View Full Version : New K9 '03 Elite Owner!

12-27-2012, 05:25 PM
What a Christmas surprise! Thought I had really got one over on my wife. She had been looking for a CCW pistol and had expressed interest in a Shield. Well, they are plenty scarce, unless you are willing to pay an outlandish price on Gunbroker. Well, I did, and thought that would be the biggest Christmas surprise. I was wrong.

For years I have been looking for a deal on a K9 '03 Elite. My wife went to our LGS and had them source a new one for me. After I presented her with the Shield (for which she was plenty happy!), she said there was one more box left for me. WOW!

I am studying the lube chart and prep instructions and hope to shoot her soon. I knew when my wife got her concealed carry license and took an interest in shooting, it was a good thing. Didn't expect it to be this good!

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12-27-2012, 06:20 PM
That's quite a nice present. The '03 Elite is a very nice pistol. Enjoy both new additions to your collection.

12-28-2012, 02:14 PM
That is a heck of a surprise! Good wife you have there buddy...treat her well. I love my K9 and I know you will too!

12-28-2012, 02:57 PM
I suppose pictures of this wonderful wife would be out of the question. Yeah, probably so, I withdraw the request.

12-28-2012, 03:06 PM
and to think he's our Colonel.....

12-28-2012, 03:12 PM
Sometimes I'm so ashamed of myself. I think its from hanging around Jocko. I didn't use to be like this.

12-28-2012, 03:33 PM
You guys are too funny. I don't think my wife visits this forum. But I can't be sure, so no pictures, save the K9, of course. She recently took a Gunsite 150 pistol class and is hooked.

12-28-2012, 04:12 PM
Sometimes I'm so ashamed of myself. I think its from hanging around Jocko. I didn't use to be like this.

blame it on an old defenseless ol man. Just sayn

12-28-2012, 05:10 PM
Forget the wife, we want gun pics. :)

12-28-2012, 05:19 PM
Congrats to both of you! You're a lucky man!


12-28-2012, 06:16 PM
Does that wife has a sister? Maybe a daughter I could introduce my son to?

Congrats to you sir on finding such an outstanding wife!

12-29-2012, 03:38 PM
It was thirty degrees out with a brisk wind. But, we had new pistols and a desire to see if they were more than pretty. My wife with her Shield and me with the K9 went to the backyard range and set IDPA targets at 7 yards.


45 rounds in a spot that could easily be covered with your fist. With my aging eyes! Frankly, I am not sure I have enjoyed shooting any other pistol as much the first time out, including my 1911.

My wife enjoyed her Shield a great deal, too. After the second mag change, she said, "Sweet shooter." Happy wife, happy life.

I followed the prep instructions and lube chart. No hiccups and all I could scrounge up was some bulk 115-gr. I used a bit of Flitz and a dremmel polisher on the feed ramp.


Hey, I do have one question. In the prep instructions, regarding disassembling the magazines, it was stressed to make sure the spring in inserted in the magazine correctly. I did take the mags apart, but darned if I could understand if the spring was in properly. A diagram or picture of the right way and the wrong way would really be helpful!!

12-29-2012, 04:20 PM
http://kahrtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6686&stc=1&d=1349880031The free end of the spring is forward to give more lift to the front of the magazine. Either end of the spring has a "free" end.


12-29-2012, 04:41 PM
Either end of the spring has a "free" end.

Wynn - that is sort of my confusion! Both ends look pretty much to same to me. I looked at that picture in the manual. But, when I pulled the spring out of the mag, it looked exactly like the picture. However, if I were to reverse the spring, it would still look almost the same.

12-29-2012, 05:03 PM
The follower only fits in with the front of it up at a slight angle. You will see its pretty much common sense.

12-30-2012, 11:58 AM
Both ends of the spring... lengthwise... have free ends... the parts that extend furtherest from the coils. Either loose end should be to the front of the follower to give more lift to the front of the follower and nose of the bullets. The picture shows the spring aligned properly. Drop the follower in the tube, metal pin to the left front, and then the spring... with the loose end to the front.


12-30-2012, 12:22 PM
there is really no top and bottom tothe mag sprngs. either end will work if correctly installed.

12-30-2012, 01:23 PM
Both ends of the spring... lengthwise... have free ends... the parts that extend furtherest from the coils. Either loose end should be to the front of the follower to give more lift to the front of the follower and nose of the bullets. The picture shows the spring aligned properly. Drop the follower in the tube, metal pin to the left front, and then the spring... with the loose end to the front.


BINGO, that did it for me. Thanks, Wynn. So, the key is not whether one end or the other is inserted first into the mag, but rather that the angle should be such as to give lift to the follower and the nose of the bullets. Got it! Finally!

I have a few more comments regarding my initial range visit. Think I will create a new thread for those comments.

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