View Full Version : I need to stay off the net for a while

12-23-2012, 09:45 AM
All this Gun ban BS is driving me up a friggin wall. There are so many people talking out of there asses I just can't stand it anymore. People there are going to be changes for sure, but none of this is written in stone. People the sky is not falling, so just take a breath save your energy,and we'll fight the fight we need to fight when we know exactly what we're fighting against. As for right now it's all hearsay.There is more than one issue that needs to be addressed here,it's not just about guns. There is mental illness, Movies and games and what effect they might have on children and people with mental health issues. I'll not comment on that as I'm not qualified like so many of the rest of us to do so. If it was just about guns that's one thing but it clearly isn't just about guns. Everyone needs to sit down and have meaningful discussions on all the above issues then come up with clear cut workable salutions. The first thing that needs to be discussed is mental illness and how this gov't has dropped the ball on getting the people the help they need whether they want it or not. I never heard Oby mention one word about mental illness in his campaign but now wants to blame this horrible situation that happened in Conn. on the gun.:( Good grief.

Hope you all have a Happy Holiday and a prosperous and healthy New Year. ............Popeye.

12-23-2012, 10:03 AM
I feel your pain. Merry Christmas to you too. I've pulled back on a lot of my OTHER internet activities b/c of all the garbage (gun related and otherwise) because of all the noise and crap I was having to read or listen to.

But, I think we know what we are up against and what and who we are fighting. There won't be an ACTUAL attempt at curtailing video game violence, movie content, or even mental health issues raised. The former 2 will claim (rightly so I suppose) free speech, free expression, art, etc and the issue will die on the vine. The latter, driven by mental health professionals will continue as it has for the last 30-40 years. Blame every outside influence possible, claim chemical imbalances, and medicate, medicate, medicate, to the point that the individual's mind is no longer their own, no longer working as it was designed, no longer requiring the individual to deal w/ whatever issue they have. In the end. Nothing will change anywhere and the gun will continue to be the center of this debate as it always has.

12-23-2012, 01:06 PM
I agree with you guys. You're right -- there will certainly be some proposals made, but who know what they are. We might find that the things proposed will be fairly insignificant things that most of us can live with. Who knows? Remember, it is the nature of the American people to try to deal with very complex, difficult issue by proposing simple, easy to understand WRONG solutions.

12-23-2012, 02:52 PM
While I respect you guys and clearly understand the fog and stress this situation has created for you, the last thing I want you to do is tune out for any length of time. You feel this way because you care-- care a lot. I get that. When the president says he will do everything is his power to control gun violence, that means changes that none of us will like. While your "dont shoot until you see the whites of their eyes" approach makes sense on many levels, so does rallying the troops and figuring out friend from foe. Checking your defenses and getting your head around where your the weakest or what are you willing to sacrifice in the inevitable fight. This is a battle of enormous consequence to our way of life that has implications far reaching than just 2A matters. I hope you guys will rally with us now, stay focused and ready. Talk about this with neighbors and at Xmas parties you never wanted to attend anyway. Get the word out there. We cannot let the stroke of the president's pen be a mistake that we all will regret.

12-23-2012, 03:03 PM
I tell myself I need to stay off all the time. It's frustrating not being able to be able to do something to enlighten the unenlightened.

I just can't stay off Kahrtalk for any length of time, I think I'm a Kahrtalk junkie.

12-23-2012, 03:30 PM
Thank you Bawanna for your honesty...I am there with you too.

12-23-2012, 05:39 PM
While I respect you guys and clearly understand the fog and stress this situation has created for you, the last thing I want you to do is tune out for any length of time. You feel this way because you care-- care a lot.

Don't mistake my lack of internet activity for inaction. I more meant I have pulled the plug on reading the mainstream news sites and the comments below the articles. I do that ALOT more than I should. All it does is get me all wrapped around the axle.

I have also eliminated a number of my extra-curricular activities since the election and I'm going full bore w/ local tea party and libertarian efforts. Will be moving into the fight against Agenda 21, gun-control, and everything that is becoming a mainstream attack on our liberty. Even transitioning from job-related twitter activity to a political twitter account in the next few months to tie in w/ the other local political activity.

I'll just have to wait and see where it all goes, but I'm no longer sitting back watching from the side lines and griping at home and at work about it. Better late than never!

