View Full Version : Thoughts on this vid

01-04-2013, 08:56 AM
a bit old but do you think he was out of line? Was his dekivery too strong? Just a crackpot?

01-04-2013, 09:06 AM
Chris Matthews was behaving exactly how I would imagine him to react. This is an example of the media will make something look the way they want it to look. Regardless of the guy having good ideas or not, Matthews him look kind of nutty. They did it purpose. I would also add, whether its a right or not, you have to exercise common sense and good judgment in certain situations. Carrying a gun to a presidential event isn't going to end well for you. Yes you "can" do it, but should you?

01-04-2013, 09:40 AM
a bit old but do you think he was out of line? Was his dekivery too strong? Just a crackpot?

I don't think that you can be too, hard on a Ron Paul Voter. :)

01-04-2013, 09:58 AM
Who would want to submit themselves to that kind of abuse? The thigh-holster rig is a stupid way to carry a weapon! Look how open that is to anyone to grab it... not to mention how it must bang around as you walk, or heaven forbid, try to run. I would want an open carry to be high... on my belt and easier for me to shield with my elbow and arm. That rig looked ridiculous.

I couldn't watch but a minute or two of that attack-dog-liberal almost hysterically brow-beating that guy with the camera in his face.

I don't like "open carry" because you telegraph to the bad guys that you're the first threat that needs to be taken out... and you get too much attention from everyone. I CC because I want to be able to protect myself with the element of surprise on MY side, too. I want every advantage if the need arises!


01-04-2013, 10:05 AM
Chris Matthews was behaving exactly how I would imagine him to react. This is an example of the media will make something look the way they want it to look. Regardless of the guy having good ideas or not, Matthews him look kind of nutty. They did it purpose. I would also add, whether its a right or not, you have to exercise common sense and good judgment in certain situations. Carrying a gun to a presidential event isn't going to end well for you. Yes you "can" do it, but should you?

Exactly!! Just b/c you can doesn't mean you should.

The very same thing that makes youtube so great, does not make the "real" world work the same.

01-04-2013, 10:47 AM
Chris Mathews is an idot arse almost on par with Piers Moron. I surprised he can pry his lips away from Odummy's rear end long enough to do a show, that very few watch.
The do their best to make people with opposing views look ignorant or worse. Chris Mathews is a jackass. Which I hate to put down jackasses as they are pretty good animals.

01-04-2013, 10:56 AM
I think Mathews asked so great pointed questions that required good answers. While I fundamentally agree with the open carry guy, I felt his answers were not quick and concise enough. In short, he looked like a half cocked zealot. If you are going to make a strong statement by open carry at a presidential event, you better have your sheet tight.

01-04-2013, 03:16 PM
I've posted this before but it seems to apply here as well: