View Full Version : La Pierre on Meet the Press

12-23-2012, 08:18 AM
I watched the program this morning and I hate to admit, I was disappointed at Wayne's performance. He did not appear to be sharp or concise. I expected more and was left with a feeling of shame that he is the head of the NRA. He looked like Obama did in the first debate. Is it time for him to be replaced? :confused:

12-23-2012, 09:07 AM
I watched also, I thought he did ok going against the MOST LEFT WING media out there. He was pounded with same question over and over and stuck to his principles.

12-23-2012, 09:17 AM
I watched the program this morning and I hate to admit, I was disappointed at Wayne's performance. He did not appear to be sharp or concise. I expected more and was left with a feeling of shame that he is the head of the NRA. He looked like Obama did in the first debate. Is it time for him to be replaced? :confused:

He should've been replaced years ago, IMO.

I don't know why he's entitled to a lifetime lock on the job. :confused:

12-23-2012, 09:27 AM
Following in the footsteps of Heston, perhaps we should let Eastwood take over and be in charge for all media interviews....though I would add that all interviews should be conducted with a garand across his lap....

Longitude Zero
12-23-2012, 09:47 AM
Considering the absolute disaster his immediate prdercessor caused Wayne has done a great job. I feel it is time for a successor to be groomed and waiting in the wings.

12-23-2012, 01:12 PM
I saw this also, as well as his "press conference" on Friday. Wow, In my opinion, he has done nothing but hurt the interests of all gun owners. I was much more impressed with Hutchinson this morning with George Stephanopolus (sp?) He talked in a rational, non-reactive manner which made me want to hear what he had to say. When LaPierre spoke I just wanted him to keep his mouth shut before he did even more damage.

12-23-2012, 01:24 PM
he should stick to written material edited by others. hes not a very good debater in person.

12-23-2012, 02:40 PM
Tom Selleck is a NRA board member....He might be a better spokesman.NRA can keep Wayne in charge just keep him off the camera.From the Sen they had on after the interview.

Following LaPierre on Meet the Press, Sen. Charles Schumer, D- N.Y., said that the NRA leader is “so extreme and so tone deaf that he actually helps the cause of us passing sensible gun legislation in the Congress…. He is so doctrinaire and so adamant that I believe gun owners turn against him as well.”

12-23-2012, 03:06 PM
Ok Ok.....here is a replacement for Wayne.


Bill K
12-23-2012, 03:37 PM
He did not do well in my opinion. Of course having 10 round vs. 30 round magazines "could/might" save lives in a mass murder scenario. As might 5 vs. 10, as might a revolver vs. a semi, as might a derringer vs. a revolver. But at what cost to the law abiding citizens defending themselves in a life threatening situation with lets say a derringer vs. a Glock 19 or even one of the Kahrs?

12-23-2012, 03:44 PM
I just saw this too and I think we hit one victory, the total gun ban rhetoric has subsided. I thought he would have to battle the OZ ban as a model much more than we are now. Instead it seems to have simmered down to mag capacity and back-round checking. Perhaps Wayne's approach is actually effective in ways we have not thought and quelled the outright banning of guns discussions. Maybe banning was too big a bite for anyone to attempt all along and relinquished to chipping away at gun ownership is ultimately the way to go?
Wayne was pounded in my humble opinion. He was manipulated under X examination and forced into a corner. He tried to keep himself out of it but could not. I think the only way he could have done better is to ask the questions to himself during the interview before the interviewer could. Or say, "I know where you are going with this and......." He did that a couple times and it made him look more in control.

12-23-2012, 03:48 PM
He did not do well in my opinion. Of course having 10 round vs. 30 round magazines "could/might" save lives in a mass murder scenario. As might 5 vs. 10, as might a revolver vs. a semi, as might a derringer vs. a revolver. But at what cost to the law abiding citizens defending themselves in a life threatening situation with lets say a derringer vs. a Glock 19 or even one of the Kahrs?

Bill, you needed to be there fielding that question. You are so right.

12-23-2012, 04:07 PM
When any one of you nay sayers succeeds in doing one tenth of what Wayne has done to preserve our second amendment rights during his tenor in office you might consider running for his post. What more could Wayne have said than what he said? He said that the NRA is not backing down from its position on the second amendment. He said that we need to protect our children with armed security. He said no to any new gun legislation. Your complaints are starting to wear very thin with me. If you think that you could do better then get off of your dead arses and do it. I've been in the fight since 1965.

