View Full Version : Texas School District Will Let Teachers Carry Guns

12-16-2012, 07:55 PM
Governor Rick Perry is backing this experiment where, after thorough firearms training, teachers will be carrying concealed in this small school district. Here are two reports at...

Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,404721,00.html)

Star-Telegram (http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/12/14/4486104/texas-school-where-teachers-carry.html)

12-16-2012, 08:11 PM
Now we're talking a cure.

12-16-2012, 08:30 PM
Hell yeah! I'm tellin' ya folks...even if the rest of the country is crazy, Texas has at least a passing relationship with reality. "Gun free zones"=shooting galleries/killing fields.

Immigrate now, before it's too late. All y'all on Kahrtalk are welcome. Even Crabbyazz. :D

12-16-2012, 08:40 PM
Here's another idea too...with the cost of training teachers to carry why don't they use that money to have one trained mandatory security person at each school? I'm not surprised to see Texas as the first state stepping up with this landmark proposition.

12-16-2012, 08:56 PM
One small complication with this...

I copied this from a Tweet by Nutnfancy (the YouTube guy). I didn't watch "60 Minutes" this evening, but it seems that all of you guys are kinda "iffy". Check this out:

"60 Minutes expert says: "Anyone who practices with weapons has a high probability of becoming a murderer or mass shooter."

12-17-2012, 02:27 AM
Texas gets it right. This will never happen in Oregon. Here they will just try to take away all guns from the good guys, so no one could shoot back at the criminally insane.

12-17-2012, 06:50 AM
Governor Rick Perry is backing this experiment where, after thorough firearms training, teachers will be carrying concealed in this small school district. Here are two reports at...

Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,404721,00.html)

Star-Telegram (http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/12/14/4486104/texas-school-where-teachers-carry.html)

I was going to post this as a very real and effective solution to protecting our children.

This psycho suicidal/homicidal maniac off-ed himself as soon as he heard sirens approach.
If he had known teachers were/may have been armed,
I'm sure he would have picked a different venue for the attack.

The government can't protect us.
They never could.
We must protect ourselves by being mentally and physically aware and prepared.

12-17-2012, 07:15 AM
Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

Banning gun-free zones and allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons could help eliminate mass shootings at schools, John R. Lott, one of the nation's leading gun experts, tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview Saturday.

Lott, an author and college professor, told Newsmax that gun-free zones become “a magnet” for deranged killers who hope to burn their names into the history books by running up a big body count.

Lott’s landmark book "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws" is in its 3rd edition. He told Newsmax there is a “very good chance” the Connecticut school shooting could have been averted, if teachers there were permitted to carry concealed handguns.

It is no accident, he said, that mass shootings repeatedly have occurred in designated gun-free zones, which attract lunatics looking to murder as many souls as possible before they turn their guns on themselves.

Continue Reading Here (http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Lott-guns-Connecticut-shooting/2012/12/15/id/467903?s=al&promo_code=111C9-1)

12-17-2012, 07:58 AM
There's been a picture circulating on Facebook depicting a teacher in Israel slinging a rifle as she accompanies her children, implying Israeli teachers are armed.

Not sure how true that is, but how many school shootings does Israel have?

12-17-2012, 08:25 AM
There's been a picture circulating on Facebook depicting a teacher in Israel slinging a rifle as she accompanies her children, implying Israeli teachers are armed.

Not sure how true that is, but how many school shootings does Israel have?

They used to have some school shootings, which is why they sensibly armed the teachers (with proper training, of course). Not only so, but very many of the parents carry guns when accompanying their children to or from school. Now, they have no school shootings. El Al Airline used to have hijackings until they started putting a couple of armed sky cops in EVERY plane. Now, no hijackings. And in their security screenings they use profiling, not frisking grandmothers and little children.

You know, it is way past time that those of us with intelligence and good sense get on the soap box and force the narrative toward common sense solutions instead of continuing to let the idiots go unckecked! :mad:

12-17-2012, 09:26 AM
"Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies."

12-17-2012, 11:42 AM
They used to have some school shootings, which is why they sensibly armed the teachers (with proper training, of course). Not only so, but very many of the parents carry guns when accompanying their children to or from school. Now, they have no school shootings. El Al Airline used to have hijackings until they started putting a couple of armed sky cops in EVERY plane. Now, no hijackings. And in their security screenings they use profiling, not frisking grandmothers and little children.

