View Full Version : Deport Piers Morgan?

12-25-2012, 07:20 AM
Today's local paper has a story on a White House petition to deport Piers Morgan on the grounds he is promoting the overthrow of the constitution by using his position to advocate it. Has o er 30,000 signatures and requires a White House response.

He has tweeted his amusement, encouraged his followers to sign it. Obviously nothing will come of it but it shows people's displeasure with him.

Merry Christmas to all. Hope Santa was good to you.

12-25-2012, 07:37 AM
I hate it when foreigners come to our great nation and want to change it... and, DANGIT, "we" put one in the White House!


12-25-2012, 08:36 AM
The constitution is the law of the land for all people citizen of not. This idiot is , like it or not, protected by the very constitution he is allegedly attacking. His speech is protected by 1A. However, I would like to know if he is ever protected by bodyguards that carry guns. IOWs is the 2A good for him but not me? There is the rub.

I dont like him but that is not a valid reason to send him packing. If you want him gone stop watching, buying or reading anything he does. Write the sponsors of his show(s) how much you do not like him and the power of $ will see to it he goes away.

I am sure that the sponsors are ready to distance themselves from him ASAP if the White House petition is huge. So signing it can help indirectly and can help 2A support indirectly too.

Frayed Knot
12-25-2012, 08:52 AM
I believe the original petition for deportation was a result of his involvement in the British media wiretapping scandal. I could be mistaken.

His latest shenanigans related to the 2A has just further increased my dislike of the "man", and I use this term very loosely. He has no respect for the laws of either his home country or ours. Pompous dirtbag.

12-25-2012, 10:05 AM
I don't like him because he wants to come HERE and change my life facts be damned, he needs to go away.

12-25-2012, 11:52 AM
Hell, they don't want him back over there either for what he did reporting false war crime.

12-25-2012, 06:28 PM
Send him to Afghanistan and let him tell the Taliban to turn over their arms.......

les strat
12-25-2012, 08:49 PM
The constitution is the law of the land for all people citizen of not. This idiot is , like it or not, protected by the very constitution he is allegedly attacking. His speech is protected by 1A. However, I would like to know if he is ever protected by bodyguards that carry guns. IOWs is the 2A good for him but not me? There is the rub.


Nothing in the Constitution that says someone can't just whip his yank ass though :D

12-25-2012, 10:50 PM
Larry Pratt could take him for sure.

12-26-2012, 06:00 AM
I hate it when foreigners come to our great nation and want to change it... and, DANGIT, "we" put one in the White House!


Whatchoo mean "We" Willis?

Longitude Zero
12-26-2012, 09:01 AM
What muggsy said, I did not vote for the Obamanaiton.

12-26-2012, 09:15 AM
"We" as a country... that's why "we" is in quotes... I sure didn't vote for the guy trying to punish America for her colonial oppression of other countries... AND Hawaii!

I listened to his campaign speeches about how he was going to transform our country and that he would destroy the coal industry and drive up the cost of everything as he tried to get us off fossil fuels OVERNIGHT! I heard what he was saying and I'm not surprised that he was able to buy enough people's votes to get reelected, but Romney didn't put up a decent defense for his plans and didn't take the offense against Obama's bad decisions and the direction he's taking this country. So... now we stand to lose a lot of our freedoms as Obama peoples the SCOTUS, Government agencies, and the military with his cronies. Bad times are coming, or, should I say worse times!!


12-26-2012, 09:26 AM
The Hag said all


12-26-2012, 01:49 PM
I know this is not going to be popular here, but isn't that a First Amendment right? Can't pick and choose the ones we like.

12-27-2012, 08:10 PM
I know this is not going to be popular here, but isn't that a First Amendment right? Can't pick and choose the ones we like.

He's free to speak and we're still free to pick and choose to whom we listen. So much for civility. Had he spoken to me in that insulting manner he'd still be picking up his teeth.

mr surveyor
12-27-2012, 08:16 PM
I honestly didn't even know who this character was until all the recent hoopla. So, is he someone of influence with the mush brains of America?

I take it "he ain't from around here"?

12-27-2012, 09:59 PM
he's free to speak and we're still free to pick and choose to whom we listen. So much for civility. Had he spoken to me in that insulting manner he'd still be picking up his teeth.


12-27-2012, 10:53 PM
Just read a news article about the petition. It seems that people in the UK started their own counter-petition to keep the idiot here in the US. They don't want him back either. Something to do with a scandal where he faked some news articles. I haven't researched it, but that seems to fit his style and personality. What a *********.

12-28-2012, 02:16 AM
Just read a news article about the petition. It seems that people in the UK started their own counter-petition to keep the idiot here in the US. They don't want him back either. Something to do with a scandal where he faked some news articles. I haven't researched it, but that seems to fit his style and personality. What a *********.
Hilarious. Yeah is not a good rep for his homeland

12-28-2012, 04:38 AM
Not a first amendment issue, it's a rude guest issue.

Joe W.

12-28-2012, 05:59 AM
The only way to muzzle this clown would be a massive letter/email campain to his sponsers. The man make a living out of being controversial and talk like this just boosts him up. Google hits on his name are like money in the bank as he can tell thoses who chough up the big bucks for his show "see how much folks are talking about me" and "watching for what comes out my mouth next..."

IGNORE him and he will go away.

Otherwise we have to work to cut off the money that keeps him on the air.
I don't watch him and do not care what he has to say. He is a compleat ZERO in my life.

But then, his show does not pander to the folks we find on Kahr Talk... :rolleyes:

12-28-2012, 09:05 AM
The only way to muzzle this clown would be a massive letter/email campain to his sponsers. The man make a living out of being controversial and talk like this just boosts him up. Google hits on his name are like money in the bank as he can tell thoses who chough up the big bucks for his show "see how much folks are talking about me" and "watching for what comes out my mouth next..."

IGNORE him and he will go away.

Otherwise we have to work to cut off the money that keeps him on the air.
I don't watch him and do not care what he has to say. He is a compleat ZERO in my life.

But then, his show does not pander to the folks we find on Kahr Talk... :rolleyes:

another +10000. I just wanted to see his pie hole bleeding that's all.