Longitude Zero
12-23-2012, 04:13 PM
When any one of you nay sayers succeeds in doing one tenth of what Wayne has done to preserve our second amendment rights during his tenor in office you might consider running for his post. What more could Wayne have said than what he said? He said that the NRA is not backing down from its position on the second amendment. He said that we need to protect our children with armed security. He said no to any new gun legislation. Your complaints are starting to wear very thin with me.. If you think that you could do better then get off of your dead arses and do it. I've been in the fight since 1965.

Agree in totality.

12-23-2012, 04:22 PM
Me too. Try to envision his position, his full time career talking to a cinder block wall who can't grasp the simplest of history lessons.

I compare it to being the CEO of a company where no one below you listens to what you say. Gun owners and enthusiast get it and understand it, the rest will never get it, yet he still plugs away trying to show the the light.

Like someone who don't believe in Santa, you ain't gonna make em a believer. I sent him a letter and asked for a new president and congress and senate.

I guess day after tomorrow we'll know!

What I admire about most of the NRA folks is they keep their cool during interview and debates. I couldn't do it, doubt many here could. I'd be climbing over the desk going for the throat. You can't fix stoopid but you can kill it, trouble is there's so many you can't get em all.

12-23-2012, 05:28 PM
Bawanna, I was at Camp Perry for the National Matches when Morley Safer of 60 Minutes was interviewing NRA members for the program. I told the general members not to talk to him, because CBS would edit out ever intelligent comment they made and air the comments that made the NRA look like a bunch of fools. They didn't listen and that's exactly what CBS did. When you speak to the liberal media you have to do it with measured words. Even a fragment of a sentence will be used against you. The media people are experts at it and Wayne LaPierre knows exactly how to counter them.

12-23-2012, 05:51 PM
Not a nay sayer here, at least I dont think so. I checked some of my prolific past posting on this debacle and my position regarding the NRA and La Pierre have been supportive. It is hard to do what he does and did. I have no edge to grind with any of you. I do not watch that news show so I do not know the news reporter's name but he had skills. It was obvious he was trained in x examination. I do understand that with anything La Pierre says, in will be manipulated against him. He has a hard job-- no question. See below..............

BillK's response to the hi cap mag question posed to Wayne was a good, no great, retort but it could never be said. Wayne had to stick to the fact that banning Hi cap mags didnt work which Wayne clearly did cite. However, it would be political suicide for Wayne to say anything other than that to the press. IOWs that the limiting of firepower for defense to law abiding citizens is not worth the slightest of possibilities of trying to decrease the lethality of the extremely small percentage of insane individuals who do use hi cap mags in the commission of these infrequent heinous crimes. Does this observation make me a Nay Sayer? Is it not the truth too? Wayne got pounded IMHO because he cannot say the entire truth. At least not to the press. Maybe behind closed doors. He was goaded into trying to get him to say it, it but he didnt go down the path and sometimes what isnt said is just as important as what is. Still a Nay sayer? If the forum thinks so, I will accept my beating without resistance.

For those of you that palyed ball. Ever had to run an inside route knowing the whole time the QB is watching you run it. You know that the linebacker can see this comimg just by watching your QB's eyes and you are going to get pounded the second you catch that ball? Wayne had to run that route.

12-24-2012, 06:36 AM
Well said knkali. During the presidential campaign, they went on for two weeks about Romney's use of the word 'binders' when talking about how he asked for recommendations of qualified women to serve in his governatorial administration. A great pro women thing that he did, but all they could talk about was 'binders'. You can't win with those people. Wayne showed a lot of skill in measuring his words to them and didn't allow himself to be led where he didn't want to go.

12-24-2012, 08:04 AM

On Live TV filmed in DC. Wagging around such a dangerous device that shouldnt have ever been in the District:


As the law in the District of Columbia says:

(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

That looks like possession of a hi-cap magazine by the talking head idiot David Gregory.

He's a criminal in the eyes of the DC law code.

Where's a cop when ya need one?

Book'em Wayne.


Bill K
12-24-2012, 08:19 AM
Am I being tagged as a "naysayer"? I hope not. If so I take offense. I simple said, in regards to the interview... "He did not do well in my opinion.".

les strat
12-24-2012, 08:26 AM
We can't budge. Not an inch.

Next it will be "People do not need large caliber bolt action 'sniper rifles' for hunting, like a .308 or 30-06." They won't stop. Ammo taxes, end of CC, ban of any SA weapons, including DA revolvers, you see where this would go.