You know, it is way past time that those of us with intelligence and good sense get on the soap box and force the narrative toward common sense solutions instead of continuing to let the idiots go unckecked! :mad:

Having an unchecked idiot as president,
with the power to issue executive orders,
It seems we have a rough ride ahead.

12-17-2012, 12:49 PM
FrontSight has offered to train teachers and schoolofficialsfor free. Stillneedtoget to Las Vegas and find a hotel for 3 nights but the class, rental gun and ammo will be free.

12-17-2012, 03:52 PM
FrontSight has offered to train teachers and schoolofficialsfor free. Stillneedtoget to Las Vegas and find a hotel for 3 nights but the class, rental gun and ammo will be free.

Now that is proactive! But will the individual States allow the teachers to carry? But at least it's a start.

12-17-2012, 04:00 PM
Teachers most likely will not carry even if allowed. Most are from the take away the tools and there won't be any danger side.

Most teachers I know and I know a lot from taking 3 kids thru the entire system are wicked smart but sorely lacking in common sense. IE: Democrats.

The public school system is part of the socialist agenda. Positive reinforcement and all that warm and fuzzy stuff.

There are exceptions of course, far in the minority but for them being allowed to carry would be a huge beginning. Sadly I fear too little too late and I'm sure they will require 6 months of training and bummer will want to tax it somehow.

mr surveyor
12-17-2012, 06:19 PM
Harrold ISD took advantage of the waiver in Texas law in 2008 that leaves it up to the individual school authorities to allow concealed carry by licensed CHL on campus. That law is not "new". It just may be more implimented by a few school districts....obviously the more rural districts (where some bit of common sense prevails). God help those in the five major metro areas in our otherwise sound, conservative state.

As for the Gun Free Victim Zones of schools.... by law, a Texas CHL can legally carry anywhere but inside the buildings on campus, or where organized school activities are taking place, in school transportation vehicles... and possibly a few other "gray area" type school related locations. With "permission" from the school authorities, a CHL can carry legally anywhere as it relates to education facilities.

les strat
12-18-2012, 12:46 PM
People in gun-free zones are sitting ducks. Until our idiotic nation and the goons that rule over us understand this, the violence will only escalate.

12-18-2012, 03:42 PM
A very good ARTICLE (http://www.policeone.com/active-shooter/articles/6067353-Newtown-shooting-Why-Minutemen-can-protect-against-active-shooters/).

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." — John F. Kennedy, 1961

12-18-2012, 05:57 PM
"The incident began on the morning of October 1, 1997 when Luke Woodham fatally stabbed and bludgeoned his mother, Mary Woodham, as she prepared for a morning jog. At his trial, Woodham claimed that he could not remember killing his mother.

Woodham drove his mother's car to Pearl High School. Wearing a trench coat, to hide his rifle when he entered the school, Woodham fatally shot Lydia Kaye Dew and Christina Menefee, his former girlfriend. Woodham went on to wound seven others before attempting to leave in his mother's car. He was subdued by assistant principal Joel Myrick, who pulled a .45-cal. pistol from his truck and ordered the gunman to the ground."

When seconds count the police are just minutes away...

12-18-2012, 06:51 PM
Most teachers I know and I know a lot from taking 3 kids thru the entire system are wicked smart but sorely lacking in common sense. IE: Democrats.

The public school system is part of the socialist agenda. Positive reinforcement and all that warm and fuzzy stuff.

You are a wise man.

12-20-2012, 01:09 AM
Texas is the last free place in this country!! I've said all along that "Gun Free Zones" kill more people than any "assault" rifle.

