View Full Version : CM9 failure to feed

12-16-2012, 03:38 PM
Ive owned the CM9 for a year now with 900 flawless rounds thru it.Ive recently have had 2 range trips.The first of these two i had one failure to feed,The other 49 went flawless.The trip i took today i had 3 failure to feed and 47 flawless rounds.Total of the 4 rounds 2 were fmj and 2 were hollow point.I have 2 mags, a 7 and 6 round.It happened with both mags.The round is nose dived into the slide ramp and the slide locks open.:confused: Any input would be appreciated. Thanks

12-16-2012, 03:59 PM
Try different ammo

12-16-2012, 04:05 PM
Ive owned the CM9 for a year now with 900 flawless rounds thru it.Ive recently have had 2 range trips.The first of these two i had one failure to feed,The other 49 went flawless.The trip i took today i had 3 failure to feed and 47 flawless rounds.Total of the 4 rounds 2 were fmj and 2 were hollow point.I have 2 mags, a 7 and 6 round.It happened with both mags.The round is nose dived into the slide ramp and the slide locks open.:confused: Any input would be appreciated. Thanks

check to see if by chance the follower is grabbing a tad on the magazine release button. Ud did not mention at what round in the magazine it did this either. It will take 5 minutes to check ot see and 5 minutes to fix if needed.

I think I would asll install a new recoil spring assembly to retest to. Who knows, ur new recoil assembly might just cure that.

12-16-2012, 04:07 PM
could be the your magazine springs also... like mentioned get new mags springs and a new recoil spring wouldn't hurt either. Cured my pm40

12-16-2012, 04:12 PM
The 2nd and 3rd rounds were doing this.I will order up some new parts and give it a whirl !! Thanks. The ammo ive been using is the same 900 flawless rounds ive already put thru it so i am ruling out the ammo. It just started acting up.

MW surveyor
12-16-2012, 05:04 PM
Ok, time for the stupid question.......................................... ..

Have you tried cleaning your magazines? By this, I mean taking them completely apart to clean.

12-16-2012, 05:20 PM
The 2nd and 3rd rounds were doing this.I will order up some new parts and give it a whirl !! Thanks. The ammo ive been using is the same 900 flawless rounds ive already put thru it so i am ruling out the ammo. It just started acting up.

PM sent.

12-16-2012, 05:27 PM
I had cleaned the mags before i went to the range, that is a good question though.Here is what i am seeing it do.When i am loading the mag (both 6 & 7)the 1st 2 rounds sit in the mag and the rounds are flush with a upward angle.As i load the 3rd and up to the 6th round the base of the rounds are flush but there is a gap in the front of the round,only on the top round only.So with a full 6 round mag the top round moves up and down in the front but flush in the back.So when i slowly close the slide the round when hit and pushed towards the barrel tilts down and nose dives. I tried fed hst-winch pdxi-blaser brass and speer lawmen ammmo. I have looked at my kimber,m&p comp,glock 19 and all of these mags when full have the top round flush with the rounds below it. I am i missing something or did i find the problem.

12-16-2012, 05:30 PM
what ur describing is normal for kahr magazines. What u cannot do is "slowley
try to load the top round, u gonna get issues. Now I did not pick this scenario up when u described ur initial issues. I gathered the rounds were mis feedng during actuall cycling after a round was shot..

12-16-2012, 06:02 PM
They are doing this when firing under normal conditions i was just investigating what would cause the problem.Now that i know this is normal( the way the rounds sit in the mag) i plan on ordering some springs ect.. Thanks again.There are the ideas that i was given also so i will check those out to.

12-16-2012, 07:00 PM
Oh and make sure everything is shiny, shiny, shiny clean. Did I say shiny clean yet. (personal experience) Chamber, breach face, extractor, etc... after 900 rounds there may be a hidden bit of crud some where. After that I would think maybe springs or follower.