View Full Version : Hey, It's December Already, Right?????

mr surveyor
12-01-2012, 03:57 PM


12-01-2012, 04:16 PM
Thought I got a great deal Thursday on a HK P2000SK LEM with night sights off of Gunsamerica.
When the seller called from Vegas Friday morning I found out the the gun had no night sights and the add was in error.
Order cancelled - CRAP.

Made some calls locally but no P2000SK 40 LEM - with or without NS.
Not to be denied, I went to trusty BudsGunShop online and ordered one sans NS.
Should ship in 3-7 business days.

My Guns, ammo and shooting Vacation ends this week.
But I feel secure and satisfied with a pistol on the way.

Came very close to picking up a XDs 45 two tone.
But that's so close in size and capacity to my MK40 Elite,
it just didn't make sense to me.

2012 is almost over.
So what's the KahrTalk gang thinking of for New Year Resolutions???

I've drained my bank accounts buying a new 4x4 and five Heckler and Koch handguns.
So sadly mine is to stop buying guns until buy bank accounts are replenished.
After seeing that ATM AutoMag III .30 Carbine at the range.
I'm thinking a killer 1911 may be in order after savings is done?

Rock Island Armory 1911 R1 Tactical II Semi Auto Handgun 5" Barrel 10mm Auto 8 Rounds G10 Grips Parkerized $599

12-01-2012, 04:34 PM
That's all you need is the 1911 bug, and a new habit. You do know that 1911's are kinda like the legos of the gun world right? There is little that can't be done to one. You also know that they are like the potato chip of the gun world, you can't stop with one.
I got nothing else.:p

12-01-2012, 04:46 PM
So what's the KahrTalk gang thinking of for New Year Resolutions???[/SIZE][/B]

What's to think about - I'm already perfect. ;)

12-01-2012, 04:52 PM
Yep! Two of our neighbors across the street are having a contest to see who can put up the most lights.


Yep, that happen every year in my neighborhood. It's as bright as day after dark. I'm sure the subdivision is visible from a geosynchronous orbit.

12-01-2012, 08:11 PM
My new year's resolution is to recover my bank account so that I can buy a Leupold scope and bi-pod for my AR15 (built for long distance target, has 20" Blackhole barrel), build my second AR15 (close quarters combat), buy a 1911, buy a CZ75.... I got a lot of saving to do, LOL.

12-01-2012, 08:16 PM
Apparently my wife's resolution for me is to dig out from the fiscal cliff I fell off.

If I ever pay off these credit cards there will be no more. 10th time is the charm. The gas card will once again return to a monthly pay off too. No more revolving for the arabs.

12-02-2012, 10:48 AM
I completed one project yesterday... laying in a supply of Beaujolais Nouveau to last us into the New Year. I forgot to get some on the release date... the third Thursday of November... for our traditional tasting of the new wine, but I think that I've made up for that. Here are our three favorites... of only four tried:


I've bought 6 1/2 cases so far, and went looking for a third cooler to help this last a few months. I found a really good deal at Home Depot and even got 10% for a military discount off the already clearance-priced and further discounted price for just over $136 out the door. It's a "52-bottle" cooler, but it easily holds 56 bottles... 55 shown here.

My other two coolers were full and refrigerating this wine will help it last. It's a "new" wine and not processed or bottled for longevity.

A few more pictures:



Man cannot live by bullets alone!

Vive les vins de France! And the U.S... and Australia... and so on!


12-02-2012, 01:06 PM
Just got this... again:

A Navy destroyer stops four Mexicans in a row boat rowing towards San Diego, California. The Captain gets on the megaphone and shouts, "Ahoy, small craft. Where are you headed?"

One of the Mexicans puts down his oar, stands up, and shouts, "We are invading the United States of America!"

The entire crew of the destroyer nearly double over in laughter. When the Captain is finally able to catch his breath, he gets back on the megaphone and asks, "Just the four of you?"

The same Mexican stands up again and shouts, "No, we're the last four. The rest are already there!"


12-02-2012, 02:11 PM
truth is wyn, they weren't lieing either.

MW surveyor
12-02-2012, 04:53 PM
truth is wyn, they weren't lieing either.

Sadly, you are correct, Sir!

12-02-2012, 05:41 PM
Just saw this on Facebook:

An elderly man in Louisiana had owned a large farm for several years.

He had a large pond in the back. It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nice with picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees.

One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over.

He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit.

As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee.

As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond.

He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end.


One of the women shouted to him, 'we're not coming out until you leave!'

The old man frowned, 'I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond naked.'

Holding the bucket up he said,
'I'm here to feed the alligator...'

Some old men can still think fast.


12-02-2012, 05:49 PM
Wyn, thank you I needed a smile today!

12-03-2012, 01:15 PM
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: October 1, 2012

RE: Gala Christmas Party

I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take
place on December 23rd, starting at noon in the private function room
at the Grill House. There will be a cash bar and plenty of drinks!
We'll have a small band playing traditional carols... feel free to sing
along. And don't be surprised if our CEO shows up dressed as Santa
Claus! A Christmas tree will be lit at 1:00 PM. Exchanges of gifts
among employees can be done at that time; however, no gift should be
over $10.00 to make the giving of gifts easy for everyone's pockets.
This gathering is only for employees!

Our CEO will make a special announcement at that time!

Merry Christmas to you and your family,


Company Memo


FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: October 2, 2012

RE: Gala Holiday Party

In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish
employees. We recognize that Hanukkah is an important holiday, which
often coincides with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year.
However, from now on, we're calling it our "Holiday Party." The same
policy applies to any other employees who are not Christians and to
those still celebrating Reconciliation Day. There will be no Christmas
tree and no Christmas carols will be sung. We will have other types of
music for your enjoyment.

Happy now?

Happy Holidays to you and your family,


Company Memo

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees

DATE: October 3, 2012

RE: Holiday Party

Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous
requesting a non-drinking table, you didn't sign your name. I'm happy
to accommodate this request, but if I put a sign on a table that
reads, "AA Only", you wouldn't be anonymous anymore. How am I supposed
to handle this?


And sorry, but forget about the gift exchange, no gifts are allowed
since the union members feel that £10.00 is too much money and the
executives believe $10.00 is a little chintzy.


Company Memo

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director

To: All Employees

DATE: October 4, 2012

RE: Generic Holiday Party

What a diverse group we are! I had no idea that December 20th begins
the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating and drinking
during daylight hours. There goes the party! Seriously, we can
appreciate how a luncheon at this time of year does not accommodate our
Muslim employees' beliefs. Perhaps the Grill House can hold off on
serving your meal until the end of the party or else package everything
for you to take it home in little foil doggy baggy. Will that work?

Meanwhile, I've arranged for members of Weight Watchers to sit farthest
from the dessert buffet, and pregnant women will get the table closest
to the restrooms.

Gays are allowed to sit with each other. Lesbians do not have to sit
with Gay men, each group will have their own table.

Yes, there will be flower arrangement for the Gay men's table.

To the person asking permission to cross dress, the Grill House asks
that no cross-dressing be allowed, apparently because of concerns about
confusion in the restrooms. Sorry.

We will have booster seats for short people.

Low-fat food will be available for those on a diet.

I am sorry to report that we cannot control the amount of salt used in
the food . The Grill House suggests that people with high blood
pressure taste a bite first.

There will be fresh "low sugar" fruits as dessert for diabetics, but
the restaurant cannot supply "no sugar" desserts. Sorry!

Did I miss anything?!?!?


Company Memo

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All F ing Employees

DATE: October 5, 2012

RE: The F.ing Holiday Party

I've had it with you vegetarian pricks!!! We're going to keep this
party at the Grill House whether you like it or not, so you can sit
quietly at the table furthest from the "grill of death," as you so
quaintly put it, and you'll get your f.....ing salad bar, including
organic tomatoes. But you know, tomatoes have feelings, too. They
scream when you slice them. I've heard them scream. I'm hearing them
scream right NOW!

The rest of you f..ing wierdos can kiss my ass. I hope you all have a
rotten holiday!

Drive drunk and die,

The B!tch from Hell!!!

12-03-2012, 01:22 PM
Yep... you can't please all of the people all of the time... or all of the people some of the time. Just tell them what you're offering and if they don't like it, to have their own damn party somewhere else!

Their are too many people whose only "job" seems to be looking for something that offends them... no matter what the stretch it takes.

Fokkem and party on!


12-03-2012, 01:52 PM
I'm still focusing on the old man feeding the alligator.

MW surveyor
12-03-2012, 03:53 PM
else to keep your focus and help you how to spell Oklahoma.

12-03-2012, 04:01 PM
she's prouod of um and I am prooud to look at um. Just sayijn

12-03-2012, 04:04 PM
Theres been one of those at the gun show last couple shows. Same shirt, didn't say Okla homa on it though. Don't recollect what it said now that I ponder it, might not of said nothing.

It was definitely a busy table though. In fact my son bought an XDS from them. I haggled for probably 20 minutes and still only paid 10 dollars more than asking price.

12-03-2012, 04:38 PM
tell me sex doesn't sell. would u rather see this gal behind the gun table or some big ol fat slob with his belley resting on the table chewing some skoal. Works for me that is for sure. I drink coffee every day at a Paneara Bread in Terre Haute, and the manager there is just drop dead georgous, and she always have about 3 button on her blouse undone. I think it is just for me to but those puppies are real. damn I love that place..just sayin

12-03-2012, 04:40 PM
Hello........Hello Hello Hello..... Canyon........Canyon Canyon Canyon!!!...:2eek:

MW surveyor
12-03-2012, 06:42 PM
how to spell Okla homa. Do you want to be this bird? :eek:

12-03-2012, 06:45 PM
Yes! Very much.

mr surveyor
12-03-2012, 07:30 PM
that bird looked pretty stuffed to me;)

12-04-2012, 03:46 PM
Ordered my Heckler and Koch P2000SK 40 LEM Friday.
And it's scheduled to arrive at the FFL tomorrow - Woo Hoo!
Those guys are fast...

