View Full Version : why didnt anyone help?

12-06-2012, 10:41 AM
22 seconds passed before the train hit this guy.

12-06-2012, 11:16 AM
Sadly we live in a liability look the other way don't get involved society.

I'm sure many would worry that if they tried to save him and failed they would be held accountable. And sadly they probably would have been.

Had I been there I would have made every attempt to pull him to safety or died beside him.

I see another news account where a convenience store clerk was struck in the face and ended up shooting the guy in self defense, group of blacks on a white clerk after store hours.
The owner fired him for the sake of the community, the parents and community are calling for the clerks arrest even though there is clear video of the attack. Cops say clear self defense, but the neighborhood ain't happy.

What's the world coming too?

12-06-2012, 12:00 PM
I ride MARTA, Atlants's train system every day and I am always amazed how close some people walk to the edge to the drop off to 600 volt rail tracks and how easy it would be for someone playing with their phone to just walk off the edge much less being pushed off on purpose...

I was at the 5 points transfer point one time which is the get off station for Falcon football games at the Georgia dome and after the game there are thousands of people waiting for the train and it would be so easy for the massive crowd to push people off who are closest to the track especially if a fight broke out in the middle of the crowd....

It seems to me that some kind of barrier that goes up when the train is not in the station and down for passengers to board the train would be a basic safety item that absouutely needs to be in place to prevent something like this from happening...

I saw the picture of the poor gentleman stuck down in the track pit looking at the train and knowing he was about to die and it is just sickening...The photographer said he was too far away and not strong enough to have been able to pull him up and from the photo there weren't many people close enough to get there either....If he had moved quickly enough to the middle and laid down between the rails the train would have gone over him and missed but thats a lot to think about with a train bearing down on you...My heart goes out to the man's family having to view the pictures of his imminent death and no one should have to see something like that...

I only hope the scum bag that pushed him to his death gets whats coming to him and I think being tied to the rails while a train inches over slowly crushing his body wouldn't be too far out of line for punishment in a case like this!!!...

12-06-2012, 12:58 PM
If you were a photographer would you pass up that photo op? How often do you get to see a man killed by a train? This was N.Y.C. Need you ask why no one helped?

12-06-2012, 01:39 PM
I ride MARTA, Atlants's train system every day and I am always amazed how close some people walk to the edge to the drop off to 600 volt rail tracks and how easy it would be for someone playing with their phone to just walk off the edge much less being pushed off on purpose...

I was at the 5 points transfer point one time which is the get off station for Falcon football games at the Georgia dome and after the game there are thousands of people waiting for the train and it would be so easy for the massive crowd to push people off who are closest to the track especially if a fight broke out in the middle of the crowd....

It seems to me that some kind of barrier that goes up when the train is not in the station and down for passengers to board the train would be a basic safety item that absouutely needs to be in place to prevent something like this from happening...

I saw the picture of the poor gentleman stuck down in the track pit looking at the train and knowing he was about to die and it is just sickening...The photographer said he was too far away and not strong enough to have been able to pull him up and from the photo there weren't many people close enough to get there either....If he had moved quickly enough to the middle and laid down between the rails the train would have gone over him and missed but thats a lot to think about with a train bearing down on you...My heart goes out to the man's family having to view the pictures of his imminent death and no one should have to see something like that...

I only hope the scum bag that pushed him to his death gets whats coming to him and I think being tied to the rails while a train inches over slowly crushing his body wouldn't be too far out of line for punishment in a case like this!!!...

The last time I rode MARTA was to a COMDEX show. I don't remember how long ago that was, but COMDEX has been in Chicago for years.

12-06-2012, 02:39 PM
Trust me, you are not missing anything...I have to remain very aware of whats going on at all times...MARTA does have a Police force but they are almost never on the trains and all I can see they do is watch for bums trying to jump the gate for a free ride....

There are many homeless people that ride the trains all day everyday to panhandle or just sleep and not be bothered by the Police...There are also some just straight out crazy people and I'm sure most major city transit systems are much the same...

You have to stay on your toes at all times and since I can't CCW to my job my Benchmade is my only weapon and I keep my hand on it anytime I'm in the stations...A couple weeks ago on the way to work there was a woman in the seat behind me having a very loud obscenity laced argument with someone that I assumed was on the other end of a cell phone but when I got off I saw that she was a street bum and was arguing with herself!!!!....:eek:...Welcome to ATL...:confused:

12-06-2012, 02:56 PM
I can relate to that myself, I argue with myself all the time. It's just very frustrating that I never win. Really chaffes my backside too.