It's like cutting the d!ck off of all men to stop a handfull of rapists.

12-24-2012, 08:52 AM
I agree with LaPierre's position, but that doesn't mean I have to like him.
I've got other issues with the guy.

12-24-2012, 09:11 AM
We can't budge. Not an inch.

Next it will be "People do not need large caliber bolt action 'sniper rifles' for hunting, like a .308 or 30-06." They won't stop. Ammo taxes, end of CC, ban of any SA weapons, including DA revolvers, you see where this would go.

It's like cutting the d!ck off of all men to stop a handfull of rapists.

would you give them(antigunners) backround checks at gun shows despite the supreme court ruling that it is lawful to sell at gun shows without one?

12-24-2012, 09:36 AM
We can't budge. Not an inch.

Next it will be "People do not need large caliber bolt action 'sniper rifles' for hunting, like a .308 or 30-06." They won't stop. Ammo taxes, end of CC, ban of any SA weapons, including DA revolvers, you see where this would go.

It's like cutting the d!ck off of all men to stop a handfull of rapists.

man, don't let the courts hear that. I bet they never thought of that . Next we willhave to register our"prods". I wonder hwo they wold register JOHN LONGS. U know they had 16" barrels on our battleships and they used John Longs "prod" to swab the barrels. Kinda like todays modern day Hoppe's snakes, only much much much bigger...

Man that gave me chills even. :popcorn:

12-24-2012, 03:07 PM
He's been in the pool with sharks for a long time; he handled himshelf very well in that interview. he never let them get him off message; they wanted sound bites and he didn't give them much.
You are not going to win in that setting; you just needed to hold his own.

Longitude Zero
12-24-2012, 06:22 PM
He's been in the pool with sharks for a long time; he handled himshelf very well in that interview. he never let them get him off message; they wanted sound bites and he didn't give them much.
You are not going to win in that setting; you just needed to hold his own.


les strat
12-24-2012, 09:41 PM
would you give them(antigunners) backround checks at gun shows despite the supreme court ruling that it is lawful to sell at gun shows without one?

I don't to give them anything, but I don't see where it is right that gun shops have to run checks, but gun show dealers do not. IDK. That's a tough one. Do I want a violent felon buying a weapon? Well no, but he/she can easily get a straw man.

(Rant on)
We, as citizens, have given up the role as keeping each other in line, as well as ourselves. We expect the police, the schools, and meds to do it. Used to be, if a guy was beating his wife or kids, DHR was not the solution. The solution was local guys would take him out somewhere and whip his a$$. If people were poor and needed help, churches, civic groups, and the generous good people would take care of them. When someone was a ticking time bomb, people talked about it, and action was taken. Known child molesters ended up bloated facedown in a swamp. If someone was breaking in a house, neighbors would shoot to kill to defend their meighbor's property and lives.

We have become so PC and dependant on someone else, mainly the govt, to take care of everything. So we depend on them to tell us who is "ok" to have a pistol or not, which is failing IMO. (Rant off)

Sorry for the rant. But our direction we have taken sickens me. It's time we as citizens hold individuals accountable for what they do and not expect a background check or "assault rifle" and mag bans to solve the violence in society.

I think we have taken God out of everything, and now we have a godless nation. With those beliefs came morals... morals that apparently aren't being instilled iin our kids, and kids that are now violent self-centered adults. Father's aren't daddy's anymore, they're "baby daddy's" (puke). Parents still live their lives as if they were teens so long as their kids stay out of their hair. Schools don't tear those butts up for disobedience, and parents don't either. This is where the problems lie. Dagummit, there I go again.

So, my answer is "no". It's not the fix. It's much deeper than some silly background check. It starts with the backgroud before the check.

Good night, and yall have a Merry blessed Christmas.

12-25-2012, 06:11 AM
would you give them(antigunners) backround checks at gun shows despite the supreme court ruling that it is lawful to sell at gun shows without one?

The NRA tried to do that before and they wouldn't go for it because what they want is no more gun shows and no more private sales. They will not give the average citizen access to the background check.

12-25-2012, 06:14 AM
I don't to give them anything, but I don't see where it is right that gun shops have to run checks, but gun show dealers do not. IDK. That's a tough one. Do I want a violent felon buying a weapon? Well no, but he/she can easily get a straw man.

FFL dealers at gun shows still must do a background check. Only a private citizen can sell a firearm without doing a background check.

So, my answer is "no". It's not the fix. It's much deeper than some silly background check. It starts with the backgroud before the check.

