View Full Version : Took my pet for walk on his rope....
11-30-2012, 02:49 PM
He is so darn cute an cuddly.....;)
MW surveyor
11-30-2012, 03:02 PM
I'm at a loss for words to describe this!
Is this supposed to be fun?
11-30-2012, 03:23 PM
They say there's intelligent life on Mars. Sure ain't none wherever this was.
When you fornicate with the bull your gonna get the horn, ya know?
11-30-2012, 03:26 PM
Some of those people weren't moving after they hit the ground. What's beyond incredibly stupid?
11-30-2012, 03:59 PM
My son went over to spain last year during the two weeks of running with the bulls. just to run with the bulls. I sure miss him!!!1
11-30-2012, 04:29 PM
:w00t: that geezer at the 4:30 minute mark in the pink shirt couldnt catch a break could he?
isnt this one of the bankrupt countries in the E.U.?
11-30-2012, 04:52 PM
:w00t: that geezer at the 4:30 minute mark in the pink shirt couldnt catch a break could he?
isnt this one of the bankrupt countries in the E.U.?
He sure couldn't. Rope wrapped around his foot, I could almost read his mind, oh here he comes again.
Some of them dudes were out cold when they hit the ground, not resistance at all being pushed around like a raggedy Ann.
I agree, stupid is as stupid does.
11-30-2012, 05:06 PM
Could we turn several of the bulls loose in Washington.....I would pay to see that.
11-30-2012, 05:07 PM
could we turn several of the bulls loose in washington.....i would pay to see that.
11-30-2012, 05:26 PM
He sure couldn't. Rope wrapped around his foot, I could almost read his mind, oh here he comes again.
Some of them dudes were out cold when they hit the ground, not resistance at all being pushed around like a raggedy Ann.
I agree, stupid is as stupid does.
know why Spain is in full recession. they killed that bull and he was the only one with Brains. With over 25% out of work, this video is no surprise. Would u hire one of those idiots???? Just sayin
11-30-2012, 06:55 PM
Now THAT'S what I call a serious pit bull !!!!!
11-30-2012, 09:24 PM
I can't help but NOT feel sorry for a single one of these idiots.... What do they think is gonna happen? Oh yeah, universal healthcare has got you covered, nevermind....
11-30-2012, 10:04 PM
Wow. How is it that Spain has had enough men alive to continue breeding all these centuries? With the amount of stupidity I just saw, I am shocked that Spanish males even still exist. They think stuff like this proves how masculine and awesome they are... in reality it just proves how stupid they are. I have no sympathy for anyone involved. Spain is full of morons.
12-01-2012, 10:58 AM
Nah, same thing's gonna happen at a good redneck BBQ. Well, it would if they hadn't shot the bull while shootin beer cans off the horns.
12-01-2012, 11:09 AM
Wow. How is it that Spain has had enough men alive to continue breeding all these centuries? With the amount of stupidity I just saw, I am shocked that Spanish males even still exist. They think stuff like this proves how masculine and awesome they are... in reality it just proves how stupid they are. I have no sympathy for anyone involved. Spain is full of morons.
but that is their traditio0n and they go back further than we Americans have ever been. Lets face it they still have bull fights in spain and draw hugh crowds to see a damn bull get bloody killed and drug off the bll ring and right o the butchers show. Iam sure PITA and other bleednig harts would love to step in on that tradition to. and someday it probably will happen. So as stupid as t looks, I see tradition there and again, STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.
My son did the running withg the bulls abouyt 2 years ago and siad if was a thrill to see and to be part of. Notice that the bull did have some type of padded sumpin over the tips of his horns to. So more thn likey u willbe bruised to all hellbut maybe nt punctured. Still take guts, or no brains or combination of both. Copurse a few drinks right before hand never hurts anything either.
12-02-2012, 09:32 AM
Imagine the money spent on medical bills on all them injuries!
12-02-2012, 09:54 AM
Not to worry, they have the Spanish version of El Bummer del Cario
12-02-2012, 11:21 AM
Videos like that are much more entertaining than the actual bullfights where the bulls are tortured with barbed spears and tired before the Matador saunters in with his fancy clothes and taunts the fatigued bull before killing it with a sword.
