View Full Version : Issue inserting mag into CW9
12-08-2012, 08:05 AM
I took my CW9 to the range and fell newly in love with it after nearly selling it. Just a tack driving, slick shooting pistol.
Wel, I had on issue that I'm hoping was user error. I loaded a new magazine into the mag well and when I drove it in the tip of the first round in the magazine got caught UNDER the feed ramp and actually pulled the round out and through it out the ejection port.
I reloaded it and did it again and it snagged up again....was this round simply not seated all the way in the magazine and I didnt know it or has this been known to happen? Its the first time in 400 rounds.
12-08-2012, 08:23 AM
reset it again and then when the magazine is loaded just tap in on the back of the magazine on a table or sumpin hard. Thentest again.. If the top round sticks out beyond the end of the magazine , it ain't gonna load in the gun. U probably don't have anutter mag to check it out against this one even..
12-08-2012, 08:31 AM
The 9's are notorious for the top rounds "migrating" forward and out of the magazine in unsecured pocket carry. Before inserting the mag, just make sure the top round is fully to the rear and slap the back of the magazine against the palm of your other hand to make the rounds line up against the rear of the magazine tube. One good smack works better than a bunch of small ones which allows the rounds to go back and forth.
When loading full mag + 1 for CC, or not, make sure the top round is fully to the rear in the magazine. The slide drags over the next round, pulling it forward... sometimes too much, causing the next top round to dive or jam on the right side of the feed ramp.
Kahr is not the only 9 with this issue. Almost all single stack 9's have some top round problems. It has to do with the taper of the 9mm case. Double stack mags have pleats which almost entirely eliminate the problem.
The recharge, smack, insert drill is a good one. Loading on a closed slide, then chambering is also ok.... especially if you master the slingshot, which some folks can, and some folks cannot - depending on strength and technique.
just tap in on the back of the magazine on a table or sumpin hard.
slap the back of the magazine against the palm of your other hand to make the rounds line up against the rear of the magazine tube.
That is the answer to your problem.
12-08-2012, 09:43 AM
I appreciate all the feedback. I had a feeling that was the issue and glad to have it confirmed (user error). I didnt know about the top round migrating issue in pocket carrying an extra mag until recently as I normally karry a 642 or a M&P 9c. i was riding my ATV while carrying the Kahr and had a spare mag in the front pocket. after my ride i realized it unloaded itself 4 rounds... looks like ill be getting a mag carrier
12-09-2012, 05:07 PM
On a similar note. I've noticed the top round will sit at a more upward angle then the ones below it. I've had issues when that top round is too horizontal.
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