View Full Version : P40 problems bringing me down...

01-06-2013, 11:46 AM
I got my first Kahr a while back (some of you may recall my excitement) since then I have been shooting quite a few times. I feel that I may have been putting myself in a state of denial with the breaking in period. Each time I got out to shoot, my P40 provides some sort of issue I can't resolve. I am hoping that there may be some small known issues I can correct.

Issue No. 1 - While loading a magazine and chambering a round, the first round tends to fail to chamber. It will move forward but stop on it's way upwards, thus causing the slide to remain slightly open. Note: I have made sure that the magazine is fully inserted and secure. I have also convinced myself the magazine is new and perhaps the rounds are held too tightly, so I tried duplicating with ~3 rounds, same issue.

Issue No. 2 - Slide locking back with rounds still in magazine. EVERY. FREAKIN. TIME. I consider myself lucky to make it through a magazine without this happening. I wont be carrying until this is resolved.

If there's potential it would help, I'll try to get some pictures up to follow along these issues. I'm just really hoping I didn't get a lemon, because it is sure starting to feel that way. Not one time have I been shooting without a complication. Please help.

01-06-2013, 12:40 PM
issue #1. ae u usig the slide stop leer to load that first round or hand racking it??

Issue #2, checkur slide locklever springhy. It could be a tad to loose, enabling the slide stop to just kinda flop around maybe enouogh at times to lock open. Check to be sure he rounds are not hitting the inside of the slide stop lever either. Probablynot the thumb caus9ing it, but shoot it a few mags left handed to elimnate that possability. One of those 3 things could be the culprit.. Size 6 torx tool is what isneeded for tha tlittle screw...

01-06-2013, 01:30 PM
My P40 gave me a lot of trouble like that. I did a lot of polishing of the chamber and testing to see where the cases seemed to be snagging. None of that really helps, but it didn't hurt.

I finally decided it was the extractor claw and the areas where the case contacted the extractor as a round was being stripped from the magazine and trying to slide up the breech face and under the claw. I smoother the areas of contact... kind of radiused the part the case rims touched and smoothed them. My problem went away.

When I would try to chamber a round, the cartridge would be stuck at about a 45° angle in the chamber. If I took the pressure off the round by pulling the slide back ever so slightly, there would be a click as the round kind of jumped up or slid under the claw... then I could release the slide at that point and the round would chamber... without pulling the slide back more than a "hair" during the chambering after it stuck!

If you have small round files or stones, this is easy and a little polishing with a small buffer can help. You can address the sides of the breech face, too, and lessen drag in those areas.
