12-30-2012, 02:07 PM
Yesterday was chilly, 30 degrees and windy. The spitting snow finally stopped and we headed to the back yard range with two IDPA targets set up at 7 yards. After following the prep procedures and the lube chart, I was ready to see what this gun feels like. My wife had her brand new M&P Shield. Both of us were excited to put lead down range.
For single stack mags, these puppies are stiff to load! Reminding myself to use the slide release, I chambered the first round and it felt solid, good. My first magazine went into a tight, small group center mass. My wife had a similar first experience with her Shield. 45 rounds later and my fingers were numb from the weather. But, my group could still be covered easily by a fist. Head shots? Simple. I was concerned that all I had on hand was 115gr ammo. No need for concern. No hiccups.
Here's the most interesting finding in my mind. I have worsening eyesight. Trifocals don't help and traditional three-dot sights are not my favorite. I wondered about the Kahr stock sights. I have Heine straight-8's on another pistol and am about to replace them with XS big dots. Just holding the Kahr, I wasn't so sure I could find the sights. But, actually shooting them was surprisingly good. I found myself concentrating on the front white dot and letting it sit on the blurred rear white stripe (a box, really). That was more than good enough for accurate shooting, at this distance. I got to wondering about that. So, I rested the pistol and took a picture of the sights aligned as I used them, using the dot and box. Then, I enlarged the picture to actually see the post in notch view, something my eyes just can't see when I hold the pistol. By golly, they line up very well. Nicely thought out, Kahr!
The K9 pointed extremely well for me. I was afraid I might have a problem with the trigger pull. Instead, I like it, a lot! It just absorbs recoil. I look forward to more shooting. Heck, I even like cleaning this pistol. I had researched this gun for so long and had it on my wish list for years. Worth the wait? Oh, yeah.
For single stack mags, these puppies are stiff to load! Reminding myself to use the slide release, I chambered the first round and it felt solid, good. My first magazine went into a tight, small group center mass. My wife had a similar first experience with her Shield. 45 rounds later and my fingers were numb from the weather. But, my group could still be covered easily by a fist. Head shots? Simple. I was concerned that all I had on hand was 115gr ammo. No need for concern. No hiccups.
Here's the most interesting finding in my mind. I have worsening eyesight. Trifocals don't help and traditional three-dot sights are not my favorite. I wondered about the Kahr stock sights. I have Heine straight-8's on another pistol and am about to replace them with XS big dots. Just holding the Kahr, I wasn't so sure I could find the sights. But, actually shooting them was surprisingly good. I found myself concentrating on the front white dot and letting it sit on the blurred rear white stripe (a box, really). That was more than good enough for accurate shooting, at this distance. I got to wondering about that. So, I rested the pistol and took a picture of the sights aligned as I used them, using the dot and box. Then, I enlarged the picture to actually see the post in notch view, something my eyes just can't see when I hold the pistol. By golly, they line up very well. Nicely thought out, Kahr!
The K9 pointed extremely well for me. I was afraid I might have a problem with the trigger pull. Instead, I like it, a lot! It just absorbs recoil. I look forward to more shooting. Heck, I even like cleaning this pistol. I had researched this gun for so long and had it on my wish list for years. Worth the wait? Oh, yeah.