MW surveyor
12-04-2012, 03:57 PM
So Buds is shipping to Costa Rica?

12-04-2012, 04:01 PM
So Buds is shipping to Costa Rica?

I have an unnamed shell corporation in the U.S. used for shipping and receiving goods.

that is all...

MW surveyor
12-04-2012, 04:16 PM
K, but why you drinking that Mesican beer gringo!

However, see if you can get some Noche Buena. Only brewed during the Christmas/New Year season. That's some really good beer. Hard to find though.

12-04-2012, 04:28 PM
K, but why you drinking that Mesican beer gringo!

However, see if you can get some Noche Buena. Only brewed during the Christmas/New Year season. That's some really good beer. Hard to find though.

Don't really speak Spanish.
I order a cerveza and take what I get.

12-04-2012, 04:34 PM
I know 2 phrases in Spanish:

Dos cerveza por favor and
¿Donde esta pantalones?

12-04-2012, 04:42 PM
Eres muy hermosa le permite huir juntos

12-04-2012, 07:43 PM
One day a man decided to retire...

He booked himself on a Caribbean cruise and proceeded to have the time of his life, that is, until the ship sank.

He soon found himself on an island with no other people, no supplies, nothing, only bananas and coconuts.

After about four months, he is lying on the beach one day when the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen rows up to the shore.

In disbelief, he asks, "Where did you come from? How did you get here?"

She replies, "I rowed over from the other side of the island where I landed when my cruise ship sank."

"Amazing, "he notes. "You were really lucky to have a row boat wash up with you."

"Oh, this thing?" explains the woman. "I made the boat out of some raw material I found on the island. The oars were whittled from gum tree branches. I wove the bottom from palm tree branches, and the sides and stern came from a Eucalyptus tree."

"But, where did you get the tools?"

"Oh, that was no problem," replied the woman. "On the south side of the island, a very unusual stratum of alluvial rock is exposed. I found that if I fired it to a certain temperature in my kiln, it melted into ductile iron and I used that to make tools and used the tools to make the hardware."

The guy is stunned.

"Let's row over to my place," she says "and I'll give you a tour."

So, after a short time of rowing, she soon docks the boat at a small wharf. As the man looks to shore, he nearly falls off the boat. Before him is a long stone walk leading to a cabin and tree house.

While the woman ties up the rowboat with an expertly woven hemp rope, the man can only stare ahead, dumb struck. As they walk into the house, she says casually, "It's not much, but I call it home. Please sit down."

"Would you like a drink?"

"No! No thank you," the man blurts out, still dazed. "I can't take another drop of coconut juice."

"Oh it's not coconut juice," winks the woman. "I have a still. How would you like a Tropical Spritz?"

Trying to hide his continued amazement, the man accepts, and they sit down on her couch to talk. After they exchange their individual survival stories, the woman announces, "I'm going to slip into something more comfortable. Would you like to take a shower and shave? There's a razor in the bathroom cabinet upstairs."

No longer questioning anything, the man goes upstairs into the bathroom. There, in the cabinet is a razor made from a piece of tortoise bone. Two shells honed to a hollow ground edge are fastened on to its end inside a swivel mechanism.

"This woman is amazing," he muses. "What's next?"

When he returns, she greets him wearing nothing but some small flowers on tiny vines, each strategically positioned, she smelled faintly of gardenias. She then beckons for him to sit down next to her.

"Tell me," she begins suggestively, slithering closer to him, "We've both been out here for many months. You must have been lonely. When was the last time you played around?

She stares into his eyes. He can't believe what he's hearing.

"You mean..."

he swallows excitedly as tears start to form in his eyes,...

"You've built a Golf Course?"

12-05-2012, 12:50 PM
:D Jocko wanted desperately to have a good time with this really cute, really hot girl in his office. But she was dating someone else.
One day Jocko got so frustrated that he went to her and said I'll give you $100 if you let me have a good time with you. The girl looked at him and then said, "NO!"
Jocko said, "I'll be real fast. I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down and I'll finish by the time you've picked it up." She thought for a moment and said that she would consult with Bawanna.
So she called him and explained the situation. Bawanna says, "Ask him for $200 and pick up the money really fast. He won't even be able to get his pants down. Then give me a call."
She agreed and accepts the proposal.
Over half an hour goes by and Bawanna is still waiting for his girlfriend's call.
Finally, after 45 minutes the Bawanna calls and asks, "What happened?" Still breathing hard, she managed to reply, "The sly one had all quarters!"

12-05-2012, 02:31 PM
A cocky Department of Agriculture representative stopped at a farm and talked with an old farmer. He told the farmer, "I need to inspect your farm." The old farmer said "OK, but don't go in that field right over Yonder."

The Agriculture representative said, "Mr. I have the authority of the U. S. Government with me. See this card? This card means I am allowed to go WHEREVER I wish on any agricultural land..no questions asked or answered. Do you understand?"

The farmer nodded politely and went about his farm chores. Later, he heard loud screams and saw the Department of Agriculture Rep running for the fence and close behind was the farmer's huge-horned prize bull. The bull was madder than a nest full of hornets. The bull was gaining on the Rep at every step.

The Old farmer called out, "Show him your card!! Show him your card!!"

12-05-2012, 04:54 PM
Here is one of the funniest things I have read in ages, Jocko and Tinman will love it!http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/12/peta-crashes-biker-gathering-not-to-be-missed-2534390.html

12-05-2012, 05:03 PM
Give them biker fellers a double Harumph!!!!...:cool:

12-05-2012, 05:07 PM
Here is one of the funniest things I have read in ages, Jocko and Tinman will love it!http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/12/peta-crashes-biker-gathering-not-to-be-missed-2534390.html

there when they did that, u outta see what the bikers shoved up his ass before taping him to the tree. Naw he won't ever come around again:banplease:

MW surveyor
12-05-2012, 05:14 PM
to have more of this and will be surprised when they get it.

12-05-2012, 05:30 PM
Police officials declined comments on any leads or arrests due to the
ongoing nature of the investigation; however, organizers for the motorcycle club rally expressed “surprise” at the allegations.
“That’s preposterous,”said one high-ranking member of the biker organizing committee. “We were having a party, and these people showed up and were very rude to us. They threw things at us, called us names, and tried to ruin the entire event. So, what did we do? We invited them to the party!
What could be more friendly than that? You know, just because we are all members of motorcycle clubs does not mean we do not care about
inclusiveness. Personally, I think it shows a lack of character for them to be saying such nasty things about us after we bent over backwards to make them feel welcome.”
When confronted with the allegations of force-feeding the activist’s meat, using them as ad hoc latrines, leaving them incapacitated in fast food restaurant dumpsters, and ‘farting on their heads,’ the organizer declined to comment in detail. “That’s just our secret hand shake,” assured the organizer.

12-05-2012, 06:49 PM
I think we can all agree that the leather seats are over the top.:biggrin1:

MW surveyor
12-05-2012, 09:52 PM
and after a workout in the pool, me and my new workout partner decided to do some sit ups. I'm the one on the right.

12-06-2012, 06:20 AM
My H&K P2000SK 40 V2 LEM arrived yesterday.
Oh my how sweet that little gun is.
Turned her over to my gunsmith for XS 24/7 Express Big Dot NS, extended mag release and H&K factory V1 Light LEM springs.
Also just got a couple of boxes of Speer 180 gr 40 GDHP Short Barrel ammo for the 3.3" barreled gun.
I love how they shoot out of my Kahr MK40 Elite.

The V2 LEM trigger already feels like butter.
This is going to be fun.

12-06-2012, 06:56 AM
and after a workout in the pool, me and my new workout partner decided to do some sit ups. I'm the one on the right.

Somehow I pictured you with smaller flippers

MW surveyor
12-06-2012, 10:06 PM
Rudolph in town!:eek:

12-06-2012, 10:11 PM
Oh deer....:eek:

MW surveyor
12-06-2012, 10:32 PM
I've always gotten a chuckle out of the Gahan Wilson cartoon of the two deer with the caption "Bummer of a birth mark". This is the deer with the target on its chest.

12-07-2012, 05:11 PM
Oh deer....:eek:
Reminded me of this...

MW surveyor
12-07-2012, 05:20 PM
That is sooooooooooooo wrong. (but funny)

12-07-2012, 05:24 PM
A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized she was heading straight towards his seat.

As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, "Business trip or pleasure?"

She turned, smiled and said, "Business. I'm going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston."

He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs. Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, "What's your business role at this convention?" "Lecturer," she responded. "I use information that I have learned from my personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality."

"Really?" he said. "And what kind of myths are there?"

"Well," she explained, "one popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Jewish descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck."

Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed. "I'm sorry," she said, "I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with you. I don't even know your name."

"Tonto," the man said, "Tonto Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba.

12-07-2012, 05:41 PM
You can't fix stupid !!
http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/EXa3j8.gif (http://uberhumor.com/freeze-this-is-a-stick-u-oh-sit)

12-08-2012, 08:13 AM
That's one of the classics! Practice makes perfect... especially for us CC'ers. :)

Here's something I ran across in my Comics today. I never knew it had a name. I just thanked the other person for the dance!:D



MW surveyor
12-08-2012, 04:58 PM
Here's a different caption.

MW surveyor
12-08-2012, 05:06 PM
of the cymbal crash!

