View Full Version : Range Report PM9

03-24-2010, 07:01 PM
Wow! I don't know if it is my mind for getting rid of my baby, but this PM9 seems to kick a lot harder then my previous one. All in all everything went good. I had one FTF and one instance where my slide did not lock back after the magazine was empty. I have a blister on my trigger figure which must mean I'm doing something wrong. I still don't have my camera up and running so I'm sorry I don't have any pics for you guys. My groupings at 7 yrds were amazing everything within a 2 inch circle. This is probably one of the most accurate small pistols I've ever shot. I love it. I can only say there will be more Kahr's in my near future. Remember Bawanna I'm trying to win the trip to Vegas. I do think the PM40 would recoil way to much, so I will hop straight to the 45 as recommended. Or possibly a MK9 elite which has been catching my eye. For now I will keep on shooting.....

03-24-2010, 07:56 PM
Great, jkalantzis. I'm glad you like the PM9 -- the fully accessorized version. I expect a little breaking-in issues, but they should definitely go away quickly.
I don't don't know why you would get a blister like that, though. The bike tube works fine for me and doesn't change the basic looks of the gun, though it won't help the trigger finger. It's necessary on the PM9's BIG brother.:D

Good shooting and I hope you get video capability. Remember our visually oriented buddies here.

If you do get the PM45, it will surprise you with how well you can shoot it. I'm waiting on my Remington Bonded GS 230-gr ammo to get here and then a range trip is in order.

The good gun show is in town this weekend and I'm going there and try to sell my excess defense ammo or trade for some that I need.
I'm glad that you're happy with the gun you should have bought!:cheer2:

03-24-2010, 09:51 PM
jk, maybe the kick you feel is the PM9 fairies getting back at you for kicking your first love to the curb. Just kidding.

Hope you are able to bond with your new love.

03-24-2010, 10:13 PM
great, jkalantzis. I'm glad you like the pm9 -- the fully accessorized version. I expect a little breaking-in issues, but they should definitely go away quickly.
I don't don't know why you would get a blister like that, though. The bike tube works fine for me and doesn't change the basic looks of the gun, though it won't help the trigger finger. It's necessary on the pm9's big brother.:d

good shooting and i hope you get video capability. Remember our visually oriented buddies here.

If you do get the pm45, it will surprise you with how well you can shoot it. I'm waiting on my remington bonded gs 230-gr ammo to get here and then a range trip is in order.

The good gun show is in town this weekend and i'm going there and try to sell my excess defense ammo or trade for some that i need.
I'm glad that you're happy with the gun you should have bought!:cheer2:

sorry about no photos i feel really bad since i love it when everyone else post photos. My camera on my iphone is not working for some reason. I'm looking into getting a flip if anyone has any info on those it would be great. Anyways as soon as i get my technologically challenged @#$ in order, i will have some great videos and pics for you.

03-25-2010, 12:15 AM
sorry about no photos i feel really bad since i love it when everyone else post photos. My camera on my iphone is not working for some reason. I'm looking into getting a flip if anyone has any info on those it would be great. Anyways as soon as i get my technologically challenged @#$ in order, i will have some great videos and pics for you.

Maybe you can borrow pigbuttons new camera. I think he's going out to get one tonight.

03-25-2010, 02:43 AM
Not a new camera Bawanna, better trigger control. Didn't realize that the camera is more sensitive than my Ruger target pistol to these old jittery hands.

03-25-2010, 06:53 AM
Hmmmm....you shoot 2" groups with a 3" pistol and have no pics. I'm calling BS on this one...lol

Just messing with you man. It must be the jealousy I'm experiencing until I get one of my own. Congrats on the new pistol.