View Full Version : The typical liberal gun mindset.

Chief Joseph
12-19-2012, 10:08 AM

So typical, just like that skank rosie when she ambushed Tom Selleck over guns then it was discovered her "boyfriend" had applied for a concealed carry permit to protect her with. When will people get that the democrats are nothing but elitist hypocrites who will ban OUR right to guns while maintaining their right to still have them.

12-19-2012, 11:36 AM
link did not work for me

12-19-2012, 11:41 AM

So typical, just like that skank rosie when she ambushed Tom Selleck over guns then it was discovered her "boyfriend" had applied for a concealed carry permit to protect her with. When will people get that the democrats are nothing but elitist hypocrites who will ban OUR right to guns while maintaining their right to still have them.

happen sir, UNTIL the news stations start reporting the truth, so help them God. When we have a&&holes like Chris Matthews spewing such hatred towards repoublicanns and all the liberal news stations picking up on it. it just ain't gonna hapen

As smeone mentioned here on the fourm, wy in hella re we still reading somuch sh!t about how many guns his mom owned legally etc, almsot a week later. which has no real bearing other than to keep the pot boioling ot towards more gun controls.

Why do u think that twit Obummer passed off this job of gun control to Haofwit Joe biden. Obummer has no more real fight in him. Biden is the righgt an for the gunb control job IMO. He will unknowlinghly help the NRA. He absolutely ooves to hear himself talk. U gotta know he has great aspirations of running for Pres in 2016. I sur ehopehe does to. I probalby would switch over and vote for him in the primaryt just to get him to the finals. He can't beat his meat. Just sayin

12-19-2012, 12:50 PM
The liberal mindset on anything having to do with power, and guns are all about power, is it's good for liberals, but bad for anyone else.

12-19-2012, 01:23 PM
Liberals thought up, lobbied for and implemented gun control laws
involving the creation of these so called “gun free zones” around schools.
While having good intentions. Their poor and unenforceable implementation
has resulted in the creation of attractive and safe shooting galleries for killers.
Our children are at more risk and lives have been lost, in part, due to these laws.

Gun control advocates need to, and will not, admit to or accept responsibility for their actions.
Having good intentions does not absolve poorly concocted and dangerous solutions.

This concludes my rant for the day.

12-19-2012, 01:37 PM
How well has gun control worked in Mexico?

12-19-2012, 01:39 PM
How nice. Hollywierd libs want NRA members to be shot.


12-19-2012, 09:51 PM
"Want to make a conservative mad? Tell him a lie. Want to make a liberal mad? Tell him the truth."

les strat
12-19-2012, 10:59 PM
How nice. Hollywierd libs want NRA members to be shot.


What hypocrits. They'll put out movies that are nothing but violence, full of guns, murder, revenge, etc, then blame anything bad on the NRA and evil "assault weapons".

But yet we still support them. :confused:

mr surveyor
12-19-2012, 11:02 PM
What hypocrits. They'll put out movies that are nothing but violence, full of guns, murder, revenge, etc, then blame anything bad on the NRA and evil "assault weapons".

But yet we still support them. :confused:

we, who?

les strat
12-19-2012, 11:33 PM
we, who?

I'd say most gun owners still watch TV shows, movies, etc, that these anti-gun, pro-Obama/socialist actors, actresses, producers, and directors make millions off of, many of those filled with extreme violence. Then they blame us (the gun owners and the NRA) for the violence in America.