12-08-2012, 05:29 PM
Damn it, can't figure out the pictures thing again. I has a bunch of good ones too.

12-08-2012, 08:33 PM
One bullet left..what do you do ?
http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/6j7Rf2.gif (http://uberhumor.com/one-bullet-left)

12-09-2012, 08:15 AM
Hey guys,

NewEgg has this SAFE (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1B00B83546&nm_mc=EMC-MP120912&cm_mmc=EMC-MP120912-_-EMC-120912-Index-_-index-_-9SIA1B00B83546) for sale at $99.95 with FREE SHIPPING (m.s.r.p. $299.95). It is big enough to hold my guns, camera and some odds and ends. Comes with 4 anchor bolts. It is digital with backup keys. What do you think? Thanks! :)

12-09-2012, 08:38 AM
Great price!

I couldn't find any fire ratings listed. That would be my only question/concern.

That said, it has to be better than a dresser drawer.

12-09-2012, 08:47 AM
That would definitely slow down casual theft, but obviously it offers no fire protection. Are any of your guns polymer?? :boink::D


12-09-2012, 09:15 AM
What does a safe have to have to be fire safe? I imagine it would need to be much thicker and much more expensive? Casual theft is my main concern and probably all I could afford.

12-09-2012, 09:26 AM
I think thief would just take entire safe. I would think at the price it isn't much of a safe. I would pass.

12-09-2012, 09:28 AM
I'm more worried about theft, but part of being a "safe" is offering some fire protection. Yes, adding thickness and fire retardation does add a lot to the cost. You could stack plastic gallon bottles of water on top of the "safe".


12-09-2012, 09:30 AM
911 call
Caller: There’s a guy in my yard. He was trying to break in my door.
911: What is he doing now?
Caller : Decomposing. :40:

12-09-2012, 09:31 AM
Usually they are thicker steel and have a layer of x rated sheetrock, and maybe another material in combination.

They are definitely much pricier.

12-09-2012, 09:34 AM

12-09-2012, 09:37 AM
More "help" for our cause... how can people be so stupid??



12-09-2012, 01:15 PM
I think thief would just take entire safe. I would think at the price it isn't much of a safe. I would pass.

It comes with 4 anchor bolts to secure it to the floor, which I would do.

... You could stack plastic gallon bottles of water on top of the "safe".


Good idea! :D

12-09-2012, 01:28 PM
What a needless tragic accident. He said he didn't know it was loaded. I feel terrible for him, but dude, that is pretty stupid. :(

12-09-2012, 01:42 PM
Hey guys,

NewEgg has this SAFE (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1B00B83546&nm_mc=EMC-MP120912&cm_mmc=EMC-MP120912-_-EMC-120912-Index-_-index-_-9SIA1B00B83546) for sale at $99.95 with FREE SHIPPING (m.s.r.p. $299.95). It is big enough to hold my guns, camera and some odds and ends. Comes with 4 anchor bolts. It is digital with backup keys. What do you think? Thanks! :)

I have a fire safe like this for our important docs. You could also fit a few pistols in there. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005P12F2K/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1355081691&sr=8-1&pi=SL75

The next size up is double the price.

12-09-2012, 02:09 PM
Lorenzo, with Amazon Prime that ships free, too... AND a real combo lock + key.


12-09-2012, 02:14 PM
Lights are on the house, tree is up inside, new car in driveway. I'm done, Merry Christmas everyone!

12-09-2012, 03:18 PM
Lorenzo, with Amazon Prime that ships free, too... AND a real combo lock + key.


We have Amazon Prime and it has definitely been worth it. We buy lots of stuff on Amazon.

12-09-2012, 03:35 PM
Lights are on the house, tree is up inside, new car in driveway. I'm done, Merry Christmas everyone!

Ahhhh... Forget the stupid lights, the frigging fake tree can hibernate in it's box for another year.
Did do the new car thing, bought the wife a new Durango with the Hemi in it.

It's kind of nice that the kids are gone and we can go visit their trees. Who need the hassle??

Bah! Humbug. :rolleyes:

(it will be different next year with the Grandson toddling about, fer sure.)

12-09-2012, 06:29 PM
What's with all these new cars? I just bought my wife a new Hyundai Tucson.

mr surveyor
12-09-2012, 07:00 PM
my wife keeps finding new, unique ways to bend her old car:(

12-09-2012, 10:40 PM
Hey guys,

NewEgg has this SAFE (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1B00B83546&nm_mc=EMC-MP120912&cm_mmc=EMC-MP120912-_-EMC-120912-Index-_-index-_-9SIA1B00B83546) for sale at $99.95 with FREE SHIPPING (m.s.r.p. $299.95). It is big enough to hold my guns, camera and some odds and ends. Comes with 4 anchor bolts. It is digital with backup keys. What do you think? Thanks! :)

EDIT: Read the posts I neglected the first time and would advise buying the Sentry fireproof safe for only $50 more. Had I seen that before I bought mine I would have gotten it instead.


I have the same safe but got it at Harbor Freight. It is a deterrent safe, not one that will keep determined, experienced thieves from getting into it. Also, it is definitely not fire rated. However, if you don't have one and want some kind of safe without spending $400 or so I'd say it is better than nothing. I do not regret getting mine.

I also suggest mounting it in a corner and drilling holes into studs on both sides and using real lag bolts to secure it. I've heard they rip them out by kicking them sideways along a wall to loosen them and then kick it to break it free. If lagged both ways they don't have any leverage.

I've heard but don't know for sure that bad guys can zap the electronics with something that forces a reset to the default door code and they just open it. :eek:

12-10-2012, 09:19 AM
I have a fire safe like this for our important docs. You could also fit a few pistols in there. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005P12F2K/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1355081691&sr=8-1&pi=SL75

The next size up is double the price.

That's interesting Lorenzo. What are the actual inside dimensions?

12-10-2012, 03:50 PM

12-10-2012, 04:32 PM
Since when did YOU wait for Santa!??

I usually don't!:rolleyes:

I'm probably gonna spend... have already... enough on Beaujolais Nouveau to buy a really nice pistol! Even Wifey says I shouldn't buy any more! But I can get another case or so in my new (#3) cooler. That thing is rated for 52 bottles, but I took the shelf out of the bottom and can stick 16, or more, in there giving the cooler a capacity of about 62!!


12-10-2012, 04:39 PM
Wine over guns?:eek: Seek counseling my friend. I'd give up even my cheap scotch for more guns, actually I pretty much already did, no new guns but wife said no more cheap scotch and I don't think that means there will be any good stuff either.


12-10-2012, 04:48 PM
I uit driniing when my 2nd marriage came about. Seems to work pretty good..

12-10-2012, 05:02 PM
Wine over guns?:eek: Seek counseling my friend. I'd give up even my cheap scotch for more guns, actually I pretty much already did, no new guns but wife said no more cheap scotch and I don't think that means there will be any good stuff either.


http://www.boozelover.com/uploaded_images/grand-old-parr-712921.gif OR http://i1147.photobucket.com/albums/o542/tinman507/1911M1A1.jpg

No Contest

12-11-2012, 12:22 AM
That's interesting Lorenzo. What are the actual inside dimensions?

Mine is about 12" x 12" x 12" inside dimensions. They have similar ones at Sam's Club, and I think that is where we bought ours. It has barrel keys and a keypad. And 6 bolts in the door. It weighs a ton, so I didn't bother bolting it down. For me it was about keeping important docs from burning (including the wedding album).

12-11-2012, 06:26 AM
Even with the weather at near 80 temperatures;
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

My new HK P2000SK should be ready for a test run this Friday.
I just can't wait.

Woo Hoo!

12-11-2012, 08:19 AM
Mine is about 12" x 12" x 12" inside dimensions. They have similar ones at Sam's Club, and I think that is where we bought ours. It has barrel keys and a keypad. And 6 bolts in the door. It weighs a ton, so I didn't bother bolting it down. For me it was about keeping important docs from burning (including the wedding album).

Thanks. I think it will do what I need it for: store my important papers and the pistols I am not carrying that day. I checked and Home Depot has them at $159. I am strongly considering it.

12-11-2012, 09:11 PM
The nice thing about Gunsafes is they hold their value extreamly well. I bought a Bear safe (Keyed), large, but unlined, 18 to 20 years ago for $500 bucks. While standing around with freinds a while back, I mentioned my intention to buy a new larger (fire rated) safe to replace my old Bear.
One guy asked how much for my old safe? I said how about $450 seemed about right. Next thing I know, there is a bidding war going on with the final number being $617.50...
This on the suggestion I would be selling. Later that day, two other guys sought me out to ask "you have a gunsafe for sale"???
Buy the best you can afford, you'll never lose money on it.
Good luck.

12-11-2012, 10:02 PM
Even with the weather at near 80 temperatures;
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

My new HK P2000SK should be ready for a test run this Friday.
I just can't wait.

Woo Hoo!

Is that what Cost Rican natives look like?

12-12-2012, 06:01 AM
Is that what Cost Rican natives look like?

mr surveyor
12-12-2012, 08:55 AM
I'm not gonna say a word.... I bet she's someone's daughter

12-12-2012, 10:19 AM
I'm not gonna say a word.... I bet she's someone's daughter

Lol, that's a pretty safe bet....

12-12-2012, 10:50 AM
Is she legal? I better stop now.

12-12-2012, 11:01 AM
Well, she is cute as a bug's ear and has a very nice smile. Bet she makes her daddy smile.

MW surveyor
12-12-2012, 11:08 AM
I'm not gonna say a word.... I bet she's someone's daughter

Now don't take this the wrong way but, I'd double down on a bet like that. :w00t:

12-12-2012, 05:30 PM

12-12-2012, 05:33 PM
I'm sure it goes without saying but I want that. Put wheels on it and it would be my every day driver!

