View Full Version : My Other Handguns - Initial

12-14-2012, 10:19 PM
Hello, all -

In addition to the K9 that I pick up tomorrow, I own a Sig SP2022 in 9mm, a Taurus PT709 Slim, and a Ruger SR22 w/ laser for the wife and cheap plinking.

Geologist Bob
US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

12-14-2012, 10:20 PM
PS - Almost Forgot - will post pics when I get posting rights (I did some lettering mod on the Sig).

Geologist Bob
US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

12-16-2012, 12:21 AM
Hello, all -

In addition to the K9 that I pick up tomorrow, I own a Sig SP2022 in 9mm, a Taurus PT709 Slim, and a Ruger SR22 w/ laser for the wife and cheap plinking.

Geologist Bob
US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

The K9 sounds like a nice addition to the collection. Be careful Kahr pistols can become habit forming.

12-16-2012, 12:58 AM
Can't wait to see what you did with the Sig. I would like to see the Ruger too.

12-16-2012, 06:52 AM
I fondled several Rugers at the gun show yesterday and my willpower was sorely tested by the SR22. Looked and felt like a lot of fun.

Enjoy that K9 when it arrives. You're off to a good start on a quality collection.

12-16-2012, 08:27 AM
Geobob, you really need to add a CM9 to your collection. A modest investment and it will become your favorite carry piece.

You can post pics from Photobucket by mousing over the pic, clicking the "Direct Link", clicking the "Insert Image" button (http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/John_England/Misc/PictureIcon.jpg) in the post edit window, do Ctrl-v to paste the address into the popup window and hit Enter. Like this (my custom mirror polished CM9 :D):

12-16-2012, 05:33 PM
Nice gun. I really like the subcompact Kahrs for carry. Here's my MK40:


12-16-2012, 05:37 PM
JFootin, every time I see your polished CM9, I drool, then I think I would be afraid to touch it. Seriously, really nice polish job!

Rufus, nice MK40!

12-16-2012, 05:55 PM
indeed a very attractive kahr,probably would have looked alot nicer had it been a blunt nose PM9. Just sayin

12-16-2012, 07:22 PM
Geobob, how do you like that Sig?

12-16-2012, 08:40 PM
JFootin, every time I see your polished CM9, I drool, then I think I would be afraid to touch it. Seriously, really nice polish job!

Rufus, nice MK40!

That stainless steel is hard and doesn't scratch easily. A little Flitz polish every few months keeps it looking right.