View Full Version : Rail guide wear...

12-23-2012, 08:47 PM
Got my first Kahr, CW9 yesterday. Did a lot of research before settling on it. The only possible glaring fault I found was the concern of the polymer wear from the slide after XXX amount of rounds. I know it is not made for everyday range shooting, but I do intend to use it as my everyday carry weapon, so I do plan on putting ammo thru it for a long time to stay proficient. Looking for some real-time examples of number of rounds vs. issues from you CW guys. Also read about some using some type of grease rather than oil for lube, thoughts? Thanks, Kel

12-23-2012, 09:00 PM
You're not gonna wear it out. Jocko has well over 32k rounds through a pm9 with no issues, just replacement of basic parts. I have over 10k through my cm9 with no wear or even replaced parts yet..... If you have the funds to wear it out, then you more than likely have the funds to just replace it haha

12-23-2012, 09:01 PM
Found the Tech Stickys, good stuff there!! The rail guide feedback would be appreciated, thanx!

12-23-2012, 09:02 PM
The slide does not ride on the polymer. There are steel inserts for that. You might get a little wear on the polymer as you break it in (which is normal), but no issue at all. and yes, I use grease on all of my guns. It stays put better than oil.

12-24-2012, 01:06 AM
That steel is also more than just inserts, it is embedded further down in the polymer and goes under to the other side. It is all connected. Try a magnet to see for yourself. They are very well built guns that can send thousands and tens of thousands of rounds down range if maintained properly.

Welcome to the forum and congrats on the CW9! I have one too and love it. There is tons of good info here and lots of good people too. Merry Christmas!

12-24-2012, 06:12 AM
Got my first Kahr, CW9 yesterday. Did a lot of research before settling on it. The only possible glaring fault I found was the concern of the polymer wear from the slide after XXX amount of rounds. I know it is not made for everyday range shooting, but I do intend to use it as my everyday carry weapon, so I do plan on putting ammo thru it for a long time to stay proficient. Looking for some real-time examples of number of rounds vs. issues from you CW guys. Also read about some using some type of grease rather than oil for lube, thoughts? Thanks, Kel

Oh I beg to differ!

You'll not shoot the gun out. Shoot it, then shoot some more. You'll end up with no ammo-money before you end up needing a new Kahr.

12-24-2012, 07:58 AM
Boy, after 2.5 hours going thru the tech section and the above comments, I feel much better!Many thanx y'all....Merry Xmas......now where did I put that ammo.....

12-24-2012, 01:05 PM
I have two PM9s (well, one is my wife's :blushing:). Mine has had alot more rounds through it than hers and I've come across something that has me concerned. I have read here and on other forums about slide/rail play but am still concerned. The vertical play between the front of the slide and the front rails on mine is noticeably greater than hers-- to be expected I guess from more rounds--but it is about .010" (measured with verniers) from pressed tight to max (measured from "outside" the gun. I can feel the movement telegraphed in the grip. When "cocked" (I know this is probably the wrong term for a SA) the slide/frame gap is maxed and then dry fired, I can actually see the front sight drop.
My wife's doesn't feel "mechanically" tighter-- just sort of squishy tighter.

I realize that it is the rear slides that matter more (and that the barrel to slide tightness is the more important) but (1) if the slide can move on the front rail, it cannot be completely tight on the back, either (unless the back rail is a single point :) and (2), that I can see the front sight drop (on a dry fire) means, to me, the the relationship between my hand and the point of impact is changing.

Before I whine to Kahr or anyone else, I'd like to get the opinions of the experts here.

12-24-2012, 01:38 PM
Concerning the rails... here's a Kahr video and the polymer's rails are explained at about 4:00 into the video. The forward rails are a patented U-shaped piece of steel with cutouts for lightening the weight. This piece is embedded in the polymer as are the two metal rails in the rear of the frame. The plastic rails are NOT structural or load-bearing... just guides for putting the slide back on the frame. Just keep any worn off pieces of polymer from accumulating with careful trimming.


Kahr Patents:


Drawings of the rails are shown... front: figures 6-8 and rear 9 & 10.


12-24-2012, 02:26 PM
Depending how tight the up & down fit is on the slide when you dry fire the cicking cam is pushing up on the striker block plate at the same time it pulling the striker back to fire. If you put your thumb on one side under the front of the slide and your forefinger under the other side and dry fire there will be some downward movement. How much is normal I don't know but my mk9 moves more that my mk40. My 40 has no play side to side or up & down.

12-24-2012, 04:57 PM
Depending how tight the up & down fit is on the slide when you dry fire the cicking cam is pushing up on the striker block plate at the same time it pulling the striker back to fire. If you put your thumb on one side under the front of the slide and your forefinger under the other side and dry fire there will be some downward movement. How much is normal I don't know but my mk9 moves more that my mk40. My 40 has no play side to side or up & down.

Play side to side is negligible at either end, and play up and down at the back is very, very slight. When the front drops (about .010", I estimate), wouldn't that affect POI -- I mean, the barrel is in the slide, and it is no longer pointing where it was before the trigger is pulled. . . ?