View Full Version : SE PA Local Report

12-21-2012, 07:16 PM
I need to preface this with "CT was very very sad". But things are crazy here!

I'm glad I'm not working behind the counter. I saw a customer trying to purchase a fullsize 45 Glock that had clue. Simultaneously pressing the slide release and trigger. The dealer was trying very nicely to tell them that they are going to kill someone.

Dealers are priming the local economies. But the motivation of purchasers is crazy. AR's are completely sold out in this area. But this is a double whammy! Xmas with the Feds leaning towards limitations.

I ran into my boss at my local range. He is trying to get into guns. He is taking things very slowly starting with 22's along with gun safety classes. Which I think is great! He was at the local Cabela's at opening time today (a Friday) and using there deli ticket system, he was 53 in-line.

The range I was at today and AR's were nonexistent. Their deli system was 10 deep. Things are just crazy. I'm not sure if the liberals (gun control) are worse than the conservatives (buying everything) at this point.

les strat
12-21-2012, 07:21 PM
The "conservative's" actions are due to the stupidity of the inevitable ban that is coming thanks to the gun-grabbing libtards.

Liberals are always worse.

12-21-2012, 09:05 PM
ARs are nowhere to be found in my neck of the woods. Fagetaboutit!

12-22-2012, 01:36 AM
I'm in northern CA. I bought mine on Monday morning while I could still find one, and before the prices went up. Actually, they tried to raise the price, but I had a print out from their website from earlier that morning. I knew what was coming and that was my last chance.

12-22-2012, 01:38 AM
Now the hard part is finding affordable ammo to feed it once I can pick it up. My LGS is rationing it (3 box limit), which is why they still have ammo, but .223 is $.65 per round.

12-22-2012, 11:27 PM
Hello, John -

Thanks for sharing these concerns - we all definitely all have them with the craziness going on in the political arena. BTW, I grew up in SE PA - Lehigh County, Center Valley-Coopersburg area south of Allentown-Bethlehem.

Besty wishes for a wonderful Christmas and safe, prosperous New Year!

12-23-2012, 12:08 PM
Being an old boy scout and a follower of the boy scout motto, my larder and safe are well stocked. I was a prepper before being a prepper was cool.

12-23-2012, 01:38 PM
AR's are hard to find here, fortunately we bought ours during the summer.
Hopefully we will still be able to afford to shoot it. 223 and 5.56 are unavailable unless you want to pay $1.00 to $1.50 a round.

12-23-2012, 02:03 PM
It's not just the ARs, it's everything. I have been watching the various LGS around the area and stock on everything is dwindling, mags, handguns, shotguns. Prices on GunBroker are INSANE. Saw a couple M&P 15 sports hit the $1200-$1300 mark and they still weren't closed.

I've been in the market for either a shotgun or 9mm carbine and neither are around, online or local. Even the few that are on GunBroker are also stupid expensive. Not AR stupid, but enough I marked it off my list for awhile.

I expect it'll continue until the shelves are completely bare or something more concrete (good or bad) comes out of Washington.

I agree though, the knee-jerk reaction is gonna put some guns in the hands of people that should have thought it through, started smaller, etc. Which in the end will bad for all of us on the pro-gun side of the fence.