View Full Version : The crazies have won
12-20-2012, 01:05 PM
The crazy people have won. No use trying to get God back in the schools or try to parry a gun ban. When the sacnt few can control out government on local a national levels, we all have lost.
12-20-2012, 01:13 PM
Just added publicity for the other side. Anyone else notice that now days they get a day off school for the slightest reason?
Ground Hog day, Martin Luther King day, pretty soon I"m sure there will be an Oprah day.
We never got days off school, with a foot of snow on the ground we went to school.
I'm sure it's partially the teacher unions getting days off etc but things sure seem lax.
12-20-2012, 01:16 PM
thats also why u even learned sumpin, YOU WERE IN CLASS INSTEAD OF WATCHING OPRAH. i BET BETWEEN WHAT SHE HAS GAINED AND LOST over the past 10 years u could fill a semi full of her sh!t and fat. What an ugly woman..
12-20-2012, 01:19 PM
On Google News today there is a Mayan blog that says "10 Doomsday Experts answer your questions about the end of the world" Excuse me but where do you go to school to learn to be a "Doomsday Expert"...WTF...:confused:
The Bible says even Jesus the son of God doesn't know the day or time of the end, Only the Father so how is it a bunch of Libtards on Google have all the answers...
Give me a Break!!!!!!!!!!!!
MW surveyor
12-20-2012, 01:26 PM
Holy Ship! That's tomorrow!
Gonna have to go out tonight and get a steak and lobster dinner. Tell the wife to quit messing around with remodeling the bed rooms, tell everyone at work to f-off, especially the clients that want stuff done yesterday.
12-20-2012, 01:33 PM
Yup, wife brought me home a bottle of scotch so I guess I can be happy and await the end.
See ya all on the other side.
12-20-2012, 01:39 PM
Which brand do you drink, Bawanna?
12-20-2012, 01:39 PM
Wow, that just takes the cake. Closing school for some stupid, new age fantasy.
Well my view of my fellow Americans just dropped a few more notches. I may need some of that Scotch Bawanna.
12-20-2012, 01:45 PM
I dont' have any scotch but I have quite the selection of American, Irish, and Canadian Whiskey, and I live a whole lot closer....
12-20-2012, 01:51 PM
So has Australia and Japan been wiped off the map yet? Seeing as how it is the 21st already.
12-20-2012, 02:05 PM
Did anyone actually read that article about the schools closing, or just stop at the headline?
The headline is, of course, sensationalist crap designed to get you to click on it so they can get advertising revenue.
Hidden in the "fine print" (the actual wording of the article), they give the real reasons for the school closures:
1. There are lots of rumors of copycat violence.
2. Many of the rumors of copycat violence include "end of the world" crap, like "Friday would be a great day to go out w/ a bang."
3. Parents are jittery about the above, in light of the recent tragedy.
It's still a bunch of bullshit, but maybe the bullshit needs to be spread around a little more than you guys are saying.
* The internet trolls are having their fun - more so than usual.
* Parents are understandably scared.
* Schools are trying to be sensitive to the concerns of the parents.
* The holiday break is just a couple days away anyway.
* It's just feasible that some other deranged lunatic out there really believes the whole Mayan calendar bullshit and might decide to "go out with a bang".
Hence, early closings.
