View Full Version : Leather Lightening

03-22-2010, 10:15 AM
I picked up a Don Hume IWB Holster for my "newly acquired" PM9. It is a bit thinner then the other brands I looked at and seems to do the job quite well. I did notice however that the holster seemed to catch on the edges of the pistol a bit.

As a result, I tried something new.... I picked up a bottle of leather lightening. This stuff is something else! I liberally applied the stuff to the inside of my holster with my finger. I let is set for 5 minutes per directions and then tried inserting the gun. WOW! the gun goes in and out liked "greased lightening" (excuse the pun). The edges no longer catch and insertion/removal is silky smooth. I have been wearing my gun for a couple of weeks now and the stuff looks like it is not going to fully absorb into the holster and go away. It does not leave any kind of a residue on the gun either. It is pretty slick stuff (again, please excuse the pun!)

Leather Lightening is made by Mitch Rosen for holsters. I picked this stuff up on the Kahr web site (KAHR ARMS ONLINE SHOP (http://www.kahrshop.com)). Look under "gun maintenance". It is not cheap ($12 a bottle) but it looks like it will do a few holsters before you run out.

If you need something to smooth out the inside of your holster, give this stuff a try!

03-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Never heard of it thanks for the good information


03-22-2010, 11:27 AM
I use the comparable product sold by Galco, called Draw E-Z. It does indeed work well. I would say that I apply the product conservatively though, not liberally, and rub into the leather with a finger.

Either product, (I think it's the exact same stuff), well worth the money. http://i509.photobucket.com/albums/s334/Kaewin_bucket/thumbsup.gif