12-12-2012, 08:44 PM

12-12-2012, 08:53 PM
I entered this giveaway and you can, too.
12 Days of Christmas Gun Sweepstakes (http://wingunsandknives.upickem.net/r/2sj53Yv3nma?r=14158)

12-13-2012, 11:58 AM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrv6POwThLaYtVGUjknaTxNaXGCje8c p9zIBcaYK0wLyfTQVKhe69U-UE3GA

12-13-2012, 01:02 PM

12-13-2012, 01:33 PM
I'm pretty sure that even if you attempt to uninstall the wife program
it leaves residual hooks that cannot be removed for 18 years.
Also the dreaded divorce lawyer virus installs with the wife software.

You're only real option is to give the damn thing to your worst enemy and run for the hills.

(or Costa Rica)

12-13-2012, 05:08 PM

12-13-2012, 05:13 PM
New horn for the cycle....

MW surveyor
12-13-2012, 05:32 PM
senior moments. Guess they really want to make sure the geezers turn the right way (left).

12-13-2012, 06:09 PM

12-13-2012, 06:12 PM
just to much talent on this forum. Just sayin.. u know if some of u guys would just follow ol jocko's format and never post anything that is not related to gun and gun issues and stick to the topic at all times We would not be seeing posts locked etc. Just sayin.

12-13-2012, 06:36 PM
just to much talent on this forum. Just sayin.. u know if some of u guys would just follow ol jocko's format and never post anything that is not related to gun and gun issues and stick to the topic at all times We would not be seeing posts locked etc. Just sayin.

I can't believe you said that out loud???

12-13-2012, 06:44 PM
I can't believe you said that out loud???

Some say that it's easier to sell a big lie than a little one. Sort of a "go for the gold" mentality.


12-13-2012, 07:19 PM
What the heck is going on here ? I was off line one day and when I come back.. Jocko's talking out of his head and Bawanna's a colonel !!

12-13-2012, 07:39 PM
It's kahrtalk my friend. Don't miss a single moment.

12-13-2012, 09:26 PM

The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American History: Who said 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death'?"

She sees a sea of blank faces, except for Little Akio, a bright Japanese foreign exchange student, who has his hand up: "Patrick Henry, 1775.", he says.

"'Very good! Who said, 'Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth'?"

Again, no response except from Little Akio: "Abraham Lincoln, 1863."

"Excellent!", says the teacher continuing, "let's try one a bit more difficult. Who said, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?'"

Once again, Akio's was the only hand in the air and he says: "John F. Kennedy, 1961."

At this point, the teacher snaps at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed of yourselves, Little Akio isn't from this country and he knows more about our history than you do."

She hears a loud whisper: "F_ _ k the Japs."

"Who said that? I want to know right now!" she angrily demanded.

Little Akio puts his hand up, "General MacArthur, 1945."

At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke."

The teacher glares around and asks, "All right!!! Now who said that!?"

Again, Little Akio says, "George H. W. Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991."

Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? Suck this!"

Little Akio jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"

Now with almost mob hysteria someone says, "You little s__t. If you say anything else, I'll kill you!"

Little Akio frantically yells at the top of his voice, "Michael Jackson to the children testifying against him, 2004."

The teacher fainted. As the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone says, "Oh s__t, We're screwed!"

Little Akio says quietly, "The American people, November 4, 2008!"

12-14-2012, 05:59 PM
I decided to get the safe I was looking at, the SentrySafe SFW123DSB 1.23 cubic feet combination fire-safe. The best deal was $146.97 at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/SentrySafe-SFW123DSB-Combination-Fire-Safe-Medium/dp/B005P12F2K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355527528&sr=8-1&keywords=sentry+safe+1.23+cu+ft), and by far the most convenient with FREE Super-Saver Shipping to my door - a savings of $74.86! (A lot better than paying $159 at Lowe's and trying to wrestle it home! :eek:) Just call me the Super Shopper! JMHO, but I think I did pretty good! :D

Frankly, I don't know how they can absorb the $75 shipping cost and make any profit at all.

http://c.shld.net/rpx/i/s/pi/mp/16772/6133568607p?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hudsonmayor.com%2 Fimages%2F41meyNKzpmL.jpg&d=0d7dd817f6aeaf69824f44beb5e3892eff29a29f

Shipping Details : (order will arrive in 1 shipment)
Order #: ............................. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shipping Method: ............... FREE Super Saver Shipping
Items: ................................. $150.96
Shipping & Handling: .............. $74.86
Super Saver Discount: .......... -$74.86
............................. ------
Total before tax: .................. $150.96
Estimated tax to be collected: ... $0.00
............................. ------
Order Total: ..................... $150.96

Delivery estimate: Dec. 20, 2012 - Dec. 22, 2012
1 "Silica Gel - 3 Grams - 10 Packets"
Misc.; $3.99
In Stock
Sold by: Dannecker Auto (http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/home.html/ref=ox_oce_seller_home?ie=UTF8&seller=A3SBI9LLWFEKO0)
1 "SentrySafe SFW123DSB 1.23 Cubic Feet Combination Fire-Safe, Medium Grey"
Tools & Home Improvement; $146.97
In Stock
Sold by: Amazon.com LLC (http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/home.html/ref=ox_oce_seller_home?ie=UTF8&seller=ATVPDKIKX0DER)

12-14-2012, 09:49 PM
I sure wish I'd seen that safe before I bought my cheapo non-fireproof version. One thing I read in reviews indicated the handle may not stand up to jerking on it too vigorously but I'm sure it will take "normal" use - although I don't many "normal" people around here.

MW surveyor
12-14-2012, 09:58 PM
define normal. There are probably a lot of normal people around here. Unfortunately they don't post as much.

Just to keep this on the lighter side:

12-14-2012, 10:08 PM
December means time to celebrate Christmas! The Reason for the Season in no uncertain terms.......and the end of this year, beginning of a new one and chance to further do some good for my family, others, and myself.

Geologist Bob
US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

12-15-2012, 07:04 PM
The children were gathered on the front pew one Sunday morning for the Children's Sermon. The minister asked, "Does anyone know what the resurrection is?"

One little boy blurted out, "If you have a resurrection that lasts longer than four hours, you have to see a doctor."

12-15-2012, 07:10 PM
Received in an E-mail. No idea whether it's true, but it's too good to ignore.


In Florida, an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.

The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!"

The lawyer immediately stood and objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays..."

The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counselor, is woefully ignorant."

The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists."

The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore,
April 1st is his day."

Court is adjourned..."

You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!

12-16-2012, 10:27 AM
No dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.

However, in a recent linguistic conference held in London, England, and attended by some of the best linguists in the world: Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese, was the clear winner.

His final challenge was this: Some say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. Please explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand.

Here is his astute answer:
"When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. But, when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!"

His answer was received with a standing ovation lasting over 5 minutes.

12-16-2012, 10:30 AM
Money cannot buy happiness, but its more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.
Forgive your enemy, but remember his name.
Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they're in trouble again.
Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.
Reforming Obama voters is like trying to pick up a turd by its clean end.

12-16-2012, 11:20 AM
I watched Trouble With the Curve, Eastwoods latest movie last night. It doesn't come out till Tuesday but my kid works at a video store and he can borrow them until the release date.

I give it two thumbs up, well worth watching and typical Eastwood fashion. Only he can do things in movies that no one else can do.

12-16-2012, 12:39 PM
I decided to get the safe I was looking at, the SentrySafe SFW123DSB 1.23 cubic feet combination fire-safe. The best deal was $146.97...

Awesome! Nice find. I'm sure you'll like it.

12-16-2012, 02:06 PM
I watched Trouble With the Curve, Eastwoods latest movie last night. It doesn't come out till Tuesday but my kid works at a video store and he can borrow them until the release date.

I give it two thumbs up, well worth watching and typical Eastwood fashion. Only he can do things in movies that no one else can do.

We saw it in the theater and I absolutely loved it. Another facet to Eastwood I hadn't seen before. He's terrific.

12-18-2012, 01:46 PM
I just saw a big sticker on the back of a truck window that made me think of Jocko...and while I know it isn't the exact same thing, it still made me think of him.

"Nothing makes me happier than my Black Fat Boy."

12-18-2012, 01:49 PM

12-18-2012, 02:19 PM
Here is one of the funniest things I have read in ages, Jocko and Tinman will love it!http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/12/peta-crashes-biker-gathering-not-to-be-missed-2534390.html

LOL! I had missed this but just about peed myself laughing at it! That is really hillarious! :D

12-18-2012, 02:35 PM
I have a fire safe like this for our important docs. You could also fit a few pistols in there. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005P12F2K/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1355081691&sr=8-1&pi=SL75

The next size up is double the price.

Thanks for the lead LorenzoB. :yo:

Lorenzo, with Amazon Prime that ships free, too... AND a real combo lock + key.


Yeah, that's a plus IMO.

