View Full Version : Night sight options for Kahr P380

12-15-2012, 08:28 AM

I have an early production P380, which has been flawless over 500+ rounds by the way, that has the factory regular sights. I want to do night sights. Are my only two option XS Big Dot and Trijicons? I see you can order the Trijicon's from Kahr for $80 + S&H.


12-18-2012, 04:02 AM
Pretty much. I've had both but like the trijicons. Nothing against the big dots, just not what I'm used to.
The CT laser really makes this gun come into its own in my opinion.

Short Bus
12-18-2012, 04:40 AM
Here's a deal on XS


12-18-2012, 09:37 AM
Thanks for the replies. I have a XS Big Dot night sight on my S&W 340PD and think its "OK". I have night sights on all my other handguns and my favorite right now is the Trijicon HD's with Yellow front (the Tritium vials are green, the yellow is some some sort of phosporescent (sp??) paint that you can "charge" up with a flashlight or natural light and it glows bright for about 10 min. Its the same stuff H&K uses on what they call night sights.

