View Full Version : Obama's Response to We the People

12-27-2012, 09:13 AM

12-27-2012, 09:47 AM
He opens his mouth and out spew's more BS, nothing new!

12-27-2012, 10:06 AM
I couldn't watch, the minute his face showed up on screen I had to turn it off.

MW surveyor
12-27-2012, 10:09 AM
I know that we have to keep informed but...........................I could not stand to watch anything that was said/done by Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and for the last four years of B.H. Obama.

12-27-2012, 10:09 AM
When I hear his voice or see his face I immediately experience a gag response.

12-27-2012, 10:14 AM
I know that we have to keep informed but...........................I could not stand to watch anything that was said/done by Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and for the last four years of B.H. Obama.

I'm right there with you.
Those guys make my skin crawl.

Longitude Zero
12-27-2012, 10:18 AM
When I hear his voice or see his face I immediately experience a gag response.

Me too.

12-27-2012, 10:43 AM
So how about we don't post no pictures of the bastard.

I'm circling the drain of depression here, the inmates are running the country and not much I can do about it. I didn't get a AR15 and a 100 30 round mags, never gonna get one now, didn't really want one to be honest.

I'm gonna order a couple more 8 ROUND 1911 Wilson mags in an attempt to console myself but I don't think it's gonna help much.

12-27-2012, 01:00 PM
He read it with a sing-songy voice, not his usual barking dog voice. Sounded more fake than usual.

12-27-2012, 01:04 PM
I'm circling the drain of depression here, the inmates are running the country and not much I can do about it.

Not to add to your (our) depression, but in 476 Romans were equally powerless to stop The Fall. It had begun generations prior. All they could do was live out their lives and maintain some sense of dignity in a world ruled by Barbarians.

And that is what we will face when we've imploded and the Muslims move in.

12-27-2012, 01:09 PM
The Romans didn't have the 2A.

12-27-2012, 01:13 PM
They had bread and circuses, we have welfare and reality TV. They had decadent cultural decline, we have political correctness. They had corrupt and self-serving leaders, we have corrupt and self-serving leaders. They had marauding hoards waiting to avenge centuries of Roman conquest, we have anti-colonialist Marxists, Muslims, Mexicans, and so on. The 2A isn't relevant when you can break the will of the people to defend themselves.

12-27-2012, 01:15 PM
They had bread and circuses, we have welfare and reality TV. They had decadent cultural decline, we have political correctness. They had corrupt and self-serving leaders, we have corrupt and self-serving leaders. They had marauding hoards waiting to avenge centuries of Roman conquest, we have anti-colonialist Marxists, Muslims, Mexicans, and so on. The 2A isn't relevant when you can break the will of the people to defend themselves.

Well there's at least one person here whose will do defend himself ain't gonna get broke. No way, no how.

12-27-2012, 01:16 PM
I think our mistake was changing from a citizen army of militiamen to a professional Federal force of career soldiers. Not that there hasn't been a need for that at times, but if the force of arms were still in the hands of We the People instead of the President, we'd have a better chance of avoiding tyranny.

12-27-2012, 01:19 PM
Well there's at least one person here whose will do defend himself ain't gonna get broke. No way, no how.
I know we'll defend our selves, but will we defend our country? Just so the stupid worthless welfare-obsessed losers, who seem to be the majority, can elect another Obama? I think not. That's like giving a liver transplant to a drunk, and he goes right on drinking.

12-27-2012, 01:34 PM
Short of opening a hunting season on the pathetic entitlement and give me bunch that out number us, what's the solution.

12-27-2012, 02:09 PM
Short of opening a hunting season on the pathetic entitlement and give me bunch that out number us, what's the solution.

We NEED to take back our country!!!!!!!!!
I just haven't figured out how.

12-27-2012, 02:13 PM
I have the solution but unfortunately it's not legal and the folks that pass the laws are one of them and not one of us.

12-27-2012, 03:18 PM
I have the solution but unfortunately it's not legal and the folks that pass the laws are one of them and not one of us.

You are absolutely right!!!! It depresses me, and makes me feel powerless.
But I haven't given up!!! That's not something I could ever do.

I'm having a "brain fart"!! What's the name of that group that was protesting Wall Street and taking over public parks???

Maybe we need some type of protest.

Or at least a way to bring our ideas and concerns to the public. People have to hear our side of the story!!

12-27-2012, 03:23 PM
I have the solution but unfortunately it's not legal and the folks that pass the laws are one of them and not one of us.
Sometimes you just gotta break an egg to make an omelette. What the Colonists did was illegal too, ya know.

12-27-2012, 03:25 PM
Actually those occupy folks would have been a good start, all in a nice group, flock shooting comes to mind or at least a station where they could be sterilized so they can't reproduce.

Many hear our voice they just don't listen and they don't comprehend common sense. They sadly are as set in their incorrect ways as we are in our correct ways.

At least we have common sense on our side, they just have the rich and the US government on theirs.

12-27-2012, 03:39 PM
I remembered the name, "occupy wall street".

I don't know Bawanna (this might be our first disagreement, cyber Hubby). Since the Connecticut shooting a number of people have asked my opinion and after we talked it seemed to make a difference. They weren't so sure that stricter gun laws were the answer. It's a start, even though a small one.

12-27-2012, 03:50 PM
I remembered the name, "occupy wall street".

