View Full Version : cop duped

12-03-2012, 02:07 PM
well as I predicted and hoped I was wrong thaty street bum POS guy that the NYPD cop bought him boots and new socks, was found out on the street shoeless and sockless. Now what to u think that pro did with those new shoes??/ He sold um for a couple bottles of booze. He is a real POS, been on the streets for over 10 years, his family even siad he did not have to live that way but that is what he chose. He's a pro, at what he does. and the stupid sh!t said he hid them as they were valuable and his picture was on the internet and he wants a peace of the pie. WTF. He dsidn't hide um, he pawned/sold/traded them for booze,---convince me otherwise. If he was sober and half smart, he would have told the news media, he got ganged in an alley and they took his shoes and socks. Hell who knows, this time some nice person would have given the POS a new home to live in. I wonder now how that cop feels and maybe his wife to know that they both know they were duped big time by a street Pro.

12-03-2012, 02:24 PM
It's like Bawanna says, no good deed goes unpunished. I know that some of the people on this MB thought that I was a Grinch for my view, but I've been around these freeloaders all of my life. They are a cancer upon society. I'll help anyone who tries to help themselves, but I have nothing but contempt for street trash.

12-03-2012, 02:26 PM
I get duped all the time by normal people too.

It's a horrible price for trusting and having faith in my fellow man. I'm going to counseling trying to get over this stupid trust thing but so far it's not having a strong enough effect.

I still think if the cop felt he was doing a good thing, he can hold his head up and feel good about it even though he may have been duped.

12-03-2012, 02:36 PM
I knew you were right jocko, and I agree with this post too.

12-03-2012, 02:37 PM
I get duped all the time by normal people too.

It's a horrible price for trusting and having faith in my fellow man. I'm going to counseling trying to get over this stupid trust thing but so far it's not having a strong enough effect.

I still think if the cop felt he was doing a good thing, he can hold his head up and feel good about it even though he may have been duped.

Bawanna, you're such a nice guy the counselor would have to pistol whip the kindness and faith out of you. You don't become very street wise livin' in the woods. Don't worry, Jocko and I have your back.

12-03-2012, 02:39 PM
Some of these people really could use some help, and some just want to "use".

I usually keep some granola bars in the truck for people I think really need help. It is doubtfull they would get get much booze money for a granola bar. They guys that lost all their teeth from meth can just suck on it to get it all soggy. ;)

12-03-2012, 02:44 PM
I once stopped for a guy holding a, "Will work for food sign". I offered him $50 and a hot meal to clean my gutters. He told me to go f--- myself. So much for kindness. Must have been a union worker.

12-03-2012, 02:56 PM
Bawanna, you're such a nice guy the counselor would have to pistol whip the kindness and faith out of you. You don't become very street wise livin' in the woods. Don't worry, Jocko and I have your back.

Thank you for having my back. Some do think I'm a bit naive. Working in Law Enforcement I still haven't succumbed to the they are all dirt bags until proven otherwise YET.

I'm close, very close. I think it's my profiling skills along with living in the woods that keep me naive or it could be my simple I don't care attitude most of the time too.

I'm looking for a place a little deeper in the woods, my area is just getting to crowded. Too many stop lights, too many cross walks, to many idiot drivers that aren't qualified to drive a wheelchair, crap that got personal.

I do hate going down town to Seattle or even Everett, makes me very nervous.

12-03-2012, 03:42 PM
the same fokking guy has been pan handling along the side of one intersection in Terre Haute,Ind for OVER 5 YEARS. He could be richer than all of us to. He's that good at what he does.. OH no doubt the nypd cop did whathe thought was right, but I wonder now if he sees this sceanario again, if he can just walk past it like it was a fart in the wind and care less. I could

that old adage, of one bad apple can rin an entire barrel might fit here..

12-03-2012, 03:43 PM
Some of these people really could use some help, and some just want to "use".

I usually keep some granola bars in the truck for people I think really need help. It is doubtfull they would get get much booze money for a granola bar. They guys that lost all their teeth from meth can just suck on it to get it all soggy. ;)

now tell us how to separate the two...:7:

Longitude Zero
12-03-2012, 05:37 PM
In the past I would have been willing to help also. After a couple of years on the streets I realized no more. After 3+ decades it is now HELL NO. As far as I am concerned let them all freeze.