12-23-2012, 05:59 PM
Don't mistake my lack of internet activity for inaction. I more meant I have pulled the plug on reading the mainstream news sites and the comments below the articles. I do that ALOT more than I should. All it does is get me all wrapped around the axle.

I have also eliminated a number of my extra-curricular activities since the election and I'm going full bore w/ local tea party and libertarian efforts. Will be moving into the fight against Agenda 21, gun-control, and everything that is becoming a mainstream attack on our liberty. Even transitioning from job-related twitter activity to a political twitter account in the next few months to tie in w/ the other local political activity.

I'll just have to wait and see where it all goes, but I'm no longer sitting back watching from the side lines and griping at home and at work about it. Better late than never!

Thanks Chrish for your efforts. I understand your position and respect you for it.

12-23-2012, 06:01 PM
I tell myself I need to stay off all the time. It's frustrating not being able to be able to do something to enlighten the unenlightened.

I just can't stay off Kahrtalk for any length of time, I think I'm a Kahrtalk junkie.
I'm seriously thinking of joining a few gun control/liberal forums.


Don't know how long I'll last before they boot me but I'll try to spread the word. I know it'll have no effect on those afflicted but I can try.

12-23-2012, 06:53 PM
That could be terribly traumatizing. Course it gives you a first hand look at whats it's like to live dumb.

12-23-2012, 08:36 PM
All this Gun ban BS is driving me up a friggin wall. There are so many people talking out of there asses I just can't stand it anymore. People there are going to be changes for sure, but none of this is written in stone. People the sky is not falling, so just take a breath save your energy,and we'll fight the fight we need to fight when we know exactly what we're fighting against. As for right now it's all hearsay.There is more than one issue that needs to be addressed here,it's not just about guns. There is mental illness, Movies and games and what effect they might have on children and people with mental health issues. I'll not comment on that as I'm not qualified like so many of the rest of us to do so. If it was just about guns that's one thing but it clearly isn't just about guns. Everyone needs to sit down and have meaningful discussions on all the above issues then come up with clear cut workable salutions. The first thing that needs to be discussed is mental illness and how this gov't has dropped the ball on getting the people the help they need whether they want it or not. I never heard Oby mention one word about mental illness in his campaign but now wants to blame this horrible situation that happened in Conn. on the gun.:( Good grief.

Hope you all have a Happy Holiday and a prosperous and healthy New Year. ............Popeye.

Just dropped by for my occasional visit and think this might be a place to express my unpopular opinions.

You're two or three months behind me, Popeye, on on being driven "up a friggin wall" by all the rhetorical gun ban and political crap...so we have that in common.

CT was a trigger event and we are now on the cusp of new federal legislation akin to GCA 1934 and GCA 1968. I'm no longer convinced this is bad.

Our society is much different than when I was a kid when we used to bring our .22s to school and store them in our (unlocked) locker so we could go out back and plink in the fields after classes. Back then there was a social fabric of decency, responsibility, courtesy, caring, and trust that can no longer be assumed on the macro level.

The dangerously and violent mentally ill are also more numerous now, both in numbers and rate. There are some real reasons for that, imo, that would take me forever if I were to go into it so I'm just going to let that bit lie.

We have done a piss poor job of identifying and controlling the nut jobs. Lack of caring, lack of funding, misguided sense of individual rights, whatever...we need to do better.

However....at this moment in time we are where we are and need to deal with the immediate. Black rifles need to go. Frankly, the culture of their worship has come to really concern me. High cap mags ain't in my vision of the future, either. I grew up on Garands, M14s, Smith Model 10s, and 1911's as my service weapons and they worked well for the purpose. "New" spray-'n-pray stuff is arguably militarily useful today I suppose, but there really isn't any defensible civilian application.

Yes, I know a lot of it is cosmetics....but the black rifle syndrome cosmetics is part of what attracts the all the freaking loonies so how 'bout we just let that go and let the Ruger minis and even SKSs continue to fly under the radar.

12-23-2012, 08:51 PM
...so how 'bout we just let that go and let the Ruger minis and even SKSs continue to fly under the radar.

I completely, completely agree w/ your analysis of the state of society prior to the thought that we should get rid of the black rifles. And I understand your point, on the surface I guess it seems like a logical way to go. BUT...

