View Full Version : zimmerman update

12-11-2012, 09:59 AM

12-11-2012, 10:03 AM
Poor guy, can you imagine living like this for almost two years?

12-11-2012, 10:23 AM
Poor guy, can you imagine living like this for almost two years?

It's the legal fees I can't imagine.
He will never be the same after this ordeal.
I'm going to guess his Neighborhood Watch days are over for good.

12-11-2012, 11:01 AM
I can see no way that Zimmerman won't be exonerated in the pre trial when the Judge gets a look at the pictures of Zimmerman's wounds and if he is not then you will know for sure that the Obama Justice Dept is swinging it's Johnson around just to show they can....I only wish Zimmerman could sue the court for pain and suffering for dragging this whole thing out so long and MSNBC for altering the 911 call to make it sound like Zimmerman was only following Martin because he was black (MSNBC later claimed it was all just an accident)...YEA RIGHT!!!...The court and the media should have to pay for the fact they have been treating him as guilty until proven innocent since day one in what seems to be an obvious self defense situation...

12-11-2012, 11:32 AM
I can see no way that Zimmerman won't be exonerated in the pre trial when the Judge gets a look at the pictures of Zimmerman's wounds and if he is not then you will know for sure that the Obama Justice Dept is swinging it's Johnson around just to show they can....I only wish Zimmerman could sue the court for pain and suffering for dragging this whole thing out so long and MSNBC for altering the 911 call to make it sound like Zimmerman was only following Martin because he was black (MSNBC later claimed it was all just an accident)...YEA RIGHT!!!...The court and the media should have to pay for the fact they have been treating him as guilty until proven innocent since day one in what seems to be an obvious self defense situation...

can you post a link to a picture of his wounds?

12-11-2012, 11:33 AM
There are always book and movie rights to the story if he is exonerated. One thing this whole thing illustrates, using, or even drawing, your weapon is likely to change your life. It isn't right, but it is apparently the case.

12-11-2012, 11:45 AM
can you post a link to a picture of his wounds?

12-11-2012, 12:02 PM
Just google George Zimmerman's injury photos and there are pleanty of choices to go around to show George got his noggin slammed into the concrete pretty good....

To me the NBC mis-coverage/doctored audio alone should be enough for a mistrial...If you aren't familiar with that story it went like this:

NBC only played the audio of the 911 call like this:

Zimmerman: The guy looks to be up to no good, he looks black...

Here is the real 911 conversation:

Zimmerman: The guy looks to be up to no good or something, it's raining and he's just walking around looking about...

911 operator: Ok this guy is he black, white or hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black...

BIG difference there and good luck trying to find a jury that hasn't heard this on the news...NBC claims they had to edit the tape for on air time purposes but thier omission and altering of the 911 conversation completely changed the real situation....

12-11-2012, 12:07 PM
Exactomundo. The media and lawyers, a perfect cocktail for fabrication and someone getting fornicated.

12-11-2012, 12:26 PM
I just want to remind everyone that I was one of very few who sided with Zimmerman from the very beginning. Now I'm not the kind of guy to say I told you so, but if I were do you know what I would say? I told you so. :)

12-11-2012, 12:49 PM
I don't recall anyone here who didn't side with Zimmerman from the get go.

There was quite an outrage that he was even arrested when the locals didnt plan to do so.

If was only after bummer adopted him as his look alike son (if he was man enough to create a son) that all this transpired.

But I'll take you I told you so anyhow, it could be my memory is failing too.

12-11-2012, 12:51 PM
u might have been the first but I was right behind u. When Obummer said he wishs he had a son like that, I new right then zimmerman did the right thing. Just sayin

12-11-2012, 02:17 PM
Ya but.....the poor otha "little kid" was inocently jus comin from the candy store.....
I am pretty sure this is photo of poor other little guy that got shot ...

12-11-2012, 02:26 PM
Obama and son....:rolleyes:

12-11-2012, 05:55 PM
I can see no way that Zimmerman won't be exonerated in the pre trial when the Judge gets a look at the pictures of Zimmerman's wounds and if he is not then you will know for sure that the Obama Justice Dept is swinging it's Johnson around just to show they can....I only wish Zimmerman could sue the court for pain and suffering for dragging this whole thing out so long and MSNBC for altering the 911 call to make it sound like Zimmerman was only following Martin because he was black (MSNBC later claimed it was all just an accident)...YEA RIGHT!!!...The court and the media should have to pay for the fact they have been treating him as guilty until proven innocent since day one in what seems to be an obvious self defense situation...
My neighborhood watch starts and stops at my house perimeter!

12-11-2012, 06:27 PM
We need more George Zimmermans and fewer Crayon Martins.

Longitude Zero
12-11-2012, 07:27 PM
To me the NBC mis-coverage/doctored audio alone should be enough for a mistrial.

Fortunately in our system of justice this is a pipe dream and not a realistic possibility. I have felt Zimmerman got a raw deal but have smartly kept my own thoughts private as pontificating really proves nothing.

