View Full Version : Why don't the media interview the professionals...

12-22-2012, 03:51 PM
...who know what they are talking about when it comes to school security?


The National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) is dedicated to providing the highest quality of training to school-based law enforcement officers in order to promote safer schools and safer kids. NASRO, the world’s leader in school-based policing, is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1991 with a solid commitment to our nation’s youth. NASRO is an organization for school-based law enforcement officers, school administrators, and school security/safety professionals working as partners to protect students, school faculty and staff, and the schools they attend.

NASRO was founded on the “triad” concept of school-based policing which is the true and tested strength of the School Resource Officer (SRO) program. The triad concept divides the SRO’s responsibilities into three areas: Teacher, Counselor, and Law Enforcement Officer. By training law enforcement to educate, counsel, and protect our school communities, the men and women of NASRO continue to lead by example and promote a positive image of law enforcement to our Nation’s youth.

School- based policing is the fastest growing area of law enforcement. With over 3,000 NASRO members around the globe, NASRO takes great pride in being the first and most recognized organization for law enforcement officers assigned in our school communities. NASRO is available to assist communities and schools districts around the world that desire safe schools and effective community partnerships in developing the most effective program for their community.

SRO programs across the nation are founded as collaborative efforts by police agencies, law enforcement officers, educators, students, parents, and communities. The goal of NASRO and SRO programs is to provide safe learning environments in our nation’s schools, provide valuable resources to school staff, foster a positive relationship with our nation’s youth, and develop strategies to resolve problems affecting our youth with the goal of protecting every child so they can reach their fullest potential.

The School Resource Officer and the Prevention of Violence in Schools
The presence of school resource officers in schools has become an important part of the duty to protect children on campus. Statistically speaking, the effectiveness of school resource officers is firmly established. In America, school crime is down: incidences of school-associated deaths, violence, nonfatal victimizations, and theft have all diminished since local police began partnering with school officials. Once schools are made safe, the campuses tend to stay safe. Even juvenile arrests decrease, falling nearly 50% during the period of expansion of School Resource Officer programs. Speaking as a practical matter, the presence of local police on campus is essential. The specialized knowledge of the law, local and national crime trends and safety threats, people and places in the community, and the local juvenile-justice system combine to make police critical members of schools' policy-making teams when it comes to environmental safety planning and facilities management, school-safety policy, and emergency response preparedness. In order to fully realize the benefits of the presence of local police, the officers must be trained properly. Officers' law-enforcement knowledge and skill combine with specialized SRO training for their duties in the education setting. SROs, as a result, possess a skill set unique among both law enforcement and education personnel that enables SROs to protect the community and the campus while supporting the educational mission.

12-22-2012, 04:22 PM
...who know what they are talking about when it comes to school security?

If you consider a list of real threats to our children.
And chances of these innocent and precious lives being at risk from them.
A nut job with a AR would be near the bottom.
With odds so low it might be hard for the average person to wrap their head around.

This continuous loop media circus is being orchestrated to paint a crisis that doesn't exist.
A crisis so dire that immediate unilateral action is needed.
The agenda is gun control.
And this is the perfect horrific event to gain public approval to bypass due process and take action.

The only real issue are these guns free zone / shooting galleries that have made
schools, malls and theaters attractive and safe places to kill people.
Gun control already is, in part, responsible for these deaths.

These people are masters of deception.
Who can argue with making our children safer?
Who can ask for more time and expert opinion with continuous coverage of
parents burying their children?

Good God man, something has to be done RIGHT NOW.
OBUMMER save us all!

This concludes my rant for today.
I'll be quiet till tomorrow...

12-22-2012, 04:32 PM
If you conciser a list of real threats to our children.
And chances of these innocent and precious lives being at risk from them.
A nut job with a AR would be near the bottom.
With odds so low it might be hard for the average person to wrap their heads around.

This continuous loop media circus is being orchestrated to paint a crisis that doesn't exist.
A crisis so dire that immediate unilateral action is needed.
The agenda is gun control.
And this is the perfect horrific event to gain public approval to bypass due process and take action.

The only real issue are these guns free zone / shooting galleries that have made
schools, malls and theaters attractive and safe places to kill people.
Gun control already is, in part, responsible for these deaths.

These people are masters of deception.
Who can argue with making our children safer?
Who can ask for more time and expert opinion with continuous coverage of
parents burying their children?

Good God man, something has to be done RIGHT NOW.
OBUMMER save us all!

This concludes my rant for today.
I'll be quiet till tomorrow...

He will just give him a liitle more time to get the job done.

les strat
12-22-2012, 07:14 PM
Because they have an agenda.

12-22-2012, 09:11 PM
I used to think that liberals politicians had good intentions, but were misguided. I now see them as pure evil.

12-22-2012, 11:38 PM
Because they have an agenda.

What he said.

12-23-2012, 12:14 AM
The Media want someone who supports their conclusions... and don't want anyone with different ideas who CAN SUPPORT THEM EFFECTIVELY! They don't want to be confused with FACTS... their minds are made up.


MW surveyor
12-23-2012, 09:14 AM
Why would they want to be burdened by facts anyway.