View Full Version : democrats coming for our guns

Chief Joseph
12-16-2012, 11:28 PM
At least they're admitting which party is doing it. Of course, they now feel the country is behind them.


12-17-2012, 12:03 AM
There are some good comments at the bottom of that page. I kind of expected a bunch of comments in agreement with gun control, but that wasn't the case at all.

12-17-2012, 07:00 AM
We are at war, folks. Between the Libs and the Muslims, we need to fight like our freedom is at stake. What more will it take???

12-17-2012, 07:35 AM
We are at war, folks. Between the Libs and the Muslims, we need to fight like our freedom is at stake. What more will it take???

You know, a real serious look at the Second Ammendment says that we have a responsibility as citizens to keep and carry arms and be ready to form militias and defend against an overreaching government. While most of us have concentrated mainly on a selfish attitude of self and family defense from crime, we need to decide to commit our lives to the defense of our freedoms. The best way to do this is to start organizing local militias, not going solo. And we need to take this stand with the understanding that it will cost some of us our lives. This truly is a war for our very souls.

12-17-2012, 08:24 AM
Perhaps, but not on a public internet forum...

12-17-2012, 08:31 AM
I made a decision after the election to change directions w/ my life. I'm getting more involved with both the local Tea Party and local Libertarian party. I've pulled the plug on as much other stuff as possible since the election to free up time for 2013 and beyond. It might be a lost cause, but I'm not willing to give up completely just yet. Its not that I wasn't already awake, not that I wasn't already participating in educating those around me and taking a stand for what is right, but I'm kicking it up a notch starting next year. If that ultimately means becoming a modern day <insert your favorite founding father>, then that's what I'll become. Think what you want about Glenn Beck, but he used to regularly ask where the next George Washington would come from. We are in dire need of many people like that now. I plan on working to educate the younger generation(s) so that maybe that person is among them. I'm probably too old to fulfill that role at this point.

12-17-2012, 09:57 AM
Perhaps, but not on a public internet forum...

I am not using the forum to organize, just sharing something to think about. chrish is doing what I am talking about; getting more serious about being an American citizen. We are never going to be in the majority. The large majority of people in the American colonies never took up arms or engaged in the revolutionary war. If it were up to them we would still be under the cruel oppression of the Brittish Empire. It is the truly brave who will stand up and do the right thing, but how many of this quality are there in this generation?

12-17-2012, 10:22 AM
I just tried to find this article online, and there were no comments. Then I noticed, they re-released (with no changes) the story on Monday which means people will see the current story instead of the original one with the good conservative comments at the bottom of the page. Those sneaks!

12-17-2012, 10:33 AM
I'm already reading about attempts to reach out to the NRA for thoughts on a gun control measure they might be agreeable too.
Specifically an assault rifle ban without all the Brady Bill trimmings.

Co-Workers, knowing I'm pro gun ownership, have asked what good reason I have for owning an AR/AK type weapon.

Actually, I don't own one and have no strong argument against a ban.
Even as I speak those words,
I can't help but feel the strong urge to whip out my credit card and order an AR and some high cap mags as fast as I can.

I don't really need one.
But just the thought that this option will almost certainly be taken from me in the immediate future - is cause to take pause and think about it.

12-17-2012, 11:20 AM
Just try to locate one in stock as of this morning. Just try to find an online gun shop that hasn't already jacked their AR prices. Just try to find a gun shop that isn't publicly pleading to not call their customer service lines to check on your order delivery.

I checked 4 of my usual sources just now at lunch and discovered all these conditions. None of this existed last night. Shoulda bought that Windham last night.

12-17-2012, 11:26 AM
I went on a shopping trip from hell yesterday with the wife. I don't get out much, first time I'd been in a grocery store where they had hard liquor, our local dept store is stocking guns again.

I held a Windham there too. Jacked on price already. All the stores we went to, (very traumatizing since I don't get out much) where guns were sold AR's were on the counter being looked and usually purchased.

I fear all who waited in hopes of getting one (like myself) your too late.

12-17-2012, 01:05 PM
I went on a shopping trip from hell yesterday with the wife. I don't get out much, first time I'd been in a grocery store where they had hard liquor, our local dept store is stocking guns again.

I held a Windham there too. Jacked on price already. All the stores we went to, (very traumatizing since I don't get out much) where guns were sold AR's were on the counter being looked and usually purchased.

I fear all who waited in hopes of getting one (like myself) your too late.
Golly, Bawanna. With the neat stuff you already own, you are already in the cat bird seat. Lean back and enjoy the feeling of already owning more and neater weapons than any of those first time buyers could possibly think of.

Yeah, I know, "if you know how many you have you don't have enough", but . . . I'll bet you have more than you could possibly find time to shoot, even without the distraction of working for a living. http://home.mindspring.com/~justsomeguy/icon_lol.gif

12-17-2012, 01:47 PM
Your right of course but the way things are, a nice Windham with about a 100 full PMags would be a real comfort.