View Full Version : Walmart being seduced by Obama to support anti-gun legislation?

01-07-2013, 11:54 AM
According to the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/white-house-weighs-broad-gun-control-agenda-in-wake-of-newtown-shootings/2013/01/05/d281efe0-5682-11e2-bf3e-76c0a789346f_story.html) Walmart and other companies are being lobbied by the Obama Administration to support their new anti-gun policies. In the case of WalMart the angle apparently is to close the so-called gun show loophole, create a national gun registry, and ban face-to-face gun sales - thus causing more people to buy guns directly from commercial retailers like WalMart.

The whole intent is to, as the Washington Post says, "work around the NRA".

This is similar to the strategy that Obama used to get many of the medical companies on-board to support his ObamaCare legislation.

The problem is once such retailers in a public way sign on to this ill-advised strategy, it will be difficult or impossible for them to back off of that position.

The time to contact them is now. Others may have better contact info for WalMart, but as a quick link I turned up their corporate contact web page at: http://corporate.walmart.com/contact-us

I suggest everyone today let WalMart know how they feel about this strategy, while it is still a trial balloon. I for one will stop shopping there if they go forward with this action.

mr surveyor
01-07-2013, 12:18 PM
I've said this on other forums regarding the WalMart bribe scam.

From a pure capitalist business standpoint, the obama proposal put forth to wallyworld and other bigbox stores would be counter ptoductive to them... and I would think would be counter productive to the anti-gun side as well.

First, many used firearms are circulated amongst individuals in exchange for cash - some of which may be used to fund that new firearm purchased at wallyworld. Since wallyworld isn't a "gun store", thus, they don't take trade in firearms, they are limited to sales of only new in box firearms. A whole lot of gun buyers often sell or trade other firearms in order to fund new purchases. In the case of wallyworld and other type of outlets that carry new firearms, since they don't deal in used firearms, they would be eliminating a fairly large number of potential buyers.

As for the anti-gun side: By eliminating face to face sales of firearms between individuals, this would leave many more guns in the hands of individuals if all new gun purchases made at wallyworld required purchasers to add "new money" into their firearms budget while retaining their older firearms.

It's obvious, these idiots in the current administration know nothing about the workings of business. Few have ever worked in the private sector, including most of the career politicians in the legislative and judicial branches. Yet we keep sending unqualified career politicians to our state and federal governments to represent us????

01-07-2013, 12:28 PM
I would think the idea would be limit you to being forced to buy gun from a store like Wal-Mart, no face-to-face sales. THEN once that is in place, up the amount of paperwork and junk involved with it to the point it isn't worth the effort for non-firearms or sports only stores, thus reducing the number of places that sell guns even further. They can then chip away at those kind of stores.

KMart got all anti-gun and they're now rubbish. It bothers me that Target is anti-shooting, hunting, etc, but I'm not surprised. We only have one Target in this area and tons of Walmarts. The positive thing about Walmart is they are based out of Bentonville, Arkansas. I think they understand where their customer base came from, and where a lot of it still stands. The Waltons give back to the community quite a bit (If you mountain bike, hit up Slaughter Pen in Bentonville, and you'll see what I mean). I'm not saying Wal-Mart is a saint by any means, but they definitely don't strike me as a liberal business by any means. They axed they're meat cutters when they went union, they won't sell me alcohol if my wife doesn't have her ID on her because she "looks young (which ticks me off....), etc. I could be wrong and end up eating these words, but I don't think Walmart will easily be persuaded by Bawanna's President (I think he's Bawanna's president right? Their names are kinda similar, and he always has cute nick names for him....and I think a crush on his wife).

01-07-2013, 12:59 PM
O no he didn't!

01-07-2013, 01:33 PM
I would think the idea would be limit you to being forced to buy gun from a store like Wal-Mart, no face-to-face sales. THEN once that is in place, up the amount of paperwork and junk involved with it to the point it isn't worth the effort for non-firearms or sports only stores, thus reducing the number of places that sell guns even further. They can then chip away at those kind of stores.

KMart got all anti-gun and they're now rubbish. It bothers me that Target is anti-shooting, hunting, etc, but I'm not surprised. We only have one Target in this area and tons of Walmarts. The positive thing about Walmart is they are based out of Bentonville, Arkansas. I think they understand where their customer base came from, and where a lot of it still stands. The Waltons give back to the community quite a bit (If you mountain bike, hit up Slaughter Pen in Bentonville, and you'll see what I mean). I'm not saying Wal-Mart is a saint by any means, but they definitely don't strike me as a liberal business by any means. They axed they're meat cutters when they went union, they won't sell me alcohol if my wife doesn't have her ID on her because she "looks young (which ticks me off....), etc. I could be wrong and end up eating these words, but I don't think Walmart will easily be persuaded by Bawanna's President (I think he's Bawanna's president right? Their names are kinda similar, and he always has cute nick names for him....and I think a crush on his wife).

Distance is for once your friend. 20 miles closer and them words would earn you an arse whooping.

mr surveyor
01-07-2013, 01:39 PM
smiley..... quick....add the smiley

Zippo Guy
01-07-2013, 01:58 PM
This past weekend I was at a WalMart in Sacramento and was looking for their ammo. When I couldn't find any I asked the clerk where it was. I was told I would have to go to the store in Roseville or Dixson as they didn't want that sort of stuff in their store. This is the first WalMart I have run into that didn't carry any ammo or hunting equipment. Are there others that don't carry any at all, period?

01-07-2013, 02:12 PM
smiley..... quick....add the smiley

Who's smiling?

01-07-2013, 02:55 PM
Zippo, less than a handful I have been to did not sell ammo. Some were on the East Coast, one was a very small WalMart (didn't think such a thing could exist). Maybe there will be more in coming years?

01-07-2013, 03:17 PM
Ohhh....I dunno if I should gasp or laugh.
Bawanna's President? ROFLMAO!

01-07-2013, 03:30 PM
What is this gunshow loophole of which they speak?

They still fill out 4473s and an FFL runs the checks.

mr surveyor
01-07-2013, 04:01 PM
"they" seem to think that all private face to face sales take place at gun shows. Well, now they don't really believe that, but they know if they can close their so called "gun show loophole", they can make all f to f sales illegal. In Texas, I would venture to guess that at least half of all used guns on the market end up being traded or sold between private citizens ... just like any other personally owned private property.

01-07-2013, 04:24 PM
In NC, ftf sales without the proper paperwork and buy permit are considered illegal straw sales. I hate that! I'd like to have a gun or 2 "off the books."