12-20-2012, 09:42 AM
Israel and Thailand are countries where the threat of a school shooting is the highest. Sunni Jihadists have targeted young children for murder in these nations.
Unlike Obama, Micheal Moore, and others who demand that potential victims be further disarmed, Israel and Thailand responding by giving potential victims more guns.
School teachers in Israel and Thailand now carry concealed handguns on the job. In areas where the threat is the greatest, teachers have been given free guns.
These programs have been a phenomenal success and saved scores, if not hundreds of lives. In May of 2002 alone, Sunni Jihadists were repelled at two Israeli schools before any innocent people were killed. An Israeli teacher shot a killed a suicide bomber before he could detonate his bomb. A second Jihadist at another school fled when confronted with armed teachers.
Israel once had a policy of victim disarmament. Israeli citizens were told they couldn't have guns. They were told the government would protect them. Then came numerous horrible massacres in the 1970's.
In March of 78' there was the Herzliyah School Bus Massacre. 37 children were killed and 76 were wounded by Jihadists. In 1974, school children were attacked during a field trip to a tobacco farm. 25 people were killed and 66 wounded by Jihadists.
Israeli citizens then rejected the idea that big government would protect them and demanded guns. Today Israel citizens enjoy Texan style gun rights (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-rights). Israeli citizens can lawfully use lethal force to protect both person and property with no "duty to flee." The country is much safer as a result.
A "gun free zone" is nothing more than a victim disarmament zone. An advertisement to predators that they will have an easier time committing crimes. Elementary school teachers with handguns in Israeli and Thailand have saved lives time and time again.
Would it surprise anyone that the Aurora, Colorado theater where the batman massacre took place has a "gun free zone" sign? Did you know that thirteen Colorado cities passed their own strict gun control laws and Aurora passed the strictest one of all? (http://cofcc.org/2012/07/james-holmes-choose-city-with-worst-guns-laws-in-the-state/)
Obama's hometown, Chicago, has the strictest gun control (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-control) laws in the nation. Every weekend is another bloodbath of gun violence. Thugs are slaughtering innocent people with impunity every day. Obama wishes to turn the entire nation into one giant Chicago. The murder rate in Chicago is soaring even though it is flat nationwide.

(Source: examiner.com (http://www.examiner.com/article/arming-teachers-worked-for-israel-and-thailand?cid=rss))

12-20-2012, 09:46 AM
By Robert Kittle
A bill prefiled in the South Carolina House would let state teachers and other school employees carry guns at school, as long as they have concealed weapons permits and meet other restrictions.

Sponsor Rep. Phillip Lowe, R-Florence, says lawmakers started talking about the idea five years ago after the Virginia Tech massacre, but the recent shootings in Newtown, Connecticut are bringing more attention to the idea.

"Schools are gun-free zones right no," Lowe says. "So the deranged killers know they can go there and wreak the most havoc. If they think that it's possible that somebody may have a gun to defend themselves and the children, then maybe they'll choose not to come to a school."

He says the second advantage of the idea is that, if a gunman does go to a school, an armed teacher or other school employee could end a killing spree sooner by shooting the attacker. "I had a third grade teacher call me and she said she was willing and ready to defend her classroom if I could get this bill passed," he says.

Teachers would have to qualify as expert marksmen and could have no history of violence, and they would have to keep their guns concealed while at school. They would also have to notify their school districts that they're carrying.

Stella Parrish of Columbia was a school teacher and administrator for 40 years. She also has a concealed weapons permit, which she got for personal protection after she retired. She thinks having more guns in schools, other than those carried by school resource officers, is a terrible idea.

"We can't start, in my view, taking on the outside world. We have to run a school. We are there to educate children and this problem's got to be handled from the outside," she says.

Even though she had to demonstrate proficiency on the firing range to get her concealed weapons permit, she says there's a big difference between firing a gun on a range and using one against an armed attacker shooting up a school. "There have been shots fired at perpetrators by police officers who are trained and innocent people were injured, if not killed," she says.

Rep. Bakari Sellers, D-Denmark, is also a concealed weapons permit holder who says he's a big defender of the Second Amendment. "We need to make sure that our children are safe in those schools, maybe adding additional resource officers and such. However, arming teachers is an asinine idea," he says.

"God forbid something does happen and teachers are armed and police come in and law enforcement come in, they don't know who to shoot. They don't know who's the good and who's the bad," he says.

State lawmakers in at least nine other states are talking about introducing similar legislation, or have already.

(Source: wltx.com (http://www.wltx.com/news/article/213331/2/Prefiled-Bill-Would-Let-SC-Teachers-Carry-Guns-at-School?odyssey=tab|topnews|bc|large))

12-20-2012, 10:35 PM
Harrold ISD took advantage of the waiver in Texas law in 2008 that leaves it up to the individual school authorities to allow concealed carry by licensed CHL on campus. That law is not "new". It just may be more implimented by a few school districts....obviously the more rural districts (where some bit of common sense prevails). God help those in the five major metro areas in our otherwise sound, conservative state.