Once you actually agree to that, assuming it would work, you have reprocussions that will result in the 'next step' because you allowed the 'first step'. You could argue we are on step 88 and 89 now, but that's a different discussion, let's assume this is step 1 to fix our problem. If step 1 is to ban black rifles, and to adhere to the purpose of this proposed solution you'll have to say ban AND confiscate because there are millions of them out there already. So, we are now 'playing that game' with the gun-control crowd. We have given an inch so to speak (a big freakin inch)

So, now all AR-15s, Sig 556s, etc, anything remotely close are GONE from society, we've banned new sales, confiscated old ones, etc. None left, 100% successful effort to eliminate them.

Next, the loonies are gonna strike again, next time w/ a Mini-14, or a high capacity handgun. Or both. Or multiple of both.

Then what! You already showed you could negotiate. You already showed you would give up some freedom for the common good. Now what?

I'll give you two guesses...

Ultimately, we'll be at the point where a nut walks in with a couple of revolvers and speed loaders and wipes out a crowd of people. Welcome to a complete ban of all firearms.

12-23-2012, 09:23 PM
Wow, I did not see that one coming.

I, like you am just fine with a 1911, a mini 14 and my beloved Garand but I'm not giving them anything mostly because it won't do any good.

They are looking for a crack in the armor and you just became the crack Itxi. It's not gun control they want, it's total control and to get that guns have to go.

The black one is just the first, we've all seen the full page list and the Mini 14 and the M1 Carbine are on it.

They will assign some government agency to determine what the scary flavor of the month is and they will go on the list.

I don't trust them and they will get absolutely nothing from me.

mr surveyor
12-23-2012, 10:20 PM
it's not the gun ban type issues I'm concerned with. "They" know that the 2A is going to be hard to defeat totally. Ammunition, whether factory loads or reloading components is a whole nother ball game.....

I think I need to cool off a bit too.

12-23-2012, 10:24 PM
Been happier keeping away from politics this past year. Lots happier.

Already know what I believe and outrage accomplishes nada. Not saying bury the head in the sand but ya know.

12-24-2012, 05:20 AM
I hate politics.
Can't watch the Emperor Obummer at all.
But this is no time to put our heads in the sand.
There needs to be a counterpoint to this outrageous and unfounded attack
on our second amendment rights.

If we close our eyes, take a nap and hope the pain will be gone when we wake.
Do I really need to finish that thought?

12-24-2012, 07:20 AM
A note for clarity and one more/last comment:

-- Confiscation is off the table.....always will be for me. Anything I already own is grandfathered or I become a criminal.

-- Some new sales and perhaps other restrictions are coming. Public demand requires it. Digging in our heels like a petulant child and not even discussing or negotiating as the NRA is doing at the moment is going to get us treated as an unreasonable, petulant child. When that happens we will lose massive amounts of political leverage and public support that we can never get back.

With that said....a sincere Merry Christmas to ya'll along with my hope for the best for 2013!

12-24-2012, 07:26 AM
The problem with giving in, especially with saying "just the black rifles" so the minis and sks can fly under the radar...these politicians are smarter than we think. They'll then find a picture of an SKS with a black stock, and a mini 14 with a black stock, and BAM, same category as ARs and they're all banned because we agreed "ARs are scary".

They tried this with a ban on .50 cal rifles, saying guns that can fire .50 cal....well, they make bolt on uppers for ARs that allow them to fire a .50 cal round, and with the "gun" part of the AR being the lower, ARs "CAN" fire .50 cal so they would've been banned.

I understand not wanting to look like a child throwing a tantrum, but as a whole, if you give an inch they will be taking a mile. I see no reason to have to give, especially since we are the ones with the guns :D

12-24-2012, 07:55 AM
I think that the masses of people buying up "assault rifles" and joining the NRA is going to scare a lot of politicians, so hopefully there won't be enough support for any of these measures. Of course, the real crazy ones like Bloomberg, Shumer and Feinstein will not be deterred. Obama is pretty fearless and fomenting strife and discontent is his intention because he is a Marxist revolutionary ("community organizer" as defined by Saul Alinsky), but he has to have enough votes to get it done. I don't think it is going to happen. If he tries anything by executive order, it will be defeated in court. I am glad to see that in many states the Israeli solution to arm teachers and do away with "Gun Free Zone" laws is gaining traction.