View Full Version : Is this a good deal?

12-02-2012, 10:51 AM
I have located a K 9 Elite 2003 with standard sights listed on an auction site @ $575 with a Buy-Now price of $625. Less than 100 rounds fired (so they say) and two magazines (6-rd, 7-rd). Comes with box and manual, etc.

Is this a decent deal based on what the ad has said?

Steve in Sunny Fla
12-02-2012, 02:01 PM
personally, i think it's high. you're going to have some ffl cost in there also. I think it's about 100.00 high or so. HTH, Steve

12-02-2012, 03:02 PM
Welcome to the forum. The '03 Elite is a really nice pistol. It has a sweet trigger, beveled mag well and some finer finish touches. I'd go for one at the $575 price. The 6 round mag will not fit in a K9. The seven round mag is standard and the eight round mags, (two styles available), will also fit. Check the mag situation out if you bid.

12-02-2012, 03:55 PM
Thanks, guys! I am not desperate. Been lurking here for some time and been searching for an '03 Elite for a good while. There will be a good deal available if I am patient.

12-02-2012, 04:23 PM

12-02-2012, 07:20 PM
I got my brand new K9 Elite (comes with 7 and 8 rd mags) for $701 including shipping from grabagun.com.

Best price I found anywhere, and it was in my hands a week from the day I bought it.

12-02-2012, 07:40 PM
I paid $600 for a used K9 with 8 mags and three holsters.

I sold all the 8rd mags and two of the holster making it a $400 gun.

I think $575 for an elite is a little high, but not crazy, depends of local market. In Vegas an Elite would be a week or two wait and $725-$750 out the door, new.

Check your local gun stores and gunbroker. Factor in The Brady Tax and tax/or shipping for buying from an FFL and go from there.

12-03-2012, 08:46 AM
Much thanks, guys!!

12-03-2012, 11:13 AM
Factor in The Brady Tax and ...

What is a "Brady Tax"? I pay sales tax whan I buy a gun, but I've never heard of a Brady tax. Is it a local thing?

The Elite model carries a premium over the regular K9 and one would expect to pay more for one. On top of that, they are fairly rare, so finding a nice one , in good shape for a decent price may be tempting.

12-03-2012, 03:23 PM
What is a "Brady Tax"? I pay sales tax whan I buy a gun, but I've never heard of a Brady tax. Is it a local thing?

Federal mandated background check on all firearms purchases bough through an FFL, part of The Brady Gun Control law, hence the name, Brady Tax.

Some states that have CCW laws meet the requirement to waive the fee for CCW holders. Mine (NV) will only waive the fee if your CCW is issued after July 2011, so I have to wait a few years for my renewal. Each state is different.

If I private party purchase in NV, no FFL and no fee for any gun purchased. In California there is no such thing as private party purchase for any firearm, so you must use an FFL and pay the Brady Tax (and in most cases a transfer fee on top of it).