As for the Gun Free Victim Zones of schools.... by law, a Texas CHL can legally carry anywhere but inside the buildings on campus, or where organized school activities are taking place, in school transportation vehicles... and possibly a few other "gray area" type school related locations. With "permission" from the school authorities, a CHL can carry legally anywhere as it relates to education facilities.

I'm a born and bred NC girl, BUT I LOVE living in this state. If Perry gets his way, all districts will have the option that Harrold, TX school district does. It's a OPTION for them, it's not mandatory. They live in an area where the nearest law enforcement is some ways away. Even in the bigger districts here, they need teachers who carry. The Gun Free Zone signs need to be taken down. If a teacher wants to carry, go get their CHL, get the proper training and carry. That is why it's a CHL, it's concealed and nobody has to know and probably better if they didn't know you had it.

12-21-2012, 08:23 AM
They are discussing the idea here in NC, too, but our Republican governor elect isn't real comfortable with it. The other option being considered is to try and commit lots more money for school safety officers in every school. Not feasible with the budgetary woes, and having just one retired police officer (who hopefully isn't out sick that day) in a school that is still posted as a gun free zone isn't good enough. Hopefully, wiser minds will prevail. I am glad that it is being openly discussed and reported by the usually way left news media.

mr surveyor
12-21-2012, 09:32 AM
I'm a born and bred NC girl, BUT I LOVE living in this state. If Perry gets his way, all districts will have the option that Harrold, TX school district does. It's a OPTION for them, it's not mandatory. They live in an area where the nearest law enforcement is some ways away. Even in the bigger districts here, they need teachers who carry. The Gun Free Zone signs need to be taken down. If a teacher wants to carry, go get their CHL, get the proper training and carry. That is why it's a CHL, it's concealed and nobody has to know and probably better if they didn't know you had it.

actually it's an option for any/all school district in the state... by law. The law, as written, doesn't pick and choose winners and losers. Even Dallas ISD could give written permission to any individuals with CHL to carry on premesis. It is an option that is already, and has been, available.

01-31-2013, 02:46 PM
actually it's an option for any/all school district in the state... by law. The law, as written, doesn't pick and choose winners and losers. Even Dallas ISD could give written permission to any individuals with CHL to carry on premesis. It is an option that is already, and has been, available.

It won't happen in Dallas ISD. The Police chief, who is a former Dallas PD officer, said last night on the news he doesn't want teachers carrying.

01-31-2013, 02:55 PM
The police chief is an enforcer, not a law maker. He may have say but he surly don't have the final say.

01-31-2013, 02:59 PM
I love the idea of Teachers being armed. It would be great if they all took Front Sight up on their offer. Most would learn a lot there.
Also love the idea because it drives the libtards absolutely insane. Having a gun around their child is just horrible. People go nuts over it. It would be funny to watch, except you remember these idiots vote.
Yeah, Arm the teachers then send them to Front Sight for training, or anyother top notch shooting school.

While they are at it, give them their paddles back. A good swat on the ass used to straighten up a lot of kids back in the day. Quit coddling them and drugging them up. And If I got swats at school, I got twice as many when I got home. It sure calmed my butt down.

01-31-2013, 09:14 PM
There are some of those socialist libtard teachers that I wouldn't want to see carrying guns. Thankfully, none of them would even consider it. :rolleyes:

les strat
01-31-2013, 09:35 PM
I love the idea of Teachers being armed. It would be great if they all took Front Sight up on their offer. Most would learn a lot there.
Also love the idea because it drives the libtards absolutely insane. Having a gun around their child is just horrible. People go nuts over it. It would be funny to watch, except you remember these idiots vote.
Yeah, Arm the teachers then send them to Front Sight for training, or anyother top notch shooting school.

While they are at it, give them their paddles back. A good swat on the ass used to straighten up a lot of kids back in the day. Quit coddling them and drugging them up. And If I got swats at school, I got twice as many when I got home. It sure calmed my butt down.

Right on bro! Kids need that ass tore up. I know I got my fair share. :D

01-31-2013, 09:37 PM
Right on bro! Kids need that ass tore up. I know I got my fair share. :D

The few that I got, I certainly earned and deserved. Sure motivated me not to transgress again in the future.

01-31-2013, 10:17 PM
The police chief is an enforcer, not a law maker. He may have say but he surly don't have the final say.

Actually with this ISD Board, I doubt they will let teachers carry...If they do I'd be surprised.