12-20-2012, 02:07 PM
It's not meant to be the end of the world. It's to indicate the end of an "age". They dividided the past into ages, each lasting thousands of years. I was watching a video on it, and sometime tomorrow, the earth will enter some type of ring of energy, that runs perpendicular to the orbit of the sun around the larger stars it rotates around, which in turn rotate around the center of the galaxy. When we enter this energy field tomorrow, some predict great transformations in the earth, the life on it, and even time and other dimensions. The magnetic poles could speed up there reversal, and all sorts of things could happen. Magnetic north, has already drifted some 10 degrees from the North Pole. Also the Sun which I guess rotates around Alcyone in the Pleides constellation, which in turns rotates around Sirius, will be lined up, which might cause an increase in gravitational effects on our solar system. Which in turn could cause some very strange things to happen. I think a better way to look at it, is to imagine some kind of a rebirth. Man has never been through this energy field, I believe we go through it every 26 million years or so. Perhaps it's been responsible for great leaps in evolution. Perhaps these particles will affect us in some manner and awaken things in us we didn't know we had. One theory said that time we become very distorted or we will experience it differently, and there may be changes in other dimemsions as well. Some expect mankind to leap ahead several thousand years on the evoluntiary scale, and become some type of enlightened being. One video I watched said this energy field, might alter our memory, and we'll forget what things like cell phones and TV's and computers are for. It's a lot of fun to watch all these predictions and theories, and hope that some cool things happen tomorrow, but most likely it's just going to be another day for most people, and the astronomical end of one age and the beginning of a new one. I think the "ages" have something to do with where the sun rises and sets in the different zodiac constellations. Edgar Cayce had some very interesting predictions about what will happen in the next few years. Those are kind of neat to read. So many of his predictions were right on target. I don't recall any predictions being about tomorrow per se, but more general, in the terms of the next few years.
Ok, everybody get out your 5th Dimension record and play The Age of Aquarius. LOL.
Here, you can watch them on Youtube:
12-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Perhaps these particles will affect us in some manner and awaken things in us we didn't know we had.
One theory said that time we become very distorted or we will experience it differently, and there may be changes in other dimemsions as well.
Some expect mankind to leap ahead several thousand years on the evoluntiary scale, and become some type of enlightened being.
One video I watched said this energy field, might alter our memory, and we'll forget what things like cell phones and TV's and computers are for.
Sounds like a lot of people have been doing LSD and THC and are unsatisfied with their existence.
It also sounds like a lot of fun, and I actually find myself hoping it's true.
The crazy people have won. No use trying to get God back in the schools or try to parry a gun ban. When the sacnt few can control out government on local a national levels, we all have lost.
Which God do you propose we let back in school Osiris, Ra, Baal, Zues, Allah, Buddha, Indra or one of the many others? If we let one in how can we keep others out?
I don't want a teacher in a classroom teaching my child to pray to Allah or Buddha. I'll teach them what I think they need to know about religion. Keep religion out of the classroom.
12-20-2012, 03:26 PM
Which God do you propose we let back in school Osiris, Ra, Baal, Zues, Allah, Buddha, Indra or one of the many others? If we let one in how can we keep others out?
I don't want a teacher in a classroom teaching my child to pray to Allah or Buddha. I'll teach them what I think they need to know about religion. Keep religion out of the classroom.
My point really is how can we do anything when we cannot keep school(s) open for such reasons stated in the article. The crazy few have didctated terms to the U.S.
MW surveyor
12-20-2012, 03:49 PM
So has Australia and Japan been wiped off the map yet? Seeing as how it is the 21st already.
Hey Myles, don't confuse anything with facts. Not sure if the Mayans even knew that the earth was round let alone the existence of Japan and Australia.
12-20-2012, 03:49 PM
Well, some places are already teaching the children islamic prayers, under the guise of diversity. I think the teachings of Jesus, and the 10 commandments, shouldn't be that big of a deal. School is the only place some kids get any moral guidance at all, with parents on drugs, or the ones with 8 brothers and sisters with each one having different dad, none of which stick around any to teach the child anything, (which is probably just as well), but these mothers are certainly not in the position to teach any morality, when they don't even know what the word means. I don't think they need to have the kids "worshipping" a God, but the teachings of the major religions are all pretty much based on a moral code of conduct, and the golden rule. We were made to learn the 23rd Psalm, and some things like that. Never caused anyone any harm. One the other hand, there are some teachers I wouldn't want teaching my child anything except the class subject. I think it would certainly be more productive than teaching about why Johnny has 2 mom's and all the other gay doctrination that goes on in the name of "diversity".
12-20-2012, 03:58 PM
the crazy people have won. No use trying to get god back in the schools or try to parry a gun ban. When the sacnt few can control out government on local a national levels, we all have lost.
the world ended on nov 6, 2012
12-20-2012, 04:09 PM
I'd like to think that some of these ass-hats are going to feel REALLY stupid on December 22nd, but the sad truth is they'll explain it away somehow, and some of them might even get book/movie deals, or a military contract, or something out of it.
