View Full Version : I urge you to contact your reps daily

01-07-2013, 02:19 AM
If they get an inch,you KNOW they'll take a yard http://www.congress.org/congressorg/mail/?alertid=61046526

01-07-2013, 08:12 AM
I sent a hand written letter to my Senator and Representative. I let them know that I wouldn't support any candidate that would vote for any legislation that infringes on my 2A rights and that I would do everything legally within my power to have such a legislator removed from office.

01-07-2013, 08:47 AM

I, too sent a hand written letter to my senators last week. They should be getting it today or tomorrow. In addition, go to the web and find the online contact form for your senators. Here is the online letter I wrote today to Senator Rand Paul. I sent a similar letter to Senator McConnell.

Senator Paul, I implore you to resist in the most uncompromising way, any attempt to use the emotions surrounding the recent Sandy Hook tragedy as a convenient ruse to rush through legislation infringing upon the lawful, fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

Specifically, that there shall be NO so-called "assault weapons" ban, no long guns banned by name, function or feature. That there shall be NO NFA treatment of so-called "assault weapons", hand guns or shotguns. NO GUN REGISTRATION, no massive expansion of the ATF. That there be NO restrictions on magazine capacity for long guns or hand guns. That there be NO new hand gun restrictions or bans, and certainly no hand gun or long gun confiscations! That there be NO back-door gun control by additional taxes on guns, ammunition or ammunition components.

Senator Paul, it is horrendous that some politicians would use the emotions tied to the tragedy at Sandy Hook to further their agenda to disarm and thus subjugate law-abiding citizens of this country. But, that is what is about to be attempted. They say you can cook a frog by putting it in warm water and then turning up the heat. I am relying on you to make sure we don't allow ONE DEGREE OF HEAT to erode our essential American liberties!

01-07-2013, 11:07 AM
Good wording! I will use it.

01-07-2013, 12:03 PM
Yes, excellent wording, I will use it as well. Also, just a suggestion, need another sentence in paragraph 2 regarding tax on ammo, tax on guns, bulk and internet ammo purchases. Ammo restrictions and taxation of ammo is the way they will go if gun bans are not successful and likely in tandem w/ successful gun bans.

01-07-2013, 01:13 PM
Thank you, Chrish. Good suggestion!

BTW, here is a link to a contact page where you can find your senators' contact information. I have it set on KY, but you'll see it is easy to change to your state.


01-14-2013, 07:28 AM
Week 2 - I just sent my letters to both Senators and my Representative. The letter to my Representative was a bit more pointed. Now that some states are coming out with resolutions to resist (and even make criminal) Federal attempts to circumvent or restrict the 2nd Amendment.

Have you sent your letters this week? ;)

01-14-2013, 11:05 AM
Seems relevant:

02-04-2013, 10:43 AM
I hope you all are still writing letters! Each week I change my letter slightly. Here is the one I sent out today. Of course, I addressed each letter to the appropriate person. This one is addressed to Rand Paul.

Senator Paul, I have written you before on this topic. I am writing today to let you know this is still my most vital, immediate concern!

I am deeply offended that some politicians are blaming law-abiding gun owners for the actions of a crazy-man! We are NOT the problem. We will not stand to be scapegoated!

As my Senator, I am asking you to stand up and offer NO concessions to our liberties. Why should we concede anything? We did nothing wrong!

No gun bans. No magazine restrictions. No registry. No additional, national background checks (which would be a precursor to registry and confiscation).

Senator, be assured that there will be massive pressure applied via the media and left-leaning groups over the next weeks to "do something." Do not give an inch to these assaults on our liberties. Their methods have been tried and have failed. In truth, they are not trying to solve or address the issues of violence. You know that. I know that. The voters in the Commonwealth of Kentucky know that.

Thank you for your support. I will be watching and monitoring ALL votes. I will work tirelessly to support those representatives in the future that support my liberties now. Otherwise, I will work to send them home.


John Maldaner