View Full Version : PJ holster, tuckable or nontuckable

12-08-2012, 09:54 PM
A while back I asked and got lots of excellent information concerning the different can't on a PJ holster for my CM9. I'm now closer to ordering one but still a little unsure on another issue, tuckable or nontuckable. I'm leaning toward the J-hook since it looks like a decent one to use with or without a belt but wondering if the tuckable is usable either under or outside a shirt, whichever comes up while dressing. Can't tell by looking at the PJ web site just how much difference there is in construction between the tuckable and the non-tuckable.
Anyone have any experience along this line? Thanks.

12-09-2012, 07:45 AM
Go tuckable for options.
Will work fine under or over a garment, tucked or not.

12-09-2012, 09:05 AM
The J-hook, even with a belt, tends to sag your pants down because it doesn't support the weight on top of the belt. My first of several PJ Holsters was a tuckable J-hook. My CM9 and the holster would start going deeper and deeper behind my belt, sagging the waistband of my jeans down. What I did to fix it was to cut off the hook part and install Velcro hook on the flat panel that remained (and Velcro loop on my belt). Talk about ultimate concealment? That is it. It stays put. You can even adjust the cant and ride height a bit. And nothing shows on the belt at all.

That being said, the holster stays in my drawer and I use the untuckable one with an over the belt clip, with an untucked shirt or T-shirt for cover. It is easier to get at than under a tucked shirt. I am retired, so I don't have to dress up for work, but the Velcro tuckable one would work great for a work setting. Paul will do it with black Velcro for you and send you a generous strip of Velcro loop to go on your belt. Get it with 15-20 degrees cant.

12-09-2012, 09:31 AM
I would go with a over the belt clip. I have a couple of these for different guns and they (get a good GUNBELT) are great. I use mine at 3:30 or appendix carry with no problem at all.


12-09-2012, 02:47 PM
Thanks Guys, you've brought up several points I hadn't thought about, namely how much the gun could make the jean top sag. But common sense just says there needs to be support for the weight of the gun. Guess I was assuming the CM9 wouldn't be heavy enough to do that but now that it's brought up I can think of what the gun does even carrying it in my back pocket under a shirt (until I can decide on a holster).
Trying to avoid a drawer full of holsters that I wouldn't be using and this Forum is worlds of help. I already have OWB holsters (which are not concealable under any stretch of the imagination) for my .357 and .380 so I sure don't need any more collection than I can avoid.
I'm retired also and am usually in jeans (or denim shorts when weather permits:40:) and T-shirts with maybe an unbuttoned over-shirt(is that a word).
Thanks again.