I decided to get the safe I was looking at, the SentrySafe SFW123DSB 1.23 cubic feet combination fire-safe. The best deal was $146.97 at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/SentrySafe-SFW123DSB-Combination-Fire-Safe-Medium/dp/B005P12F2K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355527528&sr=8-1&keywords=sentry+safe+1.23+cu+ft), and by far the most convenient with FREE Super-Saver Shipping to my door - a savings of $74.86! (A lot better than paying $159 at Lowe's and trying to wrestle it home! :eek:) Just call me the Super Shopper! JMHO, but I think I did pretty good! :D

Frankly, I don't know how they can absorb the $75 shipping cost and make any profit at all.

http://c.shld.net/rpx/i/s/pi/mp/16772/6133568607p?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hudsonmayor.com%2 Fimages%2F41meyNKzpmL.jpg&d=0d7dd817f6aeaf69824f44beb5e3892eff29a29f

Shipping Details : (order will arrive in 1 shipment)
Order #: ............................. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shipping Method: ............... FREE Super Saver Shipping
Items: ................................. $150.96
Shipping & Handling: .............. $74.86
Super Saver Discount: .......... -$74.86
............................. ------
Total before tax: .................. $150.96
Estimated tax to be collected: ... $0.00
............................. ------
Order Total: ..................... $150.96

Delivery estimate: Dec. 20, 2012 - Dec. 22, 2012
1 "Silica Gel - 3 Grams - 10 Packets"
Misc.; $3.99
In Stock
Sold by: Dannecker Auto (http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/home.html/ref=ox_oce_seller_home?ie=UTF8&seller=A3SBI9LLWFEKO0)
1 "SentrySafe SFW123DSB 1.23 Cubic Feet Combination Fire-Safe, Medium Grey"
Tools & Home Improvement; $146.97
In Stock
Sold by: Amazon.com LLC (http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/home.html/ref=ox_oce_seller_home?ie=UTF8&seller=ATVPDKIKX0DER)

The safe arrived today, a day early. The UPS man left it on my front porch while I was at the grocery store. I managed to slide it inside and get it unpacked. I like it! It seems to be of good quality and has plenty of room for my important papers, camera and my pistols. In fact, it is roomier than I thought, so I have some room for a couple of additions! :D I still have to clear out a place for it in a bedroom closet and get it positioned. It would sure be more convenient to access if it were sitting on some sort of stand or table. It would have to be something sturdy. I'll be looking around. Thanks everybody for the guidance! :)

12-18-2012, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the lead LorenzoB. :yo:

....It would sure be more convenient to access if it were sitting on some sort of stand or table. It would have to be something sturdy. I'll be looking around. Thanks everybody for the guidance! :)

You're welcome.

That would be good to have a stand now that you mention it! It is pretty heavy, so you would have to be careful to buy or build something sturdy and also attach it to the wall so it doesn't fall on small pets or your foot. :p

12-18-2012, 04:26 PM

12-18-2012, 04:29 PM

12-18-2012, 04:45 PM
A balding, white haired man from Sherman Oaks in California , walked into a jewelry store in a local mall this past Friday evening with a beautiful much younger gal at his side.
He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend.
The jeweler looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring.
The man said, 'No, I'd like to see something more special.'
At that statement, the jeweler went to his special stock and brought another ring over.
'Here's a stunning ring at only $40,000' the jeweler said.
The lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement.
The old man seeing this said, 'We'll take it.'
The jeweler asked how payment would be made and the man stated, 'By check. I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds and I'll pick up the ring Monday afternoon.'
On Monday morning, the jeweler angrily phoned the old man and said, 'There was only $25 in your account.'
'I know, said the old man, 'But let me tell you about MY GREAT WEEKEND!'

REMEMBER... Not All Seniors Are Senile..

12-18-2012, 04:46 PM
Now thats funny right there, I don't care who you are!!!

12-18-2012, 04:51 PM
where did the money go??? I'm from Indiana,close to Missouri. Just sayin.

12-18-2012, 04:55 PM
where did the money go??? I'm from Indiana,close to Missouri. Just sayin.

The money wasn't ever there, Jocko. The old man just played a ruse to get a slam bang weekend with the young hottie.

12-18-2012, 04:58 PM
oh, I see, alittle slow today. In my area, u don't have to wine and dine these gals. they normaly just give it away...

12-18-2012, 05:09 PM
Still laughing over the PETA idiots protesting the biker event. That has to be the stupidest bunch of idiots I've heard of recently. Biker gangs and their "wanton" use of leather...... blah blah blah. ROFL.
Leather is worn as protection in case of a mishap not so much as a fashion statement, although it is that to some degree too, especially to HD riders. You see a lot of people on the Metric cruisers and baggers with their $1000 riding suits, which just doesn't quite look right on a Harley. Not sure if it offers any better protection in a crash. They are pretty nice in inclement weather I hear.

12-18-2012, 06:01 PM
probably doesnt help uch more in a crash, but maybe it makes for a better showing at the funeral home. ur still dead, whether ur brain is spread all along the highway or still inside ur head in the casket, ur still dead

Just sayin

12-19-2012, 12:20 AM
My buddy had to lay down his bike, a big something that kinda looks like a HD but isn't. He rode it quite a ways before it bucked him off and he got a decent burn, but nothing like if he had just a tshirt or other cotton shirt.

12-19-2012, 07:49 AM
There was a bit of confusion at the store this morning. When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me."

Making a mental note to complain to my congressman about Homeland Security running amok, I did just as she had instructed.

When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card.

I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future. They really need to make their instructions to seniors a little clearer!http://www.hdforums.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_idea.gif

12-19-2012, 12:47 PM
Good for a quick laugh: http://youtu.be/hk0wGmVvI2Y

12-19-2012, 01:13 PM
Funny Song, though Bawanna may take some offense... :P

MW surveyor
12-19-2012, 02:28 PM
Funny Song, though Bawanna may take some offense... :P

I don't think he'll take any offense. It is like Christmas every day to us brass rats at the range!:D

12-19-2012, 02:32 PM
I really like the term "brass rats"....

12-19-2012, 02:33 PM
Funny Song, though Bawanna may take some offense... :P

not bawanna, it would take him a month to figure out if it was directed at him even, and by then all would have been forgotten. Just sayin

12-19-2012, 02:35 PM
not bawanna, it would take him a month to figure out if it was directed at him even, and by then all would have been forgotten. Just sayin

He'd be too busy reloading to actually catch on to the fact the song is against reloading...I see what you're saying.

12-19-2012, 02:46 PM
u might have to explain that to Bawanna though. His chair has the small size tires on it, so he is kinda slow. Just sayin

12-19-2012, 03:32 PM
Being audio challenged and not even having a phone or speakers here at work I can't even defend myself or know if I need to.

I too, like the term brass rat. Kind of catchy in a rodent sort of fashion.

12-19-2012, 03:34 PM
I've already figured the next time I head to the range, I'll be saving up my brass to ship to bawanna....Might as well help feed his addiction, though it sounds like he needs bullets more than the brass. I don't know if I can make that work, I couldn't even find the last arrow I put through a deer, let alone a bullet, but we'll see what I can do.

12-19-2012, 03:44 PM
I got bullets on order finally. I should be in good shape for several weeks unless big brother comes calling. Course is there ever really enough ammo or magazines?

Maybe we should create a "Brother Needs" thread. Take care of one another you know?

12-19-2012, 03:47 PM
Another gun forum several years ago had a "pay it forward thread" that was really successful. Basically people would list gun things they had they didn't want/need anymore and whoever asked for it first got it. It was really cool and I got some good stuff out of it (AR stock/buffer/spring, a few magazine, scope rings, etc) and I thinned my random parts collection considerably. Could be a fun idea to get going.

12-19-2012, 03:51 PM
Where you been Justin, we been doing that amongst ourselves here for a long time.
Swapping, trading, gifting.

Jeepster's sent me some scope rings and a couple other things, Old Lincoln sent me some of my favorite Precision Delta bullets in my dire moment of need.

We got a reloading setup up for grabs to qualified members.

I think we could do more just as you suggest but we got a lot of pay it forward people around here.

Heck Jocko has sent me 23 horse heads and 14 fish. Generous one that one.

12-19-2012, 03:57 PM

12-19-2012, 03:57 PM
I'm hoping you're kidding about the reloading setup up for grabs....or at least let me in on what one does to get qualified....

12-19-2012, 04:10 PM
I thought this would be the Colonel's response.....


12-19-2012, 04:31 PM
I'm hoping you're kidding about the reloading setup up for grabs....or at least let me in on what one does to get qualified....


12-19-2012, 04:39 PM
How in the world did I miss that?! My name is added! Thanks Bawanna...but if I happen to win it I might not be sending my old brass your way....

MW surveyor
12-19-2012, 04:45 PM
After the first of the year, I may have some more items up for grabs.

12-19-2012, 04:47 PM
I most likely will too. I already have a few AR parts...in fact I think I will go start a thread for free stuff. I know I have some M4 handguards and a stock CMMG pistol grip, as I swapped mine out on my new AR, that are taking up space.

I need to really dig through everything and figure out what all I have.

MW surveyor
12-19-2012, 04:51 PM
Like you I've seen some of the "pay it forward" threads on other forums and thought about making something like it here. With the press, I wanted to give everyone here a chance rather than the first one that answered. Some people do have to work. :(

12-19-2012, 04:55 PM
Ha, I understand, but luckily for me I am on here while at work. And no worries. On something big like that press you should be able to select whomever you want, and not have to worry about the whole "Dibs" thing.

I've created a thread for it and "stuck" it. I'll look around tonight and see what I have to offer.

12-19-2012, 05:15 PM
Our Terre Haute gun shop TOP GUN is standing room only.

Gender Mt in TH is packed in the gun dept.

Thank you obummer, u twitt..

12-19-2012, 05:17 PM
One things for certain he's in the running for the Firearm salesman of the year award for the 4th year running. Twit!

12-19-2012, 06:34 PM
And Time's Man of the Year for 2012. Surprised?

12-19-2012, 07:07 PM
[QUOTE=Bawanna;205293]One things for certain he's in the running for the Firearm andsaid his buddy called him and toldhim he bought two ar's inIndy today for a grand each and had to wait over 2 hours to ge to the front counter even..