After the release of the latest photos I believe his chances for an acquittal are very good. However financial ruination is pretty much a foregone conclusion here.

12-11-2012, 08:35 PM
The photos look shopped. I had to say it. I hope not because a lot is at stake here. I just do not trust the press. I have seen stories of the same subject obviously change from week to week from the same newspaper/magazine to promote side taking among the readership and maintaining interest to help sell more pulp. The press will call it fair and unbiased journalism though.

12-11-2012, 08:46 PM
The photos look shopped. I had to say it. I hope not because a lot is at stake here. I just do not trust the press. I have seen stories of the same subject obviously change from week to week from the same newspaper/magazine to promote side taking among the readership and maintaining interest to help sell more pulp. The press will call it fair and unbiased journalism though.

I don't think it was chopped. I have not been following the story close but from what I picked up, the defense is furious because the prosecution had that photo of the busted beak all along and did not release it in the discovery phase.

12-11-2012, 09:49 PM
Fortunately in our system of justice this is a pipe dream and not a realistic possibility. I have felt Zimmerman got a raw deal but have smartly kept my own thoughts private as pontificating really proves nothing.

After the release of the latest photos I believe his chances for an acquittal are very good. However financial ruination is pretty much a foregone conclusion here.

If it was me, I'd be more worried about a New Black Panthers hit squad than financial ruination. Guy is either going to have to hide in a hole the rest of his life, get plastic surgery, or leave the country. :mad:

12-12-2012, 03:39 AM
If I was George I'd seriously be considering my options in another country after this.

12-12-2012, 04:52 AM
Fortunately in our system of justice this is a pipe dream and not a realistic possibility. I have felt Zimmerman got a raw deal but have smartly kept my own thoughts private as pontificating really proves nothing.

After the release of the latest photos I believe his chances for an acquittal are very good. However financial ruination is pretty much a foregone conclusion here.

Everyone here for a while knows my feelings on the subject of Justice in this country.
"Guilty until proven innocent. And the best lawyer wins."

I truly hope none of us has to weather a storm like this...

12-12-2012, 07:19 AM
I don't recall anyone here who didn't side with Zimmerman from the get go.

There was quite an outrage that he was even arrested when the locals didnt plan to do so.

If was only after bummer adopted him as his look alike son (if he was man enough to create a son) that all this transpired.

But I'll take you I told you so anyhow, it could be my memory is failing too.

Please don't make me dig into the archives, Bawanna. There were plenty of people on this board who hung Zimmerman before he went to trial. Several called Zimmerman a wannabe cop who should have minded his own business. They know who they are. I told them then to wait until all the facts were presented. The "I told you so" wasn't meant for you.

12-12-2012, 07:37 AM
The neighborhood watch in my area has reduced the number of break-ins, burglaries and car thefts considerably. Most of the people involved in the watch don't own guns or carry. They basically act as eyes and ears for the police. All are responsible law abiding citizens who are fed up with crime. We need more people like George Zimmerman.

Longitude Zero
12-12-2012, 04:14 PM
We need more people like George Zimmerman.

Educated folks would say that remains to be seen. If he is tragically convicted then it is obvious we DO NOT need more of him. The results drive the discussion.

12-12-2012, 06:11 PM
Whether Zimmerman is convicted or not, we need more men like him who are willing to get involved. There is no justice in this country. There is only the law. I'm beginning to believe that the only law that we have in this country is the law of the jungle.

12-12-2012, 06:15 PM
they will not convict him. not gonna happen, then the black will rise again and then "oh boy". the fun begins.. Just6 sayin

les strat
12-12-2012, 09:33 PM
they will not convict him. not gonna happen, then the black will rise again and then "oh boy". the fun begins.. Just6 sayin

And what will they do? Burn down their own neighborhood? Again? :rolleyes:

They step into the wrong neighborhood and it will be like that 911 burglary call in TX x1000.

12-13-2012, 10:30 AM
The sentiment on this forum is with Zimmerman. I just don't see it that way. An unarmed teenager went to the store to get candy and a drink. On his way home is confronted by an armed man and shot through the heart. I can't see anyway this the kids fault. If Zimmerman goes free it means the jury must be convinced that Martin was walking down the sidewalk with candy and drink in hand and for some inexplicable reason attacked Zimmerman. I don't know all of the facts but from what info is available I just don't believe the kid caused his own death. I don't know if it's murder but Zimmerman is guilty of something.

MW surveyor
12-13-2012, 10:44 AM
I don't know if it's murder but Zimmerman is guilty of something.

This kind of sh*t makes my head hurt.

By extension of your reasoning, we need to convict everyone that's even had a thought of doing something illegal because they might just go do it.

12-13-2012, 11:33 AM
This kind of sh*t makes my head hurt.

By extension of your reasoning, we need to convict everyone that's even had a thought of doing something illegal because they might just go do it.

Sorry your head hurts.