Wifey-to-be was really surprised when the first bull was KILLED! I guess she missed the name of the Matador being BULL KILLER! We were in Madrid May of 1985 and she just had to see a bullfight. I didn't really want to go. There were 6 bulls scheduled and we watched 5 before leaving early to avoid the crowds... people really looked at us as if we were crazy! Four bulls died and one seemed to have one and the Matador was crying because he didn't get to kill his bull... WAH!
I think it would be more fair if the bulls were NOT near exhaustion by the time the Matador struts into the arena!
MW surveyor
12-02-2012, 04:52 PM
I think it would be more fair if the bulls were'nt near exhaustion by the time the Matador struts into the arena!
Fixed for ya.
You do know why they kill the bull?
If they did not, and the bull was fought again, the "matador" would most likely be matar. :hurt: The bull he remembers senor. :D
12-02-2012, 05:03 PM
Matado, but you caught my "drift".
12-02-2012, 05:06 PM
"Wifey-to-be was really surprised when the first bull was KILLED! I guess she missed the name of the Matador being BULL KILLER! We were in Madrid May of 1985 and she just had to see a bullfight. I didn't really want to go."
That's a heck of a long engagement !!!
12-02-2012, 05:18 PM
She left Germany for Andrews AFB where she worked in the Command Post "handling" VIPS and we were married in March '86. I went over in August '85 and proposed. She came back to visit in November and we went to Berlin... drove through East Germany... nice visit... including East Berlin. I came back to the States the end of February '86 and we drove to SW CO to be married and then drove on to San Francisco where we spent part of our honeymoon, before continuing on down to Castle AFB for requalification in my next B52 assignment... G-models at Loring AFB, ME.
MW surveyor
12-02-2012, 05:18 PM
Matado, but you caught my "drift".
I was writing in Spanglish :D
12-02-2012, 05:54 PM
[QUOTE=wyntrout;201805]She left Germany for Andrews AFB where she worked in the Command Post "handling" VIPS and we were married in March '86. I went over in August '85 and proposed. She came back to visit in November and we went to Berlin... drove through East Germany... nice visit... including East Berlin. I came back to the States the end of February '86 and we drove to SW CO to be married and then drove on to San Francisco where we spent part of our honeymoon, before continuing on down to Castle AFB for requalification in my next B52 assignment... G-models at Loring AFB, ME.
Guess I misunderstood ..when you said "wifey to be" part. :o Bet you two have had some interesting experiences together.
12-02-2012, 06:56 PM
Wow, this is sure a new perspective. Having lived a long while in Spain between 1974 and 1981 (even lived 18 months in Pamplona back around 1975), I grew to love the bull fights on a Sunday afternoon. The running of the bulls is certainly one of the all time greatest fiestas. I do enjoy hearing conservatives sounding a bit like liberals in this case. I can see one more jump to complaining about the cruelty of hunting, and then another jump to the cruel treatment of the poor underprivileged guy breaking into your house that you had to shoot. No, I am not trying to compare the actual activities, just how different people see them, and how there are different degrees and perspectives to most things. See even us conservatives have become civilized to the degree that we can think liberal. :D
Now before I go and pack my bags (heading back to work in a couple of hours), I will just hide behind this old couch. Have at me guys.
12-02-2012, 09:17 PM
I see nothing civilized about a bunch of guys on horseback running the bull around and filling him with barbed spears... tiring him, before the matador struts out to show off HIS stuff... in the tight little outfit. The Romans and other cultures had bloodsports and even pitted men against large predators, as well as other men... not always with weapons. I'm sure the masses liked viewing and laughing at the losing parties, but it's nothing like legitimate hunting... where the object is to take the game as humanely as possible... without undue suffering on the prey's part... and hopefully result in the consumption and not waste of the animal's flesh. I'm sure that the bulls are consumed by someone, but I don't think that the manner in which the bulls are killed adds anything good to the flavor of the meat.
The people running before the bulls have made their choices... nice... when you have a choice... that the bulls didn't have.
You are making some pretty big jumps to conclusions yourself. Nothing I've said has anything to do with being liberal and there's a big difference between whiny, lazy people and animals that don't have choices. I would be on the side of the mistreated animals, but I'm very much against "animal rights". I'm no PETA fan and enjoy eating just about any of them... the animals... except maybe dogs, but then I've never been that hungry... or didn't grow up where dogs were just another meat... along with bugs and any other source of protein.
While I hate to see the big cats shot for "sport" without provocation, I would rather see the habitual criminals forever taken out of the gene pool and stop the waste of taxpayer money for their support.