12-03-2012, 06:02 PM

12-03-2012, 07:14 PM
Bawanna might be in the woods, but they're the big city woods. There are plenty of more secluded woods in you want them.

12-03-2012, 07:43 PM
frost bite toes would be too good for da bum.

12-03-2012, 08:48 PM
In Cleveland they wait at the end of the off ramps with a sign that says, "Please Help". They have a fresh group of suckers with every light change. If they collect just a buck with each light change they clear twenty dollars an hour tax free. That's $800 per week take home. And you can bet your sweet behind that they're collecting welfare and receiving food stamps as well.

12-03-2012, 08:57 PM
It's not a hardship case anymore, it's a profession...sad

12-03-2012, 09:06 PM
In Cleveland they wait at the end of the off ramps with a sign that says, "Please Help". They have a fresh group of suckers with every light change. If they collect just a buck with each light change they clear twenty dollars an hour tax free. That's $800 per week take home. And you can bet your sweet behind that they're collecting welfare and receiving food stamps as well.

ive seen this so many times....of course middleburg hts came out with a city ordinance against soliciting alms for the poor....took care of that in their jd anyway.

12-03-2012, 11:17 PM

now tell us how to separate the two...:7:

You can't.
But sometimes I drive or walk by without a thought, and other times I have a strong feeling to hand them a granola bar or something. I trust God will lead when someone really needs help, and that is all I have to go by. I'm sure I've been wrong before (giving a handout to someone who is "workin' it"), but at least a granola bar is hard to exchange for cigs or booze! Unless the liquor store worker is really hungry for a healthy treat. ;)

12-04-2012, 01:05 AM
In Cleveland they wait at the end of the off ramps with a sign that says, "Please Help". They have a fresh group of suckers with every light change. If they collect just a buck with each light change they clear twenty dollars an hour tax free. That's $800 per week take home. And you can bet your sweet behind that they're collecting welfare and receiving food stamps as well.

where our locl Terre Haute street bum wats every day. I think he and anutter bum even have shift times for one is there in the morning and the utter later on in theday. This one bum has been doing this for over 5 years. I pass him every morning riding my Harley for coffee, unbelievable.\\
Oh yes, they don't work in rainy days though--UNION RULES I guess.:7:

12-04-2012, 06:46 AM
I saw a man, wife, and some kids one time in a station wagon at a gas station. Their car was full of their things and they needed gas to get to another city, not cash. The guy said he lost his job. That was about the last time that I helped someone asking for assistance in public and the kids were the ones that made that one happen.

Most guys just want another drink or drug is what I have seen from my younger days in working down town.

Longitude Zero
12-04-2012, 08:09 AM
In my home town the local media finally did something correct for a change. They secretly watched a "begger" and his dirty family and kids at an intersection and then followed them home to find they live in a middle class neighborhood in a $250,000 house and had two cars.

Turns out the "beggin" was a scam. When confronted the man admitted he grossed over $100,000 a year. After this he and his family left town to ply their trade elsewhere.

12-04-2012, 08:13 AM
I guess I could have got duped too.

12-04-2012, 11:03 AM
There is an Interstate off ramp close to my house and there frequently is a fellow from the Shriners working the intersection...I always give him what few bucks are in my pocket when I see him....Sunday my wife came home very upset and told me she gave the Shriner $20.00 and when she drove away she saw him in her rearview mirror take the bill out of his bucket and slip it into his pocket so she thought he was stealing...

I had to explain to her that if they didn't do that some scum bag would rush the guy and grap the bucket and run off...I told her the Shriners are a top notch bunch of guys and he didn't steal her donation but was protecting it until he could turn it in....That made her feel much better and glad that she donated to a good cause after all...

I always give to the Shriners for what they do for poor children who have been burned and can't afford the medical help they need to recover...I also give to the Salvation Army as they do a good job with helping the really poor and people displaced by fire or natural disasters...

There are places where the poor and homeless can go to recieve food, medical care and a place to stay so I prefer to give money to organizations that are legit and able to help folks rather than to give out money willy nilly to con men who only want another drink...

Longitude Zero
12-04-2012, 08:40 PM
I give nothing but my upright/extended middle finger. As I stated before let them freeze.