12-19-2012, 09:36 PM
I have a buddy at work who is a Brooklyn-ite and as yankee as they come. He sought me out today to tell me he had picked up a Sig AR and four 30rnd mags on Saturday.
"Really" I said "Whats that about"?
He replied "the man ain't going to tell me what rights I can exersise..." and he said it with a broad smile.
I am so proud.

12-20-2012, 11:42 AM
I have a buddy at work who is a Brooklyn-ite and as yankee as they come. He sought me out today to tell me he had picked up a Sig AR and four 30rnd mags on Saturday.
"Really" I said "Whats that about"?
He replied "the man ain't going to tell me what rights I can exersise..." and he said it with a broad smile.
I am so proud.

I have never owned an assault weapon.
But there is a very clear agenda to disarm America in the works.
So I too feel compelled to exercise my rights while I still can.
If nothing more than a strong statement to this administration of how much I value my personal freedom.
I too have purchased an AK and some 30 round mags.

For what is life if we don't have our freedom?

12-20-2012, 01:28 PM
I had at oe time a NFA registered colt AR15. shoot it very few times just never really liked the gun . This was 30 years ago, sold it--legally. Back then I never heard of the word assault rifle...

MW surveyor
12-20-2012, 01:40 PM

Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks. Walk to bathroom wearing long robe. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror -- make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts, etc. Get in the shower. Use wash cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone......

Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins. Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean. Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.

Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash. Rinse conditioner off hair. Shave armpits and legs. Rinse off. Turn off shower. Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower. Spray mold spots with Tilex.. Get out of shower. Dry with towel the size of a small country. Wrap hair in super absorbent towel. Return to bedroom wearing long robe and towel on head. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.


Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile. Walk naked to the bathroom. If you see wife along the way, shake wiener at her making the woo-woo sound.

Look at your manly physique in the mirror. Admire the size of your wiener and scratch your butt. Get in the shower. Wash your face. Wash your armpits. Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse them off. Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower. Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.

Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs stuck on the soap. Wash your hair. Make a Shampoo Mohawk. Pee. Rinse off and get out of shower. Partially dry off. Fail to notice the water on floor because curtain was hanging out of tub the whole time. Admire wiener size in mirror again.

Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, and light and fan on. Return to bedroom with towel around waist. If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake wiener at her and make the woo-woo sound again. Throw wet towel on bed.

12-20-2012, 01:58 PM
I have never owned an assault weapon.
But there is a very clear agenda to disarm America in the works.
So I too feel compelled to exercise my rights while I still can.
If nothing more than a strong statement to this administration of how much I value my personal freedom.
I too have purchased an AK and some 30 round mags.

For what is life if we don't have our freedom?

So lucky.....all my guns fell in lake on boating trip.:eek:

12-20-2012, 02:05 PM
So lucky.....all my guns fell in lake on boating trip.:eek:

I still have my guns.
But have permanently left the country until such time that America is free again!

12-20-2012, 02:55 PM
I still have my guns.
But have permanently left the country until such time that America is free again!

When I retired for good I look at what would be a good place to live. After ruling out the places that have become too rotten I took a very hard look at Costa Rica. Some expats said it's more dangerous than years before but mainly complained that as the dollar has gone weak the cost of living there is about as high as the USA.

If you don't mind my asking, what is your situation there? Expensive, safe, medical, etc.

12-20-2012, 05:04 PM
Well, after the abominably incompetent & corrupt Fast & Furious ATFE gun running scandal, having Obama & Eric Holder lecture law-abiding American citizens about gun control is like having Jerry Sandusky lecturing Mary Poppins on childcare

12-20-2012, 07:09 PM
A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected:

half-gallon of 2% milk,

a carton of eggs,

a quart of orange juice,

a head of romaine lettuce,

a 2 lb. can of coffee and

a 1 lb. package of bacon.

As she was unloading her items on the conveyor belt to check out, a wobbly drunk standing behind her watched as she placed the items in front of the cashier.

While the cashier was ringing up her purchases, the drunk calmly stated,"You musht be single."

The woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but she was intrigued by the derelict's questionable intuition, since she was indeed single.

She looked at her six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the drunk to her marital status.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she said "Well, you know what, you're absolutely correct. But how on earth did you know that?"
The drunk replied, " 'Cause you're ugly."

12-20-2012, 07:15 PM
Four guys have been going on the same golf trip for many years. This year, Ralph's wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn't going. And thus he calls his buddies and tells them the bad news.

Two days later, the 3 other guys arrive at the resort to begin their yearly golf getaway. And of all things, they find Ralph sitting there with his clubs already set up on his cart.

"Dang Ralphie boy, how did you talk your missus into letting you go?"

"Well, yesterday evening, after my wife finished reading 'Fifty Shades Of Gray,' she pulled me into our bedroom. On the bed she had handcuffs and ropes! She told me to tie and cuff her to the bed, and I did.

"Then she said, 'Do whatever you want.'"

"So, Here I am!"

12-20-2012, 07:48 PM
Written almost 250 years ago by Cesare Beccaria, This passage was important enough for Thomas Jefferson to write it down in his "Book of Commonplace". It's too bad we can't get our politicians to see the common sense of it today.

"A principal source of errors and injustice are false ideas of utility. For example: that legislator has false ideas of utility who considers particular more than general conveniences, who had rather command the sentiments of mankind than excite them, who dares say to reason, 'Be thou a slave;' who would sacrifice a thousand real advantages to the fear of an imaginary or trifling inconvenience; who would deprive men of the use of fire for fear of their being burnt, and of water for fear of their being drowned; and who knows of no means of preventing evil but by destroying it.

The laws of this nature are those which forbid to wear arms, disarming those only who are not disposed to commit the crime which the laws mean to prevent. Can it be supposed, that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity, and the most important of the code, will respect the less considerable and arbitrary injunctions, the violation of which is so easy, and of so little comparative importance?

Does not the execution of this law deprive the subject of that personal liberty, so dear to mankind and to the wise legislator? and does it not subject the innocent to all the disagreeable circumstances that should only fall on the guilty?

It certainly makes the situation of the assaulted worse, and of the assailants better, and rather encourages than prevents murder, as it requires less courage to attack unarmed than armed persons."

12-20-2012, 07:51 PM

12-20-2012, 07:54 PM

12-20-2012, 08:02 PM
http://www.taurusarmed.net/forums/attachments/lounge/43073d1355978608t-if-you-ever-testify-court-382117_4081484871188_869000526_n.jpg (http://www.taurusarmed.net/forums/attachments/lounge/43073d1355978608-if-you-ever-testify-court-382117_4081484871188_869000526_n.jpg)

If you ever testify in court, you might wish you could have been as sharp as this policeman. http://www.taurusarmed.net/forums/images/smilies/gr_stretch.gif

He was being cross-examined by a defense attorney during a felony trial. The lawyer was trying to undermine the police officer's credibility .....

Q: 'Officer --- did you see my client fleeing the scene?'

A: 'No sir. But I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender, running several blocks away.'

Q: 'Officer, who provided this description?'

A: 'The officer who responded to the scene.'

Q: 'A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?'

A: 'Yes, sir. With my life.'

Q: 'With your life? Let me ask you this then officer. Do you have a room where you change your clothes in preparation for your daily duties?'

A: 'Yes sir, we do!'

Q: 'And do you have a locker in the room?'

A: 'Yes, sir, I do.'

Q: 'And do you have a lock on your locker?'

A: 'Yes, sir.'

Q: 'Now, why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow officers with your life, you find it necessary to lock your locker in a room you share with these same officers?'

A: 'You see, sir, we share the building with the court complex, and sometimes lawyers have been known to walk through that room.'

The courtroom EXPLODED with laughter, and a prompt recess was called. The officer on the stand has been nominated for this year's 'Best Comeback' line -- and we think he'll win.

12-21-2012, 03:33 PM
The mailman just delivered two large very heavy boxes. I can't believe my beloved Precision Delta bullets got here this quickly. Last order I had to wait awhile.

I was shocked they even had any in stock the way things are and should check, maybe I just got in under the wire for once.

My reloading inventory for 45 is looking just fine and dandy again.

Mom said they have to go under the tree which is fine, at least they are here and ready when needed.

Sweet relief.

12-22-2012, 10:37 AM

That's the walking dead if I've ever seen it.

12-22-2012, 04:38 PM
Not a big Tom Cruise fan and expected nothing from this film.
I was pleasantly surprised.
It's actually watchable and reasonably entertaining.

12-22-2012, 04:51 PM
The mailman just delivered two large very heavy boxes. I can't believe my beloved Precision Delta bullets got here this quickly. Last order I had to wait awhile.

I was shocked they even had any in stock the way things are and should check, maybe I just got in under the wire for once.

My reloading inventory for 45 is looking just fine and dandy again.

Mom said they have to go under the tree which is fine, at least they are here and ready when needed.

Sweet relief.

they know ur reputation:popcorn:

12-22-2012, 07:12 PM
I just can't envision Pretty Boy Tom Cruise playing 6'4" bully boy tough Jack Reacher, who settles everything with his fists. I think a better fit would have been The Rock or half a dozen other tough guys out there, maybe even some new tough guy. I'v read 4 of the book series and have been spreading them out as they are a bit repetitious. Time for #5 I guess.

12-22-2012, 07:42 PM
I just can't envision Pretty Boy Tom Cruise playing 6'4" bully boy tough Jack Reacher, who settles everything with his fists. I think a better fit would have been The Rock or half a dozen other tough guys out there, maybe even some new tough guy. I'v read 4 of the book series and have been spreading them out as they are a bit repetitious. Time for #5 I guess.

