View Full Version : P and PM Barrel swap

12-05-2012, 12:50 PM
will a take off P barrel work in a PM frame?

12-05-2012, 12:59 PM
I know it does not work in a T to an MK because the lug portion of the barrel is completely different dimensions. I don't have a K or P size to try though ....

12-05-2012, 11:17 PM
The P and PM barrels are too different. I did a comparison on the 9mm barrels. I have pictured here from the top K9, P9 and PM9 barrels.

Note the barrel shroud length and the locking lugs. The PM9 has almost no locking lug. The longer barrel won't fit in the PM9 without a lot of modification.


More pictures here: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=15749&highlight=%28mm+barrels


12-06-2012, 12:08 AM
nice post and potos wyn. sorry aboutmy comment, I was wrong on that, Proof is in the puddin they say and ur photos sure shows that..

good job..

12-06-2012, 12:22 AM
I know that a few other people had asked that question, so I tried to compare those 9mm's. It's a shame that you can't drop the longer barrel in the PM9, but someone COULD modify the P9 barrel to do that... to make the barrel shroud and barrel locking lug fit. Dang... I could probably do that with my half-inch hand drill... chuck the barrel in it and stick the drill in a vise and use files and stones to turn it down.


12-06-2012, 08:31 AM
Yes, thanks! Now when someone asks, we can point them to this post. This definitive type of answer with photos is very helpful. Maybe we can do a whole series like this? Like the other day when someone asked if you could swap calibers.

12-06-2012, 10:43 AM
wy is the man.

12-06-2012, 10:56 AM
I like to post helpful stuff, but with my procrastination and laziness, I don't get all projects finished. My computers are in a large state of flux... one's Ubuntu and "different" and the main Windows machine is awaiting installation of Windows 7 Professional 64-bit AND I just switched to Comcast and evidently didn't get a PIN number or password... maybe coming in the mail... not sure, but Customer Service and the online Comcast sites want a PIN# to update/change the danged password, so it's like a Catch 22. I got temporary installation Monday... no Any Room DVRs, so the DVR AND all of the receivers will have to be changed out when the get the ARDVR in stock... and my new wireless modem isn't helpful without a guide/user's manual, which I couldn't download without signing in to the site. I have had too much going on and been jumping between different projects... plus domestic chores... cleaning and cooking, etc.
I'm ready to grab a few of the .45's and go make some noise at the range... "Franken-Boomer" and my XD45. I've been neglecting my PM45 in favor of the latest acquisitions... P9... "Wifey's" pistols.:D


12-06-2012, 09:56 PM
I did take Boomer and my XD45 to the range... nothing more "soothing" than a bucking .45 in my hands! First thing, Boomer got all 7 rounds from an extended magazine of of my carry Speer 230Gr. GDSB's into the 3" circle at 7-yards... outstanding for me on the first time that I've shot it in a few months!:59::w00t:


12-07-2012, 04:33 PM
I carried a Wal-Mart selection of Winchester and Federal Champion 100-Round Value Packs, plus a 50-round box of Sellier & Bellot 230-grain FMJ.

I had 2 new Springfield XD45 mags and 2 new 1911 7-round SS mags that I got recently and wanted to try them out. I took the XD mags apart and cleaned everything, then lightly oiled the springs and put them back together. I like those easy to re-assemble springs. I have yet to have any kind of malfunction with my "Battle Pistol" XD45 Tactical with 5" barrel. :)

I tried the 1911 mags along with two others that I usually use in the PM45. I did have a few FTF problems with all, but just once in a while... usually the round did not fully chamber... halfway in, necessitating dropping the mag and reloading the round into the mag.

I did have one minor problem with my PM45 on the very first magazine... 7-round extended grip loaded with 7 rounds of 230-grain Speer Short Barrel Gold Dots... all top rounds or the chambered round from carry. After my 5th shot, I felt something had given and the magazine had come out of detent... my finger must have been on the release button a bit and the recoil helped me press it enough to release the mag. I reseated that mag and finished up the Gold Dots with my best "group"... picture#1.

I didn't feel that any of those FMJ loads were underpowered... not at all... very loud and plenty of recoil!

I fired at a few 15-yard targets and was gratified that I got all of the rounds on the paper with the PM45... even a few in the center.

I shoot quickly and don't try for fine aiming after the initial shot. I try to concentrate on trigger control and pointing for quicker shooting... and jerking quite a few off the aimpoint.:rolleyes: 15 yards is tough for my offhand shooting and "old eyes." That's my story....


12-07-2012, 06:37 PM
I didn't feel that any of those FMJ loads were underpowered... not at all... very loud and plenty of recoil!

Yah they are... just a bit under spec... not much, but enough. If you get some standard Federal or regular Remington or Speer or Winchester, you'll notice more bang and recoil.

WWB and the Fed is not target loads, but just on the low end of things.

12-07-2012, 07:10 PM
unpowered, over powered. I can say that I have shot wwb in my pM9 for over 32K and with the 20.5 recoil sprinng with zero effects on reliability. for me that is all I ask for range duty. Price to me over comes power/less power.

My opinion is that wwb is not made to NOT WORK in most all guns. Makes no sense, as people will think all Winchester stuff is sh!t stuff. WWB has to be the most bought round in the entire winchester handgun line, due to price . We expect it to work right aslo. They can't come back and say well u bought a cheap price round what do u expect. I don't think winchester or the other makers who make basicaly range fodder put out ammo that is iffy at best. Just my two cents.

12-07-2012, 09:19 PM
I only shoot standard 230-gr ammo in my .45's, and I know the defense ammo seems to have more oomph, but the WWB and Fed Champions were not lacking in oomph. None of the four types I shot in this trip to the range felt weak, but I don't load my own any more or shoot +P stuff... in .45's. The regular .45's are just fine for me.