I don't know Bawanna (this might be our first disagreement, cyber Hubby). Since the Connecticut shooting a number of people have asked my opinion and after we talked it seemed to make a difference. They weren't so sure that stricter gun laws were the answer. It's a start, even though a small one.

NOOOO, its not a disagreement, your right, I'm wrong, so wrong. Second time it's happened to me. I'll try harder.

12-27-2012, 04:36 PM
I just read your reply to my "hands on husband" and he just laughed his A....s off.

By the way he agrees.

12-28-2012, 10:26 AM

I watched it and he said exactly what he has been saying all along:
1) no Mags greater than 10 rnds
2) more registration ($) requirements
3) no more AKs, ARs ect.

I wrote my congresswoman. I paid my membership to the NRA. I speak to anyone who will listen. Looks like I have to look for ways to do more.

12-28-2012, 10:34 PM
I just checked Gallery of Guns, and not one AR or AK type rifle is available. Odummy sure has helped sell guns. I bet ammo is real scarce too.

12-29-2012, 02:31 AM
I couldn't watch, the minute his face showed up on screen I had to turn it off.

B man I have the same issue I can't stand looking at him, and as bad hearing his BS condescending lying voice makes me wanna puke as well.:32::behindsofa::19:

12-29-2012, 02:32 AM
I just checked Gallery of Guns, and not one AR or AK type rifle is available. Odummy sure has helped sell guns. I bet ammo is real scarce too.
So Glad I reload..... I have an extra Dillon square deal B set-up if anyones interested.

12-29-2012, 09:37 AM
They had bread and circuses, we have welfare and reality TV. They had decadent cultural decline, we have political correctness. They had corrupt and self-serving leaders, we have corrupt and self-serving leaders. They had marauding hoards waiting to avenge centuries of Roman conquest, we have anti-colonialist Marxists, Muslims, Mexicans, and so on. The 2A isn't relevant when you can break the will of the people to defend themselves.

I've been waiting for a moment such as this to share this video. Seems like our current leader has figured this out.


12-30-2012, 07:16 AM
They had bread and circuses, we have welfare and reality TV. They had decadent cultural decline, we have political correctness. They had corrupt and self-serving leaders, we have corrupt and self-serving leaders. They had marauding hoards waiting to avenge centuries of Roman conquest, we have anti-colonialist Marxists, Muslims, Mexicans, and so on. The 2A isn't relevant when you can break the will of the people to defend themselves.

Is your will to fight broken, John? Mine is still intact. The civilian population far exceeds the military population and that's assuming that the military is willing to stand against the civilian population. Our founding fathers were a lot wiser than most of us think. They gave us the tools. We only have to use them. I hope that it doesn't come to that.

12-30-2012, 11:31 AM
Is your will to fight broken, John? Mine is still intact. The civilian population far exceeds the military population and that's assuming that the military is willing to stand against the civilian population. Our founding fathers were a lot wiser than most of us think. They gave us the tools. We only have to use them. I hope that it doesn't come to that.

They gave us the tools, but I think we are a country of fools. Look at the last election. The majority gives in for an obama phone. I hope I'm wrong.

Will the majority of people stand up against the authorities if they knock on the door? I won't announce what I will do if there is a knock on the door online. I may not be at home any longer by then.

Will the military go against the population? I heard a guy on a radio show out of the NE say that he was a former Army ranger sniper and that he was trained to take out persons with "assault weapons" and they wouldn't stand a chance. He also said that we (the public) didn't have a right/need to AR's to protect ourselves form the government and he's tired of hearing about it.

So, if things start happening and the military starts sniping the civilian public and it's broadcast on the liberal media how many people will just give in? They would only have to have about 5-6 willing military guys do their thing in several city's across the country and then have CNN broadcast it and the weak willed would give in.

The wife was telling me about what happened in the Philippines in the 1970's
when Marcos declared martial law and demanded the public turn in all their firearms. They then killed a few people and the public caved in. Then house to house searches started. The dictator was in place.

What needs to happen is all the states need to declare independence from any such law. Look at California, Colorado, and Washington weed laws. The fed's are leaving them alone. It would work the same for firearms.

If we have an economic collapse all of this discussion may be a mute point because we will all be defending ourselves and the government may have other things to keep them busy. This may be the best thing for the country in the long run.

Think about this, would we rather have gun control first and then economic collapse, or economic collapse first then no time for gun control measures? In one case you could defend yourself, in the other you could not. I'm not a conspiracy kind of person but I do think that they know more than they tell us and we are only told what they want us to know. We better wise up and see what the real agenda is and stop being simpletons.

Now let the discussions start.:popcorn:

12-30-2012, 11:48 AM
Muggsy, I have been debating this a long time with myself. As this country stands, I won't waste my efforts fighting for the freedom of a society that will just turn around and elect another Obama. They have fought for decades to enslave us, they got what they want.

The only thing I will fight for is a new territory of our own, free of the cancer of Marxism, with a stronger Constitution and a society of self-sufficient individualists. Is that asking too much?

12-30-2012, 11:59 AM
Muggsy, I have been debating this a long time with myself. As this country stands, I won't waste my efforts fighting for the freedom of a society that will just turn around and elect another Obama. They have fought for decades to enslave us, they got what they want.

The only thing I will fight for is a new territory of our own, free of the cancer of Marxism, with a stronger Constitution and a society of self-sufficient individualists. Is that asking too much?