I felt the same way.
I might be exaggerating;
but a 50 year old, 5'7", Tom Cruise seemed ridiculousness for the role.
I know the movie looks like Faster with a new title.
It's actually a murder mystery.
The fighting is very much secondary.

The movie actually works - IMHO.
And although maybe a bit of a stretch, Cruise does a good job with the role.

mr surveyor
12-22-2012, 11:05 PM
you guys actually spend hard earned money to watch and support these sleazy hollywood characters?

12-23-2012, 09:43 AM
you guys actually spend hard earned money to watch and support these sleazy hollywood characters?

I'm bored and looking for some meaningless entertainment.
Whatever these folks do on their free time is their business.

I understand Jolie and Pitt are both gun owners.
Angelina actually owns, and is ready to use, Tomb Raider style pistols to
protect herself and family.
BTW that's a jet funnel hi cap HK my ex has in her hands.

12-23-2012, 04:35 PM

12-23-2012, 04:42 PM

12-23-2012, 04:46 PM

12-23-2012, 07:01 PM
Before he became a Dr.!!!
http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BMU8j.gif (http://uberhumor.com/and-then-he-became-a-doctor)

12-23-2012, 09:13 PM
Senior sex

The husband leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made love to you."

Yes, she says, "I remember it well."

OK, he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time's sake?"

"Oh Jim, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea!"

A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, having a chuckle to himself, he thinks to himself, I've got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence. I'll just keep an eye on them so there's no trouble. So he follows them.

The elderly couple walks haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in.. Then suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes while both are making loud noises and moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on the ground.

The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn't know.

After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman, is still watching and thinks to himself, this is truly amazing, I've got to ask them what their secret is.

So, as the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must've had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?"

Shaking, the old man is barely able to reply,

"Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence.

12-23-2012, 10:07 PM


12-24-2012, 11:51 AM
Was in the grocery store yesterday with the wife and I think everyone else in the world and it was quite loud and I am pretty deaf...Wife was pushing the cart in front of me and mumbled sumthin but I couldn't tell what and I said Whats that? what did you say??? Well she got all mad and said, You old fart, if you don't give in and go get a hearing aid I'm going to stop talking to you at all!!!!....I smiled to myself and realized that I had finally gotten the Christmas present I'd always dreamed about...:cool:

12-24-2012, 12:37 PM
I can totally relate to that. My people get frustrated and then they yell which doesn't help any.

Sometimes being deaf is really not all bad.

12-24-2012, 12:39 PM
I can totally relate to that. My people get frustrated and then they yell which doesn't help any.

Sometimes being deaf is really not all bad.

I have almost no sense of smell.
The few times I have smelled something foul has made me appreciate the way I am.

12-24-2012, 12:56 PM
She probably got mad because he forgot her name again... calling her "Hugh!" Well, maybe he meant Huh? A little Jocko typing there??:boink:


12-24-2012, 01:05 PM
She probably got mad because he forgot her name again... calling her "Hugh!" Well, maybe he meant Huh? A little Jocko typing there??:boink:


Babe and Honey always worked for me...

12-24-2012, 02:17 PM
No Wyn it was definitely the Huh that did it....That d@mned little G key keeps getting in the way, I know a Hugh and he's a nice feller and not near as wide or mean as Mrs. Getsome so there's no mistaking the two of um!!!...:p

12-25-2012, 06:50 PM
Hey! I hope all of you had or are having a wonderful Christmas. My wife and I had a great meal... I cooked... roasted a duck... with rice dressing... comes with the Maple Farm farm-raised duck, yeast rolls(with real butter), cranberry sauce, sliced avocado... and of course, some of the remaining 5 cases of Beaujolais Nouveau.

I kind of regret not getting an "assault rifle"... .308 for those uninvited visitors with body armor.

It has been a great evening and Wifey's going to bed soon becuase she gets up around o'dark-something... 0500... for work! Just the two of us and a great meal... no TV... just the Christmas music playing in the other room.

I'm sipping some Kahlua-flavored coffee... to which I added real Kahlua. And James Taylor just finished singing "Have Yourself a Wonderful Little Christmas." Now Jewel is singing "Winter Wonderland"... sigh.

Oh, I wanted to include this photo and think about our brethren in arms all over the world who aren't so lucky to be home with their families. They aren't forgotten by all of us and we're so thankful for their service.


12-25-2012, 07:04 PM
Hey! I hope all of you had or are having a wonderful Christmas. My wife and I had a great meal... I cooked... roasted a duck... with rice dressing... comes with the Maple Farm farm-raised duck, yeast rolls(with real butter), cranberry sauce, sliced avocado... and of course, some of the remaining 5 cases of Beaujolais Nouveau.

I kind of regret not getting an "assault rifle"... .308 for those uninvited visitors with body armor.

It has been a great evening and Wifey's going to bed soon becuase she gets up around o'dark-something... 0500... for work! Just the two of us and a great meal... no TV... just the Christmas music playing in the other room.

I'm sipping some Kahlua-flavored coffee... to which I added real Kahlua. And James Taylor just finished singing "have Yourself a Wonderful Little Christmas." Now Jewel is singing Winter Wonderland... sigh.

Oh, I wanted to include this photo and think about our brethren in arms all over the world who aren't so lucky to be home with their families. They aren't forgotten by all of us and we're so thankful for their service.

Sounds great!
I had a traditional BBQ Rib dinner and just finished watching High Plains Drifter.
El Dorado just started.
I did get lucky and ordered one of the last AKs available online.
Hope I can keep it when the dust settles.

MW surveyor
12-25-2012, 09:00 PM
Well my Christmas started out good then suddenly went to he##. Coffee and cinnamon rolls in the morning with SWMBO. Then about 0830, big bang and loud thumps from outside accompanied by lights out!

Next door vacant lot has (had) a bunch of dead pine trees. Three of them decided to come down at the same time. Two decided to take out the main power line while the second targeted my service drop. Ripped the meter box from the house and actually shattered the intermediate pole.

Call the power company, get the generator out, get the chain saw out..........Started in on clearing the line. Power company showed up and removed my meter and cut the service drop. Cut down another tree as it was in a bad spot. Re-installed the meter box and lines. Christmas dinner was from McDonalds (only place open around here).

But life is good. Power back on about 2030. Have water again. Heat again as the temp is supposed to go down to 25 here.

Christmas dinner with the wine has been postponed until tomorrow.

12-25-2012, 09:09 PM
Glad it was nothing more than an inconvenience. Trees could well have hit the house instead of just poles and drop.
Enjoy your postponed dinner. Merry Christmas!

MW surveyor
12-25-2012, 09:45 PM
Thanks Tinman.

There are three trees that would definitely hit the house.
Chain saw party coming soon to the next door lot.

12-26-2012, 03:31 AM
I'm glad you weren't stuck without power and no one was hurt! I hope that y'all can have a nice Christmas meal now!

I noticed that Wifey had switched the A/C from auto to heat and it was 73° inside! I returned the thermostat to auto and lowered the temp to 71°. I saw that there is a lot of crappy weather across the country, but we're almost having a heat wave down here in NE FL! Monday I went out to change the batteries in one of my weather monitors, wound up cleaning the gutters while it was dry, then I trimmed the neighbors' trees and bushes that were reaching out to our house and letting vines reach over, and today bundled up a good pickup load of branches and put them put for pickup Wednesday. I worked up a sweat both days... too warm!

I didn't watch any news last night. We didn't have the TV on the whole evening... just Christmas music all day... English, French, and German.

Y'all take care and I hope that the rest of the season is uneventful... milder weather!


12-26-2012, 11:18 AM

New avatar courtesy of Tinman. Wish I knew how to do this stuff.

12-26-2012, 11:31 AM

12-26-2012, 11:34 AM

12-26-2012, 11:38 AM
Bawanna, I'm afraid to ask what you're doing with your hands?
Is this where the phrase "Come in Tokyo" came from?

MW surveyor
12-26-2012, 12:06 PM
Where's the "like" button for the new avatar?

12-26-2012, 01:02 PM
A few minor mods and I like this one even better.


12-26-2012, 01:09 PM
A few minor mods and I like this one even better.



MW surveyor
12-26-2012, 02:41 PM
Just got through with the delayed Christmas dinner and it was good!
Still sippin on the Pinot Noir.
All of the remainder of the trees debris remains in the yard. Not going to do squat today!

12-26-2012, 02:48 PM
Atta boy MW, I'm back on duty today but hold the same game plan close to my heart.

12-26-2012, 02:49 PM
Bawanna, I'm afraid to ask what you're doing with your hands?
Is this where the phrase "Come in Tokyo" came from?

I think that's when I was showing Jocko the size of my willy.

12-26-2012, 02:53 PM
I think that's when I was showing Jocko the size of my willy.

I knew that I really didn't want to know - LOL!

12-26-2012, 02:55 PM
Speaking of Willy, one of the kids, son in law I think got the movie Ted for Christmas and we watched it yesterday. Hilarious. I never heard of it before but it had me rolling nearly the whole time.

I missed a little in the middle when I was whittling the turkey so I'll need to watch it again. Good entertainment.

12-27-2012, 05:25 AM
In an effort to be more PC and acknowledge multi-culturism I would like to wish everyone a Happy Kwanzaa


12-27-2012, 11:03 AM
I FINALLY found a book that will help any man understand women. Let me know if you need a copy...


MW surveyor
12-27-2012, 11:06 AM
I FINALLY found a book that will help any man understand women. Let me know if you need a copy...


That looks like the Readers Digest condensed version. :D

12-27-2012, 11:20 AM

12-27-2012, 11:31 AM
Jocko :D

I think I may of seen that leather Jacket you lost at the mall awhile back...

