View Full Version : problem racking slide
12-18-2012, 09:53 PM
I am having problems racking and locking the slide. Any quick, obvious Kahr cure?
Thank you
12-18-2012, 09:59 PM
If the pistol is new, you will find that it gets easier as the recoil spring takes a set and parts wear in a bit while shooting.
This is especially true with locking back the slide. In the meantime, you can lock the slide more easily by inserting an empty magazine before pulling it back. The magazine will push up the slide lock lever for you allowing to concentrate your energies on pulling the slide all the way back.
Oh, and . . . Welcome to KahrTalk. :)
12-18-2012, 10:08 PM
Thank you. But, the problem is the slide will not go back far enough for the magazine, or, hand manipulation of the stop to engage it into the notch. Magazine inserted, pulling back the slide as far as it will go will not lock the slide.
If it matters it is a new PM4544
12-18-2012, 10:15 PM
Has it ever been fired?
If not, put some rounds through it before doing anything else.
If all else fails, trim a quarter of turn off the open (front) end of the outer recoil spring and try again. Repeat until you can rack it. If you have a dremel tool with a cut off wheel, that's usually easier than using a side cutter. You do not want to distort the spring if you can avoid it.
12-19-2012, 06:50 AM
Those new guns are REALLY stiff. Do what Tucson suggested, or even test it by loading one round in the magazine and firing it to see if it locks open that way. I'm guessing when hand racking it you're not pulling it back far...try putting an empty magazine in it and then using your hands to push the gun forward while pulling the slide back really hard, as if it had been shot. Hard and Fast. I've handled some new ones that it was VERY difficult to lock open without being very aggressive. After shooting them a little bit they loosen up and this isn't a problem.
The only thing would be if it had the wrong recoil spring or something to it. I would definitely try firing it/testing it by firing it before trimming the recoil spring. Kahr stands behind their products, you shouldn't have to modify a brand new gun to make it work. If something is actually wrong with it, let Kahr fix it for you.
12-19-2012, 07:00 AM
If the gun had the wrong recoil spring in it the factory test firing would have caught the error. There isn't anything wrong with the gun. In my opinion it's operator error. Here's a video on how to properly rack the slide. If you can't rack it after watching the video send the gun back to Kahr.
12-19-2012, 07:07 AM
Nice video, is that a forum member?
12-19-2012, 08:41 AM
Good vid.
12-19-2012, 05:42 PM
Thank you all. Thru a truly Herculean effort I got the slide open. Without this input I would never be that aggressive with the gun.
Before I consider any modifications, I will let the gun sit slide back for a few days and then shoot the snot out of it since I can now load it as per the manual.
The gun allegedly has 100 through it per the seller. It was a replacement gun from Kahr for one that didn't work. I really doubt he put 100 through it.
Saturday the break in period will be completed.
Thank you for the help. If I have trouble, I will be sure be back to follow through on all of your suggestions.
Sure hope this gun works. There is much to like about it.
12-19-2012, 05:53 PM
Welcome aboard! You will grow to love it. They are very stiff when new. I also could barely rack mine, but it smoothed out a lot, and I got stronger and used to it, and you will too.
12-19-2012, 05:55 PM
I bet once you starting putting rounds through it you'll have no problems. We'll be expecting a range report!
12-19-2012, 05:59 PM
My betalso is if u shoot some defense HP amo +P stuff, it will work perfect and will work that recoil spring faswter toits breakin. they are stout when new, and a 100+ roundsis still new. It will loosen up somemore ,just keep shootn it, but again sometimes the lower pressured rounds mght at frist not wantto lock open all the time but again after a fewhudred rounds that will also dissappear. Ur good to go, do whattheguys here suggest. Had racking takes some learning with a kahr, but you will learn it. For the time being used the slide lock release toload that first round. As u have foundout u cannot pu$$y foot that slide back at thebeginning, once broken in and the springs take a nice set, u will be able to lock it back with ease..
Thru a truly Herculean effort I got the slide open.
Before I consider any modifications, I will let the gun sit slide back for a few days and then shoot the snot out of it
If you got it open, then there is no modification needed.
I like to say: "Kahr does not make the springs the way they should be, but instead, they make them to become the way they should be".
Holding the slide back will not appreciably help. The rapid and forceful cycling, such as firing, will work to make the spring "take its set".
Hand cycling helps too, but you'll need strong rapid cycles... tiring, and really, not as good as firing.
Consider springs - old WWI 1911 magazines are still going strong after being left for decades compressed with ammo in them. No cycling, so little stress. Thats how springs are.
Go shoot that gun, don't mind a few snags in the first few boxes. WWB is a little underpowered, so it may take an extra box to get the gun limbered up with that ammo.
12-19-2012, 08:31 PM
My CM9 has a few hundred rounds through it, but it is mirror polished which makes it hard to grip the slide. I also have crippled hands. When I'm at home and need to open the slide, I sometimes slide a disposable glove on to aid gripping the slide. It really helps. Usually when at the range, it locks back after last round and I insert a full mag. I keep a glove in my range bag, though, in case I need it.
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