12-02-2012, 09:29 PM
I'm not making the jumps. I'm simply commenting on the way people so righteously insult the Spanish but can't seem to see any similarities to the way liberals view their "cruel" hunting practices.
Me personally, I don't hunt because it's a lot less cruel to buy my meat from the butcher ;)
Sorry guys, I'm not judging anyone, just find the attitudes interesting.
By the way, if I disappear for a month, it's not that I'm sulking, just might not have coms set up yet in Africa.
MW surveyor
12-02-2012, 09:37 PM
By the way, if I disappear for a month, it's not that I'm sulking, just might not have coms set up yet in Africa.
Hey PP, no problem. Been there, done that and didn't want the T shirt.
Have a good hitch.
12-03-2012, 07:38 AM
I'm not making the jumps. I'm simply commenting on the way people so righteously insult the Spanish but can't seem to see any similarities to the way liberals view their "cruel" hunting practices.
Me personally, I don't hunt because it's a lot less cruel to buy my meat from the butcher ;)
Sorry guys, I'm not judging anyone, just find the attitudes interesting.
By the way, if I disappear for a month, it's not that I'm sulking, just might not have coms set up yet in Africa.
I have no problem with what the Spaniards do. To each his own. I just think that they're nucking futs for doing it. :)
12-03-2012, 09:50 AM
I buy my meat from the Commissary, Costco, and Sam's Club... not because it's less cruel than hunting for it myself<;)> but because I'm lazy and I can afford to have someone else do all of that messy stuff... hauling out a carcass, skinning it, hanging/aging it as needed, and cutting it up into proper portions... so I can lightly cook it to taste and have yummy red meat without all the muss and fuss!:D
But, if my survival depended on hunting, I would sure do it... even Bambi, though I prefer little lambs and beef.:D
MW surveyor
12-03-2012, 11:36 AM
More bull stuff
12-03-2012, 11:45 AM
Looks like an avatar to me.
12-03-2012, 12:24 PM
I've seen a lot of video clips about the running of the bulls... AND bullfights, and I'm not surprised at all by what they are capable of when someone taunts them and thinks they are getting away. They can really leap and climb over the fences and jump into the water and swim after those idiots!
I've seen them jump over the fence and the arena wall and run amuck in the stands with the audience taken completely by surprise... and running for THEIR lives!:D
12-03-2012, 01:07 PM
Keep watching MW's short little clip there. After a while it gets quite entertaining.
I would be deeply put out if I was rolling around Spain or where ever this goes on and suddenly find myself in a running with the bulls thing. I would not be happy.
But if the locals and tourist are aware it's happening and wish to participate I say have at it, enjoy.
I'm know for cheering on the underdog or the more intelligent species in the contest, in this case that would be the bull.
12-03-2012, 04:07 PM
I buy my meat from the Commissary, Costco, and Sam's Club... not because it's less cruel than hunting for it myself<;)> but because I'm lazy and I can afford to have someone else do all of that messy stuff... hauling out a carcass, skinning it, hanging/aging it as needed, and cutting it up into proper portions... so I can lightly cook it to taste and have yummy red meat without all the muss and fuss!:D
But, if my survival depended on hunting, I would sure do it... even Bambi, though I prefer little lambs and beef.:D
I don't buy meat at all, because I so rarely eat it. I may have a steak twice a year while eating out and a little turkey on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but that's it. I'm surprised that you still buy at Costco, after all they did to reelect Obama. Most of my friends cut up their Costco cards.
12-03-2012, 04:34 PM
I really liked the very first guy in the video, BA Bull slams him all around and down the steps and the guy 's cigarette never comes out of his mouth...Now thats the REAL Marlboro man!!!
MW surveyor
12-03-2012, 06:50 PM
I particularly liked when the bull climbed up onto the gate house roof! That's some determination there.
12-04-2012, 02:57 PM
It appears that this took place in the Azores...
12-04-2012, 07:38 PM
I'm surprised that you still buy at Costco, after all they did to reelect Obama. Most of my friends cut up their Costco cards.
I'm glad you brought that up. This could save me a fortune if I tell the wife that. It cost me 200 bucks every time I go into that place. I have a plan now :D
12-06-2012, 10:44 AM
The trouble is that it's my favorite place to shop... much neater and more gadgetry than Sam's Club... plus decent wine and prices... AND, those rotisserie chickens!:(
I AM pissed at the management, but do I want to "cut off my nose to spite my face"??
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