12-20-2012, 04:10 PM
Scoundrel, it certainly sounds like some of these video producers have taken some mind altering substances. But you could say the same thing about a lot of the Bible. I think a lot of it comes from this NewAge type religion that incorporates different parts of various religions and combines it with some of the eastern practices. I certainly don't take any one part of it seriously, but sifting through the several videos I've watched, it's intriguing to imagine the possibilities of what COULD happen. We have never been through this energy beam in the last 26 million years. Perhaps the last time this happened, "man" began to walk on two legs and use tools, or there was a great expansion of knowledge among the pre-humans. Some very cool things could happen when we enter that beam. One of the major themes that run through most of the videos, is that Love will become a binding force among men, and our consciousness will take a great leap forward, and that men will truly act as brothers, and do good to each other, and wars and famine and such things will be left in the past. That would truly be amazing. Too bad this most likely a big crock of crap, but I'm leaving the door open a crack, just in case something very strange does happen, or starts to happen, if so, it may be a long process that we have to take a step at a time and not an overnight transition. But, I expect tomorrow to be just another day. Although I'm not paying a couple large bills until Saturday, LOL.
12-20-2012, 04:21 PM
I'd actually be interested to watch those videos, as would my wife.
Could you post some links?
I'm a great cynic about such things. I'm a firm believer in mankind's stubborn insistence on being self-centered assholes. But, a small part of me really would love it if this energy ribbon really did affect us this way.
But everyone knows that man evolved suddenly because some aliens plunked down a big black obelisk ( on the ground which changed how the primates evolved.
12-20-2012, 04:25 PM
Wonder if this "Energy Ribbon" deal will make my Love Worm Wiggle right again? Just Askin...:p...:banplease:
mr surveyor
12-20-2012, 05:37 PM
well... I'm going to go pee, take a shower, grab a quick bite to eat, the head out to conduct our last meeting of the year of the county Emergency Services District. As I'm ending my 8th year of a 2 year term (as treasurer) on this board of commissioners, it makes me wonder if this Mayan thing is what's finally going to relieve me of those duties. Naaaaahhhhh... not a chance.
What a screwed up society we have become:rolleyes:
12-20-2012, 05:46 PM
dont pee in the shower
12-20-2012, 06:20 PM
the world ended on nov 6, 2012
I could not agree more!
12-20-2012, 06:21 PM
The crazy people have won. No use trying to get God back in the schools or try to parry a gun ban. When the sacnt few can control out government on local a national levels, we all have lost.
The world is going to end on Dec 22 for some people. I just hope that none of us are among them. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll still be around. :)
12-20-2012, 06:25 PM
Posted this once before.. but.. :behindsofa: .jpg
les strat
12-20-2012, 06:30 PM
If Jesus was to return tomorrow, I'd be ok with that.
12-20-2012, 06:33 PM
If Jesus returned tomorrow, nobody would believe his claims and he'd get locked up or killed, most likely by his followers.
12-20-2012, 06:33 PM
I highly doubt anything is going to happen tomorrow. But if I knew for sure that it would, I'd be out tomorrow skipping work, stealing a supercar, and going to one last joyride before I died. Hell, I wouldn't even sleep tonight, I'd load up on Red Bulls and do stuff all night and into tomorrow. Party at my place! And, if we do get special "powers" or "gifts" etc from this energy ribbon thingy, I wanna be able to fly. Lol.
12-20-2012, 06:49 PM
If Jesus returned tomorrow, nobody would believe his claims and he'd get locked up or killed, most likely by his followers.
No worries...when he comes he won't actually make a landing on earth, but believers will rise up to meet him in the air. I've always dreamed that I could fly. :)
12-20-2012, 06:50 PM
No worries...when he comes he won't actually make a landing on earth, but believers will rise up to meet him in the air. I've always dreamed that I could fly. :)
I hope so. That would leave a lot of loot laying around. :D
mr surveyor
12-20-2012, 08:42 PM
If Jesus was to return tomorrow, I'd be ok with that.
I'm with you. Tomorrow wouldn't be too soon.
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