View Full Version : Gun Control/Reciprocity Bill?

Bill K
12-20-2012, 10:45 AM
How would you folks feel about a "Gun Control" Bill that would ban so called "assault" rifles and "high" (11+ rounds) capacity magazines but included a national "Right to Carry" reciprocity rider?

12-20-2012, 10:55 AM
How would you folks feel about a "Gun Control" Bill that would ban so called "assault" rifles and "high" (11+ rounds) capacity magazines but included a national "Right to Carry" reciprocity rider?

Not if I can help it, sir.

This is exactly the reason I do not support the national reciprocity effort today. I am not willing to have my states permit rules changed at the whim of another state in order to have my permit valid in all states. UNLESS all states are going to return to a second amendment carry permit.

12-20-2012, 10:58 AM
How would you folks feel about a "Gun Control" Bill that would ban so called "assault" rifles and "high" (11+ rounds) capacity magazines but included a national "Right to Carry" reciprocity rider?

I would be good with that. But I'm probably the only one here that feels that way. I only have pistols for self protection and sport. Not planning on an armed insurrection of the government or battling tribes of Taliban commando's on my front porch.

12-20-2012, 10:59 AM
NO! I do not support any gun control or bans on gun ownership. I do support national reciprocity, but only without any strings attached.

12-20-2012, 11:02 AM
I would be good with that. But I'm probably the only one here that feels that way. I only have pistols for self protection and sport. Not planning on an armed insurrection of the government or battling tribes of Taliban commando's on my front porch.

What sort of "pistols" sir?

12-20-2012, 11:20 AM
not for it here

12-20-2012, 11:22 AM
What sort of "pistols" sir?

Kahr CM9 - Favorite
Bretta Neos - Cheap, ugly and lots of fun.

12-20-2012, 11:23 AM
Kahr CM9 - Favorite
Bretta Neos - Cheap, ugly and lots of fun.

OOOO, to bad for you sir, they are both on the gun ban list. Got something else you might use instead of those?

MW surveyor
12-20-2012, 11:23 AM

You know, my 10/22 has a black synthetic stock (but a stainless steel barrel). Would it be considered an "assault rifle"?

12-20-2012, 11:25 AM
How would you folks feel about a "Gun Control" Bill that would ban so called "assault" rifles and "high" (11+ rounds) capacity magazines but included a national "Right to Carry" reciprocity rider?

not for me I personally feel the national reciprocity thing shold be legalized, I would not want it held hostage to anutter gun restriction. When one calls "so called assualt rifles, IMO it tells me that WE JUST DONT KNOW.

Its black and the military has some that look like it, although we all now totally operational different.. The Military also now has the Beretta M9 which years ago was just a regularol Beretta 9 that we sole for years . Are we to say because the military now issues the M9 as their primary carry weapon thatwe4 should nwo outlaw sales to public, when actually the public was first.

It is just a very hard debateable thinjg. I do not own any ASSUALT weaons, so I like many shouldbe saying it doesn't matter to me what they do with ASSUALT style weapons, but I do because I know it is just looks over funtionality. Wil the ruger Mini 14 be banned.It can be loaded with high capacity mags. Where do we stop. Better background checks if abused now need to be impimented. I don't think I as a gun buyert would object to that. Hell they check me out whenI get a passport, or apply for a NFA automatic permit. This is a tuff one guys for this time I think the general public is not on our side--against doing nuttin. That will just not fly this time. I do think banning high capacity magtazines is a given and we know it will serve no purpose but to make the politicians feel better about themselves and be alble to go back to their home bas end say , see what we did.

I will also say that the blusteringaobut addressing this mental health thing will be allabout blustering, nuttin will get passed in that area, but it will be talked about alot to again make us allfeel good THET THEY ARE GOING TO LOOK INTO IT. Fokking Bull Sh1t and u know it to. If they did lock up the nuts cases to u realize that Pelosie, Biden, Reed would be gone and lets throw in Liberman to, for thatidiot has no clue what party heis supporting TODAY..:target:

What kind of assualt weapons did Tim McVeigh have when he killed 168 people including over a dozen childred in a day nursery in Oklahoma city bombing??? I bet the Jewish people back during ww11wish they had what most of us hadin our vanity drawer, andglove box. Just sayin.I think they would relished a fightin chance to die.

I heard today that the NRAissigning up over 8000 new membersa minute (or maybe an hour). I hope they think these people are not paying good money for them to kiss Joe biden's stinkin ass...

12-20-2012, 11:30 AM
How would you folks feel about a "Gun Control" Bill that would ban so called "assault" rifles and "high" (11+ rounds) capacity magazines but included a national "Right to Carry" reciprocity rider?

On a general principals alone,
I have no interest in giving up one freedom to obtain another.
Specifically, I don't like to travel.
And only cross state lines on business on a very limited basis.
A national right to carry would do nothing for me.

The Brady bill did nothing.
Any poorly conceived and enforced gun control by this administration will have no positive effect on crime or public safety.

We have had three mentally ill individuals kill a hand full of people out of a
population of 300 million. Now 300 million will be punished for the acts of three.

As horrific, emotionally charged and highly publicized as these events have been.
Our children are actually at much greater risk from a variety of other sources
than an active shooter with an assault rifle.
If we apply logic and common sense this is clear.
So this Administration must act quickly before anyone has time to really think about it.

Disarming America is the agenda.
And this is just the emotional hot button (imagined) crisis needed to get the job done.

12-20-2012, 11:31 AM
The Mini 14 has been on all proposed list I've seen. The M1 Carbine too.

I'm not giving anything up in exchange. They'll promise the moon and then go fooled you when they pass what they want.

