View Full Version : There's Little We Can Do to Prevent Another Massacre

12-18-2012, 01:18 PM
IMHO an excellent, mainly unbiased, truthful dissertation on this issue:


12-18-2012, 01:44 PM
Well thought out and presented but it ultimately supports hi cap mag banning. I think these recent events will result in all states following California's restriction of hi cap mags. While doing so will not make an insane homocidal maniac more sane, it will be done in an effort to reduce the shooters lethality as mentioned in the article. I dont want this ban to occur for many of the reasons, some also cited in the article, but I think many owners will see this as another compromise in order to keep arms.

12-18-2012, 02:31 PM
I'd say there's nothing the government can do to prevent crime.

As for "we" as in "the people," there's plenty we can do. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

12-18-2012, 02:35 PM
Synopsis of the Texas Tower Sniper offered without comment: http://www.theoildrum.com/node/9714#comment-935634

12-19-2012, 08:37 AM
I'd say there's nothing the government can do to prevent crime.

As for "we" as in "the people," there's plenty we can do. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

I completely agree, which is one reason I am well-armed and practice regularly to remain proficient in the use of those arms!

12-19-2012, 08:56 AM
Well thought out and presented but it ultimately supports hi cap mag banning. I think these recent events will result in all states following California's restriction of hi cap mags. While doing so will not make an insane homocidal maniac more sane, it will be done in an effort to reduce the shooters lethality as mentioned in the article. I dont want this ban to occur for many of the reasons, some also cited in the article, but I think many owners will see this as another compromise in order to keep arms.

I think the author acknowledges that banning hi cap mags would have a minimal, if any, effect in reducing spree killings. She states, "Reducing the magazine sizes seems modestly more promising, but only modestly. It takes a few minutes of practicing to learn how to change a magazine in a few seconds."

I also don’t believe she is strongly advocating banning hi cap mags either. I think this has to be taken in the context of her previous statement, "A law would make us feel better, because it would make us feel as if we'd "done something", as if we'd made it less likely that more children would die. But I think that would be false security. And false security is more dangerous than none.
My guess is that we're going to get a law anyway, and my hope is that it will consist of small measures that might have some tiny actual effect, like restrictions on magazine capacity."

I interpret this as saying that if we are going to get stuck with a new gun law, a ban on high cap mags might be the least restrictive or intrusive, and maybe, possibly have some very small effect in reducing the carnage in spree killings.

Please know that personally I vehemently oppose a ban on high cap mags, or any new gun laws what-so-ever!

12-19-2012, 09:12 AM
I think the author acknowledges that banning hi cap mags would have a minimal, if any, effect in reducing spree killings. She states, "Reducing the magazine sizes seems modestly more promising, but only modestly. It takes a few minutes of practicing to learn how to change a magazine in a few seconds."

I also don’t believe she is strongly advocating banning hi cap mags either. I think this has to be taken in the context of her previous statement, "A law would make us feel better, because it would make us feel as if we'd "done something", as if we'd made it less likely that more children would die. But I think that would be false security. And false security is more dangerous than none.
My guess is that we're going to get a law anyway, and my hope is that it will consist of small measures that might have some tiny actual effect, like restrictions on magazine capacity."

I interpret this as saying that if we are going to get stuck with a new gun law, a ban on high cap mags might be the least restrictive or intrusive, and maybe, possibly have some very small effect in reducing the carnage in spree killings.

Please know that personally I vehemently oppose a ban on high cap mags, or any new gun laws what-so-ever!

Thank you, you made my point for me. The autor also said that ( I paraphrase) ...by not having hi cap mags, the lethality of a shooter is reduced.......

The president has tasked VP Biden to head the gun violence task force. Not sure if this a blessing or a curse. When I look at the man, it seems the lights are on but no one is home.

12-19-2012, 10:04 AM
oh yeah, Look at Joe Biden. the lights are alwasy on but no one is ever home. He might just say sumpin to help the gun owners to. He is such a loose cannon.(oops can't use cannon for very long probably). He is then such a loose shoestring that he will stumble over his own words.

Oh yeah, I love Joe biden. Just sayin

12-19-2012, 10:07 AM
oh yeah, Look at Joe Biden. the lights are alwasy on but no one is ever home. He might just say sumpin to help the gun owners to. He is such a loose cannon.(oops can't use cannon for very long probably). He is then such a loose shoestring that he will stumble over his own words.

Oh yeah, I love Joe biden. Just sayin

Joe is gonna be like the Rice gal, a mouth peace to say sh!t that he knows is not true and that will later be shoved down his throat... Obummer couldn';t pocik a better man for the job IMO. But lately I have noticed andit might just be me to but I think obummer doesn't want any more fights. I think the fight has went out of the dog, so he delegates controversial sh!t to his rummy friends. I. E. Rice and Biden, Hillary..