Good night, and yall have a Merry blessed Christmas.


les strat
12-25-2012, 09:04 AM

I've never bought a firearm at a gun show. I had always wondered how the dealers at shows didn't have to. Know I know they do.

I don't think the govt needs to know every move I make with my firearm, whether I sell it or not. It's that same old nanny state crap that liberals just love.

12-25-2012, 07:03 PM
I bought several handguns at gunshows, all recived background check save the last wich went thru via my CHL (which was issued after a extensive state police background check). A citizen can sell his property via any method he choses. Walking the gunshow, want ad in the newspaper, the internet or even a posted note at the laundromat. If that firearm is used poorly or in a crime then the citizen will have to answer for his part weather he belives he is at fault or not. I have sold firearms from my collection before, but they have all gone to people and vendors I felt good about dealing with.
Dozens of felons are not trolling the local gunshows for guns... too many cops and suspicious folks eyeballing them. Felons, I would guess, steal most of their firearms or buy them cut rate from someone who did steal them.
Hounor might be found between theives, but the Ex-Texas Ranger selling the old Smith & Wessons from the corner table of my local gunshow will show him the door and the handcuffs of the local PD, given half a chance. He says after 45yrs of policing he can "see-um and smell-um" and I trust that old blood dog's nose.:cool:
The advent of the cell phone has made the location of a firearm sale by a dealer irellevent for the issue of getting the instant background check from the FBI. Gunshow dealers just let their fingers do the walking...;)
Peace out.

Longitude Zero
12-26-2012, 09:03 AM
The gun show rant is just that a red herring. Most criminals get firearms thru theft not buying at gun shows and the liberal/DemoNazis know it but are being dishonest about it. Nothing new for them.

12-26-2012, 09:09 AM
Exactly correct. All our gunshow sales are just like buying in the dealers shop. Nothing different. There are private sales which don't require the background but our show requires membership to buy guns or ammunition. If your not a member and wearing a member badge you can not purchase.

Part of the membership is (you got it) a complete and thorough background check.

Longitude Zero
12-26-2012, 12:10 PM
MSNBC admits that an AR-15 was NOT USED.


12-26-2012, 12:34 PM
wow a little late. "complicated investigation"...really? Who is running it? The Hardy boys? Dont know what the argument was about? Really? It must be hard to debrief every teacher there---not.

12-26-2012, 01:03 PM
You gotta love the "anti gun" media spin doctors......story breaks that it was the assault rifle.....hmmmm just happens that they want to ban the assault rifles....rather convienent "don't cha think" :lie:

12-26-2012, 01:16 PM
this thing doesnt pass the smell test

12-26-2012, 01:21 PM
Why didn't the LEOs give that info out at their first press conference instead of letting the lamestream media run their collective mouths off about the evil "assault rifle"?

12-26-2012, 01:27 PM
They probably did give out that information at the first press conference. What does that have to do with anything. No help to their agenda. Remove a few words, change the order in a few places, cut out the true parts and you get just what you want.

Dang it, maybe I should have been a reporter.

12-26-2012, 01:46 PM
Well like they said it's a complicated investigation.

Lets all do the right thing and toss our televisions off the front porch.

If nobody is watching they'll dry up and blow away.

Wait, bad idea, then only the 47%er's and the entitlement folks would be watching.

My bad.

Longitude Zero
12-26-2012, 02:51 PM
Another term that is entering the lexicon is the "assault magazine".

mr surveyor
12-26-2012, 03:17 PM
when these "news" videos are linked, it would be advisable to put a date on them. A whole lot of this crap from the msm gets circulated long after it's been totally disproven (and not retracted by the original source).

We really need to keep the true facts straight!

12-26-2012, 03:44 PM
Sadly you will never know what the true facts are. Remember where you get your information from.

Your semi right in that you get first lies, then new updated lies and usually a report that everything before was a lie but it's still never the cross my heart, stick a needle in my eye honest truth.

12-27-2012, 01:09 AM
I've never bought a firearm at a gun show. I had always wondered how the dealers at shows didn't have to. Know I know they do.

I don't think the govt needs to know every move I make with my firearm, whether I sell it or not. It's that same old nanny state crap that liberals just love.

Of course sir. THAT is how they run, they know most people have never bought a gun at a gun show so they claim that one bought there does not need a background check. Which you now know is not in fact the truth. BUT the media and anti gunners do not care about the truth. Anti gunners only care about getting rid of the guns honest people own and the media only cares about ratings.