View Full Version : magazine ban poll VOTE!

12-17-2012, 09:30 PM

78% NO votes @ 11:30 pm ;)

12-18-2012, 03:20 AM

Short Bus
12-18-2012, 03:35 AM
I did my part, 79.5% no now.

12-18-2012, 04:33 AM
I voted no.
How many times can I vote???????????

12-18-2012, 05:10 AM
Can we have a poll on restricting psycho killers?
Removing one way of killing folks from an endless and impossible to mitigate list means nothing.

This nut job drove is mom's car to the school.
And could have just as easily driven over bunches of kids.

Mental illness and gun free zone / shooting galleries are real problems that need addressing - IMHO.

12-18-2012, 05:59 AM
This type of poll is a waste of time. Our Founding Fathers took a poll and determined the the right to self defense and the right keep and bear arms was an unalienable God given right.

12-18-2012, 06:14 AM
It would be a better poll if all Americans people could see it,insteadof probably 90% gun owners. It would be like the NRA asking it members to vote in their poll.

I honestly believe thatif this poll was somehow made available to all people, that they would vote to ban hi capaicity mags. Alot also depends how a poll is worded to.

High capacity to the lay person could be even 6 rounds or 5 or what ever. Most lay people thnik an assualt weapon is a full auto gun, painted black..

and a Bad Guy is one who appears in an all black dress set up, where as a good guy wears a suit and tie. Its all about perception. If it looks bad , then it is bad.

Just look at the early on photos of Trevor Martin, He was a nice lookngyoung man but that photo was almost 8 years old, then whenwe seen some of his laterst ghetto typle poses photos etc, . we now see two different trevor Martins..

Heh, the year ain't over yet either, there are ut cases right now planning...

12-18-2012, 06:20 AM
This type of poll is a waste of time. Our Founding Fathers took a poll and determined the the right to self defense and the right keep and bear arms was an unalienable God given right.

Yeah, too bad they won't be the ones voting on upcoming bills :rolleyes: ... I suggest the pro gun side gets a voice soon to start countering this knee jerk, non-stop news cycle attack on law abiding gun owners.

12-18-2012, 06:23 AM
good point...

I think that will happen also. some wheels are already turning, we just arenot in on it "yet"..

12-18-2012, 07:17 AM
good point...

I think that will happen also. some wheels are already turning, we just arenot in on it "yet"..

I hope you are right Jocko...

At this time it maybe best not to fan the flames publicly...But These half wits on TV constantly are just getting to be too much to go uncountered with some facts.

WHY ??? don't any of them ask the obvious question, why did a mentally ill person have free access to the firearms???

Why were they not locked up ???

They want to blame an inanimate object for this terrible act and not the person who did it, but if they need to lay blame somewhere else I say look to the mother, she bought them, and she knew he was not mentally stable and did not secure them, even if she didn't have a safe, every one of those firearms came with a gun lock right in the box!!!:mad: