View Full Version : HELP! CM9 2 cut grooves in slide pic Normal?

12-29-2012, 12:17 PM
Hi guys,

Hoping you pros could help me out...

Please check your CM9 or PM9 and see if you have the same2 rough cut grooves like the pic shows. I have NEVER fired this CM9 it's brand spankin new.



12-29-2012, 12:25 PM
I'm not sure what it is but mine has it also. It is also 1 1/2 years old and has never failed to fire in 800 rounds.

I wouldn't worry, go shoot it and enjoy yourself.

Welcome to the forum by the way.

12-29-2012, 12:26 PM
agree, quit nickpinkin and just shoot it like u stole it. do thekahr prep and the kahr lube chart andu willbegood to go. Nice gun..

12-29-2012, 12:38 PM
Probably just a little fine tuning to the machine work.

That's an awesome picture, and except for those two little spots looks like a machinist thing of beauty.

The extractor looks really skookum. I don't think either of mine look that good.

I certainly don't see any reason for concern.

12-29-2012, 12:39 PM
agree, quit nickpinkin and just shoot it like u stole it. do thekahr prep and the kahr lube chart andu willbegood to go. Nice gun..

Do you really have 32k thru your gun? What have you had to replace on it? How many mags??

12-29-2012, 12:46 PM
I have a new CM9 I haven't yet had a chance to fire as well. Same machining marks as shown; if not for this thread I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought.

12-29-2012, 12:50 PM
My new (October 2012) CM9 has those exact grooves. Over 700 flawless rounds so far.

12-29-2012, 01:05 PM
i have a new cm9 i haven't yet had a chance to fire as well. Same machining marks as shown; if not for this thread i probably wouldn't have given it a second thought.

then don't.

sas PM9
12-29-2012, 02:20 PM
Hi guys,

Hoping you pros could help me out...

Please check your CM9 or PM9 and see if you have the same2 rough cut grooves like the pic shows. I have NEVER fired this CM9 it's brand spankin new.




I believe that those two rounded machinings in the corners are there to prevent cracks from developing from stress in the sharp 90deg corners.


12-29-2012, 02:44 PM
Just another confirmation:Those lines or whatever they are are on my mk9 & mk40.

12-29-2012, 03:01 PM

I believe that those two rounded machinings in the corners are there to prevent cracks from developing from stress in the sharp 90deg corners.


I'll buy that statement.

12-29-2012, 03:11 PM
someone her with an enfgineering mind might just have hit on the reason. One of my kahrs does not have it, I think it is defective?????? Just sayin

I think it is my trusty PMJ9 with 32K rounds through it..

Short Bus
12-29-2012, 04:20 PM
My P9 has the marks also.

12-29-2012, 04:33 PM

I believe that those two rounded machinings in the corners are there to prevent cracks from developing from stress in the sharp 90deg corners.


Nada. Two grooves makes it a Kahr ASHTRAY (see way below).


I'm tending to disagree for a couple of reasons.

First off, you'd stress relieve the entire transition, not just part of it. I've never seen a partial stress relief cut - ever.
Second, stress relief is almost always the inclusion of a radius at the bend, not a cut at the bend. It "can" be a cut... just not normal practice.

And third - My own PM9 and both of the PM45's dont have any sort of cut like that.

My take: The cuts are made by a broaching process. Depending on what they're using for a broaching machine, it "appears" that the tooling was not quite as it should be. This all gets in to how the machine works, and how the cutter was made - with chip breakers, chip relief... how the passes are made. Just sayin'... I think its a minor error in machining.

On the other hand - absolutely nothing to be worried about - in my estimation. Its not a locking area, nor is it a wear area. You're not likely to see cracking occur there, and its a very rare thing for a kahr slide to crack anyway. All the real stress is at the front end where the spring hood smacks the recoil spring guide at high speed, and/or, where the barrel locks at the top. I'd expect to see rail cracking first, before that area. Just edumacated guessimications,


As Bill Cosby once noted, anything made in shop class that didn't quite turn out as expected, you just cut two grooves in it, and call it an ASHTRAY!

12-29-2012, 08:59 PM
Welcome to the forum, Survive! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56) and the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27) sections of the forum.

And welcome to the CM9 Owners Club! :D Our official symbol is the wide grin smily because we are so happy with our purchase that we can't wipe the smiles off our faces!

Here is your club badge.

12-30-2012, 12:25 AM
Welcome to the forum, Survive! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56) and the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27) sections of the forum.

And welcome to the CM9 Owners Club! :D Our official symbol is the wide grin smily because we are so happy with our purchase that we can't wipe the smiles off our faces!

Here is your club badge.

Thank you! I am honored to be a part of something very special. I accept this badge and will commit myself to the CM9 and its bretheren from this moment forward.

12-30-2012, 05:45 AM
I should have committed myself a long time ago...

12-30-2012, 09:13 AM
Sirvive, nice photos!
Welcome aboard and congrats on the CM9. We hope to see more photos and a good range report soon!

01-04-2013, 05:53 PM
Thanks guys! Happy to be here!

I've done all the lube points, cleaned the thing, racked the slide over 500 times, polished the chamber and feedramp, sanded the follower for clearance, filed down the slide stop (bullets were hitting it), polished the outside of the barrel hood, disassembled the mags and checked the springs were in correctly...

I've done every tip on this forum that I could do...so this baby should be perfect when it gets the first trip to the range.

01-04-2013, 06:00 PM
u did a nice job oflookingover the gun to. U also gained alot of knowledge aboutyour kahr before that first bang thing even happens.

Nice job IMO. any one of the things u did, coldhave potentially be a trouble spot to...

01-04-2013, 09:48 PM
u did a nice job oflookingover the gun to. U also gained alot of knowledge aboutyour kahr before that first bang thing even happens.

Nice job IMO. any one of the things u did, coldhave potentially be a trouble spot to...

Thanks Jocko! I sure think I did everything I could, short of singing some Frank Sinatra to it.

But there is one more thing....I really want to black cerakote the slide. Then it'll be ready for the range. :D

MW surveyor
01-04-2013, 10:40 PM
Just go shoot the damn thing already! :)