View Full Version : Letter to Congressman Bishop--Utah

12-24-2012, 12:46 PM
Dear Congressman Bishop:

I am writing to voice my support to preserve our right to bear arms.
I am a responsible law abiding citizen who holds a concealed permit and I believe Congress should be discussing ways we can encourage more people to exercise our second amendment right.

It is a proven fact concealed permit holders, as a group, commit less crime than people who are not permit holders.

If we are going to discuss ways to reduce crime, logic would suggest, increasing concealed permit holders is a good start.

I believe we also need to abolish gun-free zones which have proved in the recent mass murders in the movie theater in Colorado and Sandy Hook Elementary school that law abiding citizens are the only people who will uphold the law by not arming themselves and criminals will exploit that law at every opportunity.

It is a tragedy, if reports are true, that the Sandy Hook Elementary principal rushed the gunman with nothing but her body in a futile attempt to stop a killer determined to inflict death.

I reverence her courage, but it pains me to imagine the hopelessness the principal and staff must have felt confronting a gunman unarmed.

Does Congress believe by passing some feel good laws like banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines that magically these evil people will stop plotting death on the innocent?

I would welcome your reply.



12-24-2012, 01:26 PM
Great letter! Your thoughts are communicated in a very precise and articulate manner. And, you make great points.

mr surveyor
12-24-2012, 01:34 PM
and your response, if you even get a real response, will be something to the effect that banning "assault weapons" and "high capacity 'clips'" is a "reasonable FIRST STEP"!

The truth means nothing to the typical self serving politician...it's all about keeping a cushy job to build up their lifetime retirement benefits.

The first steps we need are 1. Strict interpretation of the so called "commerce clause" and 2. Absolute term limits with abolishment of the system that gives lifetime benefits to politicians. With just those two policies inacted we would see a total trasnformation of our sick government.

Good luck with your "correspondence"


12-24-2012, 02:13 PM
Good job, Russ. The congressman knows that one letter equals one vote and that's something that all politicians understand. Almost any damn fool will sign a petition, but it takes a concerned citizen to send a letter. You'll know how many letters your congressman received by how he votes on gun control legislation. I hope that he receives many more pro gun letters.

12-25-2012, 12:58 AM
Rob Bishop already knows all that and your letter is a good way to remind him.