927A1 Deluxe, that I purchased in May. I have the non stop problem with rear sight screws keep loosening up after firing a bunch of rounds through the Tommy. Ive had tried cleaning, the screws, and applying locktite blue - but over time they get loose again. Is there a way to stop this aggravating issue?

Ive noticed that on my friends Thompson- they punched the edge of the holes in the reciever, to kinda squish into the end of the screws. Do this actually work?

My Thompson is still under warranty, but I really rather not have to pay to ship it back to Kahr, if there is an easier fix.

I think one of the screw holes is getting stripped, because Ive had to constantly keep tighting the screw into the shallow hole.