View Full Version : PM9 question

End of Tour
03-24-2010, 08:10 PM
Greetings all I just purchased a new PM9 and love it however I'm having a little issue and was hoping to get some feed back. Went to the range and put 50 rds. of 115 gr. AE through it without a problem gun was dead on .I then feed it 115 gr. WWb and started to get a few premature slide lock. I simply pushed down on the slide release and she fired (out of 150 rds she did this 5 times) no biggie I thought just part of break in . I then switched to Speer Gold dot 124 gr. + P and the premature slide lock occured with both mags every time for 50 rds. Upon inspection of the slide stop i noticed cooper discoloration on it contacted Kahr and they are sending me a new slide stop. I then noticed the slide stop spring screw was somewhat loose and the spring had some play in it . My question is does anybody know how tight that screw is supposed to be (don't want to over tighten and strip the screw or frame) and has anyone had a similiar prob with their PM9 again i love this gun and want to carry it for the summer time. Thanks in advance .

03-24-2010, 08:44 PM
Never heard of anything like that but I can see how it would happen if not properly torqued. I don't think loctite will work on the polymer frame. If I were you I'd contact Kahr again and see what advise they can give.

Sorry that you are having problems. I'm new to the Kahr owners group myself and love my PM9 as well.

03-25-2010, 04:30 AM
Greetings all I just purchased a new PM9 and love it however I'm having a little issue and was hoping to get some feed back. Went to the range and put 50 rds. of 115 gr. AE through it without a problem gun was dead on .I then feed it 115 gr. WWb and started to get a few premature slide lock. I simply pushed down on the slide release and she fired (out of 150 rds she did this 5 times) no biggie I thought just part of break in . I then switched to Speer Gold dot 124 gr. + P and the premature slide lock occured with both mags every time for 50 rds. Upon inspection of the slide stop i noticed cooper discoloration on it contacted Kahr and they are sending me a new slide stop. I then noticed the slide stop spring screw was somewhat loose and the spring had some play in it . My question is does anybody know how tight that screw is supposed to be (don't want to over tighten and strip the screw or frame) and has anyone had a similiar prob with their PM9 again i love this gun and want to carry it for the summer time. Thanks in advance .

that little springy screw just screws into the polymer, so if you over tighten it, you will strip the polymer right out. So NO there is no torque required, All that screw and washer does is hold that springy in place. It really doesn't bear down on the spring at all. It is supposed to have some play in it. take the slide off the gun, and renstall the slide stop lever, Look at that lever and you will see in the front of that lever alittle notch ,,on that notch,, you will feel with your fingernail alittle groove in that notch. That is where that spring tip must lie. You should hear it kinda snap in place when done properly to. Now install the slide stop lever with the slide off and see how it feels. It should always be wanting to pull the slide stop lever downward, If it pulls the slide stop lever upward, you have the slide stop notch over that springy thing instead of under it. Give it alittle flip and it should be under some tension to rise upward. then it is in right. It should always want to pull the slide stop downard.

Now with this slide off and the slide stop in the gun, reinsert a loaded magazine and check that slide stop on the inside. When you push that loaded magazine upward in the gun, does the slide stop actualy move upward. If so then the rounds are hitting the slide stop andi ndeed you need a new slide stop lever. It is OK if they brush by the slide stop lever but the rounds should never be moving that slide stop lever upward. I find if hard to believe that 115 grain anythng is moving that slide stop lever and causing your issues.

I am more inclinded to think that maybe your thumb was hitting that big slide stop lever when shooting and you didnn't know it was happeneing. Very common on Kahrs. Recheck again to make sure. But again, locking open every time sounds like a bad slide stop lever or the lever is over that little springy instead of under it...

You might want to refer to the kahr tech sectiion and hit ont he thread PROPER PREPPING OFYOUR NEW KAHR. Some helpful hints in there..

I think your Ok with the gun,

by the way that little screw is a size 6 torx, you can buy it singluarly at sears.. Just snug the screw. That springhy will still move.

PM sent..

03-25-2010, 06:06 AM
where is this screw and spring?

End of Tour
03-25-2010, 07:29 AM
Thanks all for your replies . I contacted Kahr and they told me the spring screw should be tight however i do agree with jocko about the possiability of srtipping the frame. I'll snug it up and see what happens when I get the new slide stop from Kahr.I further agree with jocko that it could be user error but as soon as i started having this issue i made sure where my thumb was at all times after shooting for 20 years any problems i encounter with a weapon my first inclination is to blame myself if i'm in the clear then i systematically go through the weapon (i always hope it's me easy fix).thanks all let you know how it goes you guys are great alot of info.

deadhead1971 the screw and spring is on the frame and is to the right of the slide stop hole.