View Full Version : Crimson Trace holsters

09-03-2009, 07:43 AM
Has anyone found a good IWB holster for a P9 or PM9 that allows for the use of the crimson trace front mount laser sight?

09-03-2009, 09:32 AM
Our sponsor Crossbreed Holsters might be able to do that. I know they have supported some of the small lasers for various compact pistols.

http://www.crossbreedholsters.com (http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/)


09-03-2009, 03:03 PM
Has anyone found a good IWB holster for a P9 or PM9 that allows for the use of the crimson trace front mount laser sight?
I use a Blackhawk Size 5 IWB w/o retention strap. The label says for Glock 26, 27 & 33

09-03-2009, 03:44 PM
For the PM series check with Mitch Rosen. He has the mold for the 3" Kahrs with the Crimson Trace laser. I took the chance that it will work for my CW9 and is being shipped today. I will report back on how well it fits, or not. It's his Express series of holsters.:cool:

09-03-2009, 11:11 PM
I just recieved my Crossbreed MiniTuck and as usual the quality and service from Mark is great. He had it to me in 4 days from order!


09-03-2009, 11:26 PM
The Crossbreed MiniTuck is what I have for my PM9-CT and it is the best holster that I have ever had.

09-04-2009, 11:15 PM
Love my Crimson Trace Laser. High Noon Holster offers IWB holster's. Mr.Softy, Bare Asset, Split decision, Hidden Alley

Customer service is great!

09-05-2009, 08:42 AM
Since mouse guns started*sporting lasers we have been getting requests for pocket holsters that will accommodate them. The question becomes "is there enough potential sales to justify the cost of the mold set-up or should it go to "custom shop?"" In the case of the KT P3AT/Armalaser the answer was yes.

The Kahr PM9/40 is now outselling the 3AT but the requests have changed. Folks now want the CT Laser and a spare mag on board (our Model C). This became a slightly wider/taller Model C and not as desirable as the original/more compact Model C. Personally, I think the minimalistic Model A, without any spare mag, would be more practical (as we did the 3AT). What do you guys think?
KT P3AT/Armalaser Model A
PM9/40 Model C - original

09-10-2009, 07:01 PM
Has anyone found a good IWB holster for a P9 or PM9 that allows for the use of the crimson trace front mount laser sight?

I got this one from The Holster Store on eBay for $40.

09-12-2009, 07:54 AM
I just recieved my Crossbreed MiniTuck and as usual the quality and service from Mark is great. He had it to me in 4 days from order!


Your clips are different than mine... the cross seems to be "embossed" on yours, where mine are cut out. Guess he changed clips recently?

I love my MiniTuck too, and the CrossBreed website says they do Kahr's with CT's installed. Duh! Just noticed yours plainly shows that!

09-12-2009, 08:04 AM
I received my Mitch Rosen holster this week. On the back it says for the P9.

It took significant stretching, but now fits my CW9 perfectly with the Crimson Trace laser. Dampen the inside of the leather a little, then wrap the gun with a damp wash cloth and force the gun into the holster, a little at a time. Thirty minutes and it's a perfect fit. I doubt Mitch would approve, but this is a happy camper now. Very comfortable carry and it looks really good in the Cuban Brown. Not cheap but very high quality.:cool:

09-18-2009, 08:42 PM
I just recieved my Crossbreed MiniTuck and as usual the quality and service from Mark is great. He had it to me in 4 days from order!


:D Thanks to everyone for the input and photos of your Crossbreed MiniTuck and for the PM9 with the LG-437 installed in another thread. This is just what I needed to see and help me finally make up my mind on the holster and laser for my PM9094NA. I just placed my order for both and now comes the bad part (waiting for delivery) LOL! :eek:

09-18-2009, 09:29 PM
oooo yea... I feel the pain, 5 working day and still waiting, the wife wishes it would hurry up and get here; she is tired of me looking down the driveway for the UPS truck.

Maddog Duck
12-24-2009, 01:50 AM
For those of you with the PM9 with CTC's and the minituck, are any of you having any troubles with the CT being knocked out of zero by the holster? How often/much have you carried in the minituck with the CT?


01-16-2010, 10:34 PM
I just recieved my Crossbreed MiniTuck and as usual the quality and service from Mark is great. He had it to me in 4 days from order!


I have the same holster that i use for both my PM9 and 40 and LOVE it! It's very comfortable, dont even know it's there 90% of the time and it stays put. This was the first and last holster that i will probably buy since the introduction of my Crimson Trace....100% thumbs up!

By the way this is my first post so a big hello to all my fellow Kahr owners, i can see i'm in great company :)

05-19-2010, 11:35 AM
I just got a CT laser for my PM9 and am considering the following:
-MiniTuck (horsehide/combat cut)

With any of these I'm going with a Velcro clip(s). Does the MicroClip offer enough support with the one clip design? I like the easy on/off of one clip design. I carry around 4-5 o'clock.

Thanks for any input.

Internet Blohard
05-19-2010, 09:09 PM
If you prefer leather, consider the DM Bullard.

05-19-2010, 09:28 PM
"For those of you with the PM9 with CTC's and the minituck, are any of you having any troubles with the CT being knocked out of zero by the holster?"

I've used the CT as the part resting against a hard plastic rest and bounced against it every shot. 100 shots later didn't knock it off zero.

05-21-2010, 06:12 PM
I have pm40 kahr, with crimson trace sights, looking for leather holster inside blt, rt hand draw. Any help would be appreciated. Bob dviper714@aol.com