12-20-2012, 11:55 AM
"Depends on what the definition of is, is." They can ban real assault riffles then later redefine the term assault rifle, then later drop the rifle part and add handguns. Once the camels nose is under the tent it's only a matter of time.

I feel about this as they would about banning only "a few" first amendment rights, like say, making false statements in the media a crime.

12-20-2012, 12:19 PM
I appreciate the effort to compromise, but you'd be the only one compromising. Barry's definition of compromise is, he gets what he wants and everyone else compromises.

We must fight all efforts to change our 2A rights, no matter how small. Every millimeter we acquiesce is one step closer to disarmament and will embolden the antis. If they gain ground now, it will only be the first of many rounds.

I am drawing a line in the sand where we are today and declaring this is where it stops.

12-20-2012, 12:38 PM
Absolutely Not. There is no compromise on this issue. Most states have concealed carry, or at least states I'd want to be in, lol. It is not worth them telling me what I can or can't have just for them to allow me to already do what I'm doing. I also find the idea of people willing to give up something just because they don't currently have it/want it is how this situation will spiral out of control.

Saying I only have a couple small pistols so feel free to take away people's rifles sounds fine if you only have pistols, but what if the compromise was take away all guns with a barrel under 4 inches, and I'll keep my AR? Doesn't sound as friendly. I have an AR to defend myself and for sporting purposes, and can argue that it has more use than a small handgun. It makes excellent home defense, I can target shoot with it for speed or accuracy/distance, AND I can harvest food (deer, pig, etc) with it, much more than I can do with my CCW...but that doesn't mean I want to give up my CCW as it fills a very specific purpose, which my AR cannot.

Long story short: My idea is the second amendment does not specify which guns I can own, so I'm not giving any of them up for a right I already have.

12-20-2012, 12:50 PM
did anyone here think that this 10 yearok ld who lost her sister in the killing, who now wrote a letter to the great one and wanted anderson cooper to read it, do u really think this child thought of what she actually wrote I bet she never heard of anderon cooper. Pure Bull sh!t. I grieve for her loss, I really do but now the "other" side is pulling out every fokking stop they can to, to make this an international event. Anti gun people wrote that and she just signed it . This is not the way to solve the issue, it only does what obumer has done the past 4 years, DIVIDE the cuntry.

\JustinN. ur certainly right. it is the NIMBY thing for many (not in my back yard) Its the same fokking thing with taxiing the rich. sure 90% say stick it to um. 47% of those 90% contribute nuttin so it is OK, It is a gimmick, just like alot of this new gun regulation will be also. Just gotta hope some of the politicians that are getting nervous that when they see the bill, they will say, naw , this is just not the American way.

We punish 99%of the legitimate gun owners for the 1% . Doesn't that sound familar to u buy now??? U hear the same thing when people say, hell he shold not have a house that big or that expensive. Screw the contractgor who hired 30 people to build it, the excating company who did the dirt work, the plumbers the electricians, the carpenters, the lumber and brick companies who furrnished the materials, ALL BECAUSE U ROCKSUCKERS think I or someone should not have a house that big and expensive. WTF is going on around this cuntry. I wonder if anderson cooper would have read a letter from a child who said don't punish the gun owners, it was not their fault but lets work on mental health issues. Dreamin-huh

I sat with a lady friend who I drink coffee with every day and have in our group for over 5 years, she siad no one needs a gun that goes bang bang bang and keep it up, and now get this SHE HAS A 220# 12 YEAR OLD AUTISTIC GRANDSON THAT IS GONNA gone balistic and soon. and she knows it but has turned a blind eye to all that has went on except those young children who died. She is even a gdamn retired school teacher and she has said nuttin about those adult teachers who died. Fokk I guess there were old enough and no one will miss them, including the family of 5 children which one mother left.. She cannot see the forrest for all the gdamn trees.

Am I getting pissed or what????:target:

12-20-2012, 01:01 PM
If they kiss Biden's ass, they better be taking a bite out of it too.

12-20-2012, 01:17 PM
well more than likely u will be kissing the back of Pelosie" head.. Just sayin

Bill K
12-20-2012, 02:44 PM
:( Guess my feeling is that a "gun control" Bill is inevitable and will likely be passed; I'm thinking/wishing that 2nd Amendment proponents could get something in exchange.

12-20-2012, 02:47 PM
How would you folks feel about a "Gun Control" Bill that would ban so called "assault" rifles and "high" (11+ rounds) capacity magazines but included a national "Right to Carry" reciprocity rider?

Not only no, but hell no.

12-20-2012, 03:02 PM
In a word no! And I ignore crabbyass anymore. But, didn't he tell us Obama would never ban guns and we did not need to worry?

12-20-2012, 10:20 PM
Not only no, but hell no.

John, you are using one of jlottmc's lines...LOL But he did say the same thing.

12-20-2012, 10:24 PM
In a word no! And I ignore crabbyass anymore. But, didn't he tell us Obama would never ban guns and we did not need to worry?

Profanity Alert. If mods admins think it too strong, go ahead and delete. But it DOES make a point.


12-20-2012, 10:29 PM
Nope. Nope. Um...nope. Double nope!

12-20-2012, 11:23 PM
10 round mag limit? My bedside glock has 15. Why should that be illegal? Answer: It should not!

12-22-2012, 08:44 AM
Anyone who would agree with that is what is known as a "weak sister". Don't trip on your skirt on your way to the firing line. We're not asking you to give up all of your freedoms just a little piece of it at a time. We either have a right to keep and bear arms or we don't. Which is it? Never negotiate from a position of weakness.