View Full Version : Interesting video

12-19-2012, 07:41 AM
Watch the sequence where the officer removes the rifle from the shooter's trunk:


Clearly not an AR-15 "assault rifle". Looks to me like an SKS in an ATI stock. A 10 shot rifle, one would assume to comply with Connecticut laws regarding "assault rifles". Now surely the media would not lie about this just to press for gun bans.... :mad:

12-19-2012, 07:54 AM
We should be cautious before jumping to any conclusions ourselves. For example I saw an interview with a surviving teacher. She spoke of the “pop pop pop” going on for a long time, then a break, then popping again. Could it be that the shooter used the rifle until he ran out of ammo, then put it in his car and came back again? Dunno. But unlike the gun-grabbing media, let’s wait for the official investigation to conclude.

12-19-2012, 07:55 AM
The gun forearm is clearer in this one. Looks like a Saiga shotgun of some kind. Not an AR-15 as reported.


12-19-2012, 08:02 AM
That second video, the size of the shell definitely looks more like a shotgun shell than a rifle shell IMO.

The problem is the media will just repeat anything they might have heard, but then you also look at the interview with the Medical Examiner claiming everyone was killed by a rifle. Surely he would know the difference...so he is either wrong, or purposely saying the most politically strong answer...

12-19-2012, 08:04 AM
I heard he left the shotie in the car

12-19-2012, 08:15 AM
So is the idea there was a rifle and 4 handguns in the school, and a shotgun in the car? I know this is all based off media tangents, but why is there so much information. The shooting is over, has been for days now...can no one figure out what happened yet?

Maybe they should pass a law that any news reported that turns out to be incorrect the media outlet would face fines and penalties....perhaps that would help control the media blitz of misinformation.....but I guess reporting is protected under the first amendment, and the Bill of Rights does give us freedoms that cannot be infringed upon.....

12-19-2012, 08:26 AM
...and the Bill of Rights does give us freedoms that cannot be infringed upon.....

I think we're gonna find out if that's true or not in the coming days and weeks.

I think the current occupant of 1600 Penna Ave might be anticipating some pushback on his proposals since he's appointed the #2 man (colloquially the #2 man) Joe The Biden as the point buffoon on this. It lets BO distance himself from the fecal eruption that's going to occur.

12-19-2012, 09:12 AM
The key thing is the media isn't the slightest concerned in confirming facts. I'm getting some preliminary LE investigation intel. I haven't had time to read it completely but I'm sure it won't be very similar to the media reports.

I'll share if it's allowed.

12-19-2012, 09:27 AM
I think we're gonna find out if that's true or not in the coming days and weeks.

I think the current occupant of 1600 Penna Ave might be anticipating some pushback on his proposals since he's appointed the #2 man (colloquially the #2 man) Joe The Biden as the point buffoon on this. It lets BO distance himself from the fecal eruption that's going to occur.

I posted in another thread if Biden's participation is a blessing or a curse to gun owner's rights.

12-19-2012, 10:35 AM
So is the idea there was a rifle and 4 handguns in the school, and a shotgun in the car? I know this is all based off media tangents, but why is there so much information. The shooting is over, has been for days now...can no one figure out what happened yet?

Maybe they should pass a law that any news reported that turns out to be incorrect the media outlet would face fines and penalties....perhaps that would help control the media blitz of misinformation.....but I guess reporting is protected under the first amendment, and the Bill of Rights does give us freedoms that cannot be infringed upon.....

the media does correct itself. It is on page 24, 5th column, One sentence. evidently you don't read that far back, so consider the rest of the reading public that does the same.

When we have idiots like Harry Reed and Pelosie, Biden and a few others who say sh!t tha tis a lie (Rice comes to mind)_, the news media covers it but never cmes back saying it was wrong. Only one news media does that and thatis Fox..

I heard a few days ago after Rice pulled her name a NBC commentrator make the comment that he thoght this would hurt the republicans being she was of color and they went against her. Hell they didn't go aganst her prior to her name being announced. Basically I think they thought she was OK. OIt was when she came on and lied 5 times on a Sunday to allthe tv stations about the truth. But again damn if ur black, u get alot of slack. bull Sh!t.:blah:

les strat
12-19-2012, 11:16 AM
It's a Saiga shotty with the mag removed. Apparently, one in the chamber.

The police on thescanner earlier that day said their was a rifle, pistols, and shotgun used. The LEO must be clairvoyant or something.

This doesn't add up.

How do you save video from Youtube? I have a feeling these aerial clips will be gone soon.

12-19-2012, 11:28 AM
For Firefox it's Download-Helper, an extension that actually works well along with it's conversion software. Or you can get a viewer that is formatted for the Y0uTube videos.