View Full Version : New Holster

12-24-2012, 09:54 AM
I've been using a pocket-carry with my CM9 for about 6 months and it's worked well. But, if somthing happens and your seated your SOOL. My wife does not like the pocket carry and even with a small gun a paddle holster( which was my favorite rig) printed. So, the search was on!! We decided on an IWB, and chose Foxx. I'm sure it's very similar to most of the other "Crossbreed" type rigs, we just ended up with the Foxx. To sum it up, we're both satisfied. I've broken mine in for both strong-side and weak-side carry( I'm a righty,and use this when I'm driving). The only complaint that I can muster is this; I've always worn shirts tucked in, and learning to leave tails out is difficult. The holster is supposed to be tuckable, but I haven't required help getting dressed since I was very young!!! I just can't seem to get a neat tuck without "adult supervision"!!! Very pleased to date. memtb

Short Bus
12-24-2012, 11:48 AM
I had the Foxx (and other Crossbreed type holsters, the best was a Theis horse hide), and I didn't find them easy to tuck either. I don't normally carry tucked, but when I do, I find the Foxx Trapp is MUCH easier. I can also say the Trapp is way more comfortable, it's night and day over the hybrid holsters.


If you must have leather against your skin you could try the Little Foxx



Yogi 117
12-24-2012, 12:31 PM
I, like you, have never worn shirts un-tucked...at least until I started carrying a few years back. Tucking a shirt over any IWB is difficult, especially when the shirt is thin. I find it's doable when I wear a thick flannel shirt, but then when I'm indoors, I'm too hot. I've gotten used to wearing shirts un-tucked because I really care more about my safety than I do about my appearance. Enjoy that Foxx Holster! :D

12-24-2012, 01:47 PM
I have a CM9. I use a smartcarry in front under the belt buckle.
It goes on over a tucked in shirt. Jeans need to be just a bit loose.
It is the only waist carry I have found that I can wear all day every day.
Nobody ever sees it because nobody looks there.
Reasonable compared to other types & I have carried
a 4" 1911 and a Glock 30sf also. Very comfortable

12-25-2012, 11:28 AM
I carry owb. I use three holsters from Ryan Grizzle Leather. All three are his High Country which is a high ride. I have gotten used to having my shirts out, especially tee shirts in the summer. I did find that tee shirts are best in dark colors which do a better job of keeping things discreet so to speak.