View Full Version : Interesting Statistics

12-06-2012, 01:14 PM
There are about 11,500 gun related homicides in the U.S. each year. On average there are 1.2 million abortions performed in the U.S. each. An individual is far more likely to be killed by a doctor than by a gun. When will this senseless slaughter stop? I move that we ban doctors. Chew on that Bob Costas.

12-06-2012, 01:28 PM
Also, we should add that as many as 44,000-98,000 deaths each year can be contributed by medical malpractice.

Also, in my research, I have found that a person is far more likely to die by falling, than by a negligent firearm discharge.


12-06-2012, 05:44 PM
Liberalism kills more people than conservatism.

12-06-2012, 05:57 PM
There are about 11,500 gun related homicides in the U.S. each year. On average there are 1.2 million abortions performed in the U.S. each. An individual is far more likely to be killed by a doctor than by a gun. When will this senseless slaughter stop? I move that we ban doctors. Chew on that Bob Costas.

I got sumpin better for ol costas to chew on:eek: Statistics mean nadda to a$$holes like costas. He shot his mouth off big time and he is paying the price for it, but these people draw attention..

He is alot like obummer (different color) but remember when obummer said I wish I had s son like trevor Martin.. Open mouth insert foot except if ur name is Monica..:crazy:

after zimmerman wins his murder trial. he will settle out of court with NBC ove them doctoring that tape that madehis sound like a racists. They will pay out of court for any trial (which zimmerman has ask for) will surely show malice on the part ofr NBC.

12-06-2012, 06:54 PM
Jocko, I haven't heard or read any more on that case. Are things finally swinging in his favor?

12-06-2012, 07:00 PM
well it looks better wit some of the recent color p[hotos released by zimmerman attorney where the cops took photos after the shooting Indeed it shows zimmerman all blooodied up in theface and nose area. He took a beatin from this poor innocent nice young boy. I think the NBC lawsuit is at leat gnna ake the news media cover the story truthyfully and not try to sway it. I think trialis next June if it goes to trial. In the early stages it was fat asses like al sharpton marching down there andhehad no clue as to what happened even utter than he was there to hang a white man, and the NBC news media doctoringt the 911 tape to make it sound like zimmerman was a racists,again to make a white man look guility of killing this nice you boy, who if u remember the first photos of him was when he was 1- or 12 and he indeed looked like a real clean cut youngster, but later on when his 17 year ol photos came forward and is 3 expulsions from school in the last 6 months prior to him getting shot and the so call phone callhe made to his girl friend right before the shooting which now the gal won't even come forward about it, for it didn't happen that way at all, bu the news media again heard her story and ran with it, only to find out it was a lie..

Only 3 kinds of crimes it seems.

!. black on black--no big deal might make back page of a local paper.
2. Black on white, again back page if lucky
3. White on black. HOLLY SH!T, katie bar the door, hang him high

#1 and 2 never bring out al shasrpton or Jesse Jackson, either way..

Course my thinkin is it will go to trial for when the crime is white on black the blacks want justice. But I think this case is gonna really rile up the blacks when zimmerman is acquitted of all charges. Will it be a fair trial??? IMO yes and that is why he will be acquitted..

can anyone here still remember the Al sharpton/Tawann Bralley mess back years ago. and they callus racists..wow.

I am probably gonna be PM-ed and told not to print this stuff ,so if it dissappears u will know why

12-06-2012, 07:17 PM
I got sumpin better for ol costas to chew on:eek: Statistics mean nadda to a$$holes like costas. He shot his mouth off big time and he is paying the price for it, but these people draw attention..

He is alot like obummer (different color) but remember when obummer said I wish I had s son like trevor Martin.. Open mouth insert foot except if ur name is Monica..:crazy:

after zimmerman wins his murder trial. he will settle out of court with NBC ove them doctoring that tape that madehis sound like a racists. They will pay out of court for any trial (which zimmerman has ask for) will surely show malice on the part ofr NBC.

As far as I'm concerned, NBC stands for "Never Been Correct" and quit watching that lame, agenda driven network years ago. Truth be told, I don't watch any of the Alphabet networks as they're all the same. I get my news now from the internet cause' everyone knows that everything we read there is for real! :rolleyes:

12-08-2012, 07:47 AM
The only information that you can trust comes straight from me and Jocko and I'm still not too sure about Jocko. What Obama actually said was that if he had a son he would look just like Travon. It looks like Travon thought he was a badazz until he ran into someone who was badazz. He'll never do that again. When Zimmerman is acquitted I can hear the chant now. No justice, no peace. It's an old story that's getting boring.

12-08-2012, 10:23 AM
I thought I read a few days ago that Zimmerman initiated a law suit against NBC also the published his police pics at the time of his arrest- Bloody mouth and back of head.