12-13-2012, 11:52 AM
The sentiment on this forum is with Zimmerman. I just don't see it that way. An unarmed teenager went to the store to get candy and a drink. On his way home is confronted by an armed man and shot through the heart. I can't see anyway this the kids fault. If Zimmerman goes free it means the jury must be convinced that Martin was walking down the sidewalk with candy and drink in hand and for some inexplicable reason attacked Zimmerman. I don't know all of the facts but from what info is available I just don't believe the kid caused his own death. I don't know if it's murder but Cis guilty of something.

Obviously, instead of researching the facts, you are getting your information from biased media and blowhards like Jackson and Sharpton. Zimmerman did not approach Martin. He called and reported suspicious activity to the police because the boy was not heading strait home, but was wandering around as if casing for a robbery. After talking to the police, Zimmerman headed back toward his car and was suddenly confronted and attacked by Martin, who threatened to kill him. After having his nose broken, his head repeatedly slammed on the sidewalk and calling for help that did not come, he did what he had to do to defend his life. Evidence was sufficient in the minds of police that this is how it played out, which is why they did not arrest or charge Zimmerman immediately after the inicident.

12-13-2012, 12:12 PM
There is an eye witness to the fight that said he saw Martin standing over Zimmerman lying on the ground on his back while Martin was going full tilt Mixed Martal Arts on Zimmermans skull....At which point do you decide that you don't want to be beaten senseless any longer and risk never waking up again and use the only weapon you have available to stop the stronger more powerfull aggressor from killing you?.....

Sage maybe you don't have a problem getting your head caved in and beaten into a stupor but I for one do and thats why I carry a weapon....I am 55 years old in average shape for someone my age and there is no way in he!! I would be able to defend myself in that kind of a fight....You may say Travon was only a sweet little innocent kid eating Skittles but my youngest son is also 17 years old the same age as Travon, he lifts weights and is an athlete just like Travon and there is no doubt what so ever in my mind that in the hypothetical situation that he and I were to come to blows he would mop up the sidewalk with me in much the same way as Travon did to Zimmerman....

I will agree that Zimmerman should not have followed Travon but just because he did so does not give Travon the right to try and make mashed potatos out of Zimmermans brain....IMPO Zimmerman played his trump card in order to live to see another day and I and most folks here would have done the very same thing, it's called self preservation!!!!

MW surveyor
12-13-2012, 12:23 PM
Sage, my head hurts because of your statement ".......he must be guilty of something."

I usually stay out of these types of posts just for the reason that there are some stupid things getting said, but the "he must be guilty of something" really demands some type of reply.

Please read up on what you are commenting about.

12-13-2012, 01:36 PM
have you guys seen this?


12-13-2012, 03:41 PM
The sentiment on this forum is with Zimmerman. I just don't see it that way. An unarmed teenager went to the store to get candy and a drink. On his way home is confronted by an armed man and shot through the heart. I can't see anyway this the kids fault. If Zimmerman goes free it means the jury must be convinced that Martin was walking down the sidewalk with candy and drink in hand and for some inexplicable reason attacked Zimmerman. I don't know all of the facts but from what info is available I just don't believe the kid caused his own death. I don't know if it's murder but Zimmerman is guilty of something.

I agree. Don't understand how these folks see it any other way. Simply a civilian with a gun playing vigilantly.

12-13-2012, 03:48 PM
I agree. Don't understand how these folks see it any other way. Simply a civilian with a gun playing vigilantly.

This is a clear example of why I'm scared to death of ever having
my freedom and/or life in the hands of a jury with zero accountability for their actions.

Simply unbelievable and truly frightening...

12-13-2012, 04:05 PM
Scary ain't it!!!I...I'm done with this thread....Common sense only goes just so far and I better leave before I say something I will be sorry for...:confused:

MW surveyor
12-13-2012, 04:38 PM
^^^I'm out as well.

12-13-2012, 04:46 PM
I think what needs to be said was said and a couple things that shouldn't have even been thought were said too, thank God for the 1st amendment.

Your entitled to your opinion, I give you that and little else.

12-13-2012, 06:43 PM
After much soul searching, I have a small partially functioning brain but a large soul I decided to reopen this thread.
No one can learn without discussion and I feel that I only closed it to protect perhaps those that really don't deserve protection.

We'll continue with enlightening post as long as we remain as civil as we can in a difficult to stay civil topic.
Negativity and getting personal will result in the gate closing once again.

Carry on.

12-14-2012, 04:35 AM
Ten -Hut!! Colonel!


12-14-2012, 09:28 PM
Besides the anti-gun, too liberal politicians and those others in power who abused, I am even more disgusted in how the media handled and manuevered this whole thing from the get-go. What they did should be criminal!

Geologist Bob
US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

12-14-2012, 09:30 PM
Tin-Man - I LOVE IT! Just saw your post above mine....sure wish I'd had some field of vision like that over in the Sandbox. Oh well, I'm too old anyway.....

Geologist Bob
US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

12-15-2012, 03:14 AM

Just coz you're on a diet or age restricted diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.

12-15-2012, 05:16 AM
I am glad that this thread remained open and I am glad that many replies are emotional for many here. It shows that people are involved and the outcome of this trial is important.