01-05-2013, 04:27 PM
I picked up my new MK9 Elite today and went right to the range. Took off the slide, applied some Mobil One synthetic, reassembled, and put 200 rds down range. Late into the session after approx 130 rds I had three FTE's but it could have been the ammo. Started with UMC, then Federal, and then Win White box (where the fte's happened). After the 200 rds and ran about a dozen rds of mix between Gold Dots, Critical Defense, and Hornady. They all worked like a champ. This gun shoots like a pussycat - easy to control and really fun to shoot. It joins other members of my Kahr family - PM9, P380, MK40. Love them all. The P380 has never had a problem but likes Critical Defense ammo seems to be the best for self defense ammo. Very pleased with the new purchase. It will be a good gun for me when my arthritic hands cannot handle my Springfield XDS anymore. Sorry, did not have time for pics. Too busy with furnace problems and getting ready to head south for several weeks.