12-27-2012, 11:43 AM
From National Review Online:

Build the Death Star - Daniel Foster - National Review Online (http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/336427/build-death-star-daniel-foster)

12-27-2012, 03:07 PM
The Philosophy of Ambiguity




































12-27-2012, 05:24 PM
Difference between man and women in the mirror


12-27-2012, 06:09 PM
Jocko :D

I think I may of seen that leather Jacket you lost at the mall awhile back...

Jocko in his younger years..
http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/itmFq.gif (http://uberhumor.com/challenge-this-man-in-a-manliness-contest-i-dare-you)

12-27-2012, 07:48 PM
IF you knew the REAL history of that made-up "holiday", you wouldn't wish that on anyone. It really sucked when G.W. mentioned that.


Read this... quite timely, that she repeated it today!!


In an effort to be more PC and acknowledge multi-culturism I would like to wish everyone a Happy Kwanzaa


12-28-2012, 11:04 AM
The Bronze Rat ....... must read !!!

A tourist walked into a Chinese curio shop in San Francisco . While looking around at the exotic merchandise, he noticed a very lifelike, life-sized, bronze statue of a rat. It had no price tag, but was so incredibly striking the tourist decided he must have it. He took it to the old shop owner and asked, "How much for the bronze rat ?"

"Ahhh, you have chosen wisely! It is $12 for the rat and $100 for the story," said the wise old Chinaman.

The tourist quickly pulled out twelve dollars. "I'll just take the rat, you can keep the story".

As he walked down the street carrying his bronze rat, the tourist noticed that a few real rats had crawled out of the alleys and sewers and had begun following him down the street. This was a bit disconcerting so he began walking faster.

A couple blocks later he looked behind him and saw to his horror the herd of rats behind him had grown to hundreds, and they began squealing.

Sweating now, the tourist began to trot toward San Francisco Bay . Again, after a couple blocks, he looked around only to discover that the rats now numbered in the MILLIONS, and were squealing and coming toward him
faster and faster.

Terrified, he ran to the edge of the Bay and threw the bronze rat as far as he could into the Bay.

Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the Bay after the bronze rat and were all drowned. The man walked back to the curio shop in Chinatown .

"Ahhh," said the owner, "You come back for story ?"

"No sir," said the man, "I came back to see if you have a bronze Democrat."

Zazu Lugnut

12-28-2012, 11:37 AM
Just for Jocko!

12-28-2012, 12:01 PM
Did you say a Bronze Democrat...??

Waiting for the splash!

12-28-2012, 12:06 PM
I just got some of this for my new airsoft Obummer Commemorative Ak 47.
Don't know much about 5.56, but this stuff looks nasty.

12-28-2012, 03:47 PM
IF you knew the REAL history of that made-up "holiday", you wouldn't wish that on anyone. It really sucked when G.W. mentioned that.


Read this... quite timely, that she repeated it today!!


Uh...it was meant sorta tongue in cheek:rolleyes:

12-28-2012, 04:16 PM
Jocko in his younger years..
http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/itmFq.gif (http://uberhumor.com/challenge-this-man-in-a-manliness-contest-i-dare-you)

lose it, some honder rider stole it:001_huh:

12-28-2012, 05:20 PM
Jocko on a rice burner???

Never, Ever!

Sadly Jocko, I have to admit in High School I rode a Triumph 650.
Please forgive me.
But at 16 I just couldn't afford the Sportster I so desperately wanted.

12-28-2012, 05:30 PM
Jocko on a rice burner???

Never, Ever!

Sadly Jocko, I have to admit in High School I rode a Triumph 650.
Please forgive me.
But at 16 I just couldn't afford the Sportster I so desperately wanted.

forgiven, sooner than later most do come around. I can't help the fact that u were a stupid sh!t at age 16. Where as my first Harley was at age 16 and it was a Hummer 165. Something about that name (Hummer) at age 16 that just stuck with me through my early dating years. Road my Hummer during the daylight hours and Carol took over as the chief hummer at the night time hours. Both never gave an ounce of trouble either. One liked gas to run on and the utter like beer to run on. I was able to provide both. Just sayin

oh yes, life was good back then to..Just sayin

12-28-2012, 05:35 PM
forgiven, sooner than later most do come around. I can't help the fact that u were a stupid sh!t at age 16. Where as my first Harley was at age 16 and it was a Hummer 165. Something about that name (Hummer) at age 16 that just stuck with me through my early dating years. Road my Hummer during the daylight hours and Carol took over as the chief hummer at the night time hours. Both never gave an ounce of trouble either. One liked gas to run on and the utter like beer to run on. I was able to provide both. Just sayin

oh yes, life was good back then to..Just sayin

At 16 I saw a movie called Billy Jack.
Bought a Triumph Tiger 650 twin and started taking Martial Arts.
Billy Jack: I'm gonna take this right foot, and I'm gonna whop you on that side of your face...
[points to Posner's right cheek]
Billy Jack: ...and you wanna know something? There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it.
Mr. Posner: Really?
Billy Jack: Really.

12-28-2012, 05:41 PM
In 1970 I bought a Honda CB100 to ride to work. My buddy at the bank bought a "Ring-Ding" Harley Davidson... 125cc thereabouts... 2-stroke... made in Italy. I think he was jealous of my Honda's reliability and neatness... and quietness!:D

Someone stole it from me, though, while it was chained to a tree behind the apartment I had in Jackson, MS, while I was trying working for a while... taking a break from full-time college for 6 months. I think that I lost about $50 on the insurance payoff. It was about 6 weeks old.


12-28-2012, 05:46 PM
sounds like the Amerachi brand, HD fokked around with, Made in Italy. It was a real loser.

12-28-2012, 09:58 PM

Where is the front fender? I sure wouldn't want to ride that in the rain!

12-28-2012, 11:16 PM
I wouldn't want to ride any of them in the rain, even with both fenders and a windshield. Much prefer a Lexus in the rain, even over a Porsche, Vet, Farrari (rain or dry, I just can't get in or out of them).

The only "bike" I really really wanted but didn't get was a Mustang Bike in the early 50's. A friend had a box Cushman which was good, but not like a Mustang!


12-29-2012, 05:32 AM

MW surveyor
12-29-2012, 10:00 PM
and lost my S&W 638 snubbie. Took my 638 out of my pocket on Christmas day when the trees fell on my service drop and pulled the meter box out of the wall. I "hid" the gun in the house and now I can't find the thing. Normally I put the pistols in the safe when I'm not carrying them. Looked in the safe about 100 times and even emptied it out.

I know it's here, just where..........I don't know.

Any input that might help would be appreciated.

12-29-2012, 11:07 PM
Be patient, and it will turn up. I imagine you set it someplace where kids couldn't get to it, up high somewhere, or hid it in or under something, so maybe you just can't see it. I have no kids to worry about, and have things hidden around the house, and sometimes I forget one of the places but I always find it eventually,

12-29-2012, 11:27 PM
and lost my S&W 638 snubbie. Took my 638 out of my pocket on Christmas day when the trees fell on my service drop and pulled the meter box out of the wall. I "hid" the gun in the house and now I can't find the thing. Normally I put the pistols in the safe when I'm not carrying them. Looked in the safe about 100 times and even emptied it out.

I know it's here, just where..........I don't know.

Any input that might help would be appreciated.

Metal detector? Sniffer dog from the local PD?

12-29-2012, 11:49 PM
Odummy storm trooper.

12-29-2012, 11:53 PM
Odummy storm trooper.

Well thank you Mary Sunshine for that cold bucket of water in the face!


12-29-2012, 11:57 PM
I do it as a public service. Be vigilant. Keep your tinfoil hat real handy.

I lost my Japanese Arisaka for a couple weeks awhile back, looked high and low, ended up I put it in another cabinet that I I have not idea why I put it there.

mr surveyor
12-30-2012, 12:01 AM
and lost my S&W 638 snubbie. Took my 638 out of my pocket on Christmas day when the trees fell on my service drop and pulled the meter box out of the wall. I "hid" the gun in the house and now I can't find the thing. Normally I put the pistols in the safe when I'm not carrying them. Looked in the safe about 100 times and even emptied it out.

I know it's here, just where..........I don't know.

Any input that might help would be appreciated.

I'm sure you've heard it a million times, just like me (40 years come next month).... LOOK IN THE FRIGDE - BEHIND THE MILK!!!!!

you never know what you'll find behind the milk:rolleyes:

12-30-2012, 12:30 AM
I'm sure you've heard it a million times, just like me (40 years come next month).... LOOK IN THE FRIGDE - BEHIND THE MILK!!!!!

you never know what you'll find behind the milk:rolleyes:

True. My wife found her car keys in the refridgerator one time. Not sure if the milk was a factor though. :)

12-30-2012, 01:25 AM
MW' Closet or pantry shelves... kitchen drawers... table drawers... ROOF of CAR or TRUCK?!!:eek:

Glovebox... or tool chest??

Jacket pocket?

Do you have a dog?? If so, any new holes in the yard??:D

I "lose" my P380 around the house sometimes. I'm bad about putting something down and walking away... then forgetting what I did with whatever... C.R.S.


12-30-2012, 07:27 AM
I'm sure you will find it in the very last place you look. :rolleyes:

MW surveyor
12-30-2012, 07:29 AM
I'm beginning to think that there may be something to a Stephen King story I once read about time shifters or something like that. I think the snubbie disappeared in time and needs to be shifted back to where it was originally.

mr surveyor
12-30-2012, 12:28 PM
I never, ever allow that statement "find it in the last place you look" to stand unchallenged. Even when I find it, I still look in another place or two.... never know what else you'll run across:D

12-30-2012, 07:42 PM