View Full Version : Gabby Giffords comes out for gun control

01-08-2013, 08:10 AM
She formerly had a solid rating from the NRA:


This is part of the "gun sprint" that Obama wants to use to push forward gun control quickly, and to cherry pick enough reps/senators off to get bills through Congress.

Don't *assume* your representative and senators are still solid, unless you have personally contacted them and checked. The rules are different now...

01-08-2013, 08:18 AM
How ironic that it was a concealed carry permit holder that put an end to the attack against her and others that day. Harsh words didn't work that day for some reason.

01-08-2013, 08:30 AM
How ironic that it was a concealed carry permit holder that put an end to the attack against her and others that day. Harsh words didn't work that day for some reason.

The CC permit holder apparently didn't use his gun to end the attack though...just so we don't get rumors started.

"Loughner stopped to reload, but dropped the loaded magazine from his pocket to the sidewalk, from where bystander Patricia Maisch grabbed it. Another bystander clubbed the back of the assailant's head with a folding chair, injuring his elbow in the process, representing the 14th injury. The gunman was tackled to the ground by 74-year-old retired US Army Colonel Bill Badger, who had been shot himself, and was further subdued by Maisch and bystanders Roger Sulzgeber and Joseph Zamudio. Zamudio was a CCW holder and had a weapon on his person, but arrived after the shooting had stopped and did not use the firearm to engage or threaten the gunman."

01-08-2013, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the clarification, skiflydive. It will be interesting to see what their new reasonable, responsible organization proposes. As gun owners and gun supporters, it will surely be of great benefit to all of us fellow gun owners. Gun registration, high cap ban, safety locks for all, etc. I am particularly comforted since they have been meeting with the esteemed Mayor Bloomberg. :beer:

01-08-2013, 09:11 AM
Typical libtard stance - they are pro 2A but claim to want to keep guns out of criminals' hands. How ya gonna do that? It's never happened in the history of mankind. You're not special, you can't do it either.

01-09-2013, 01:50 PM
In the interview I saw of her and her husband, which was short, they didn't seem crazy amounts agains all guns, it wasn't the "all guns are bad" tirade. But who knows, she's a big name I guess.

01-09-2013, 01:54 PM
Drafted key player for the libs. Get shot in the head and see if it effects your outlook on guns.

I'm sorry that they are gonna drag her and her husband with them as effigies. I thought the monkey treated her like a door mat when he encountered her on TV awhile back. It's all about him and no one else.

A lot like my supervisors. Perhaps a connection.

01-09-2013, 01:56 PM
It's ironic that even though Brady got shot and severely impacted his life he didn't jump on the anti gun band wagon.

But his wife built the wagon and drives the team. Even named the fiasco after herself. I throw up a little in my mouth every time I encounter Brady checks.

01-09-2013, 02:30 PM
Reagan didn't jump on Sarah's bandwagon either.

Longitude Zero
01-09-2013, 02:33 PM
Reagan didn't jump on Sarah's bandwagon either.

Reagan was a true patiot and realist unlike the buffoon we have now.

01-09-2013, 02:52 PM

01-09-2013, 03:49 PM
Giffords owned a Glock at the time she was shot.

I wonder why she felt the need to have one?

The NRA ought to trot out Dr. Suzanna Gratia- Hupp to counter this group, or at least get her on the national dialogue stage again.


01-09-2013, 05:23 PM
I've wondered what spark would ignite the flame that blazed into Civil War II. This may be it. Would miltary commanders obey an unconstitutional, unlawful order to confiscate the people's guns? Would certain states refusal to go along with the federal attempt be the catalyst? I fear we are close to finding out.

01-09-2013, 05:28 PM
Recent polls say that military commanders would not follow orders to confiscate weapons. Law Enforcement also nearly 100 % say not happening.

I find that comforting.

01-09-2013, 06:32 PM
Recent polls say that military commanders would not follow orders to confiscate weapons. Law Enforcement also nearly 100 % say not happening.

I find that comforting.

the fact that there was a poll on this is scary

01-09-2013, 07:23 PM
Gabby lost a portion of her brain when she was shot, so it's not surprising that she became more liberal.

01-10-2013, 07:18 AM
Gabby lost a portion of her brain when she was shot, so it's not surprising that she became more liberal.

That, Sir, is funny.

01-10-2013, 08:26 AM
The funny part is where she got shot... No guns allowed in that plaza. But I thoughts everyone obeyed the laws...?

01-10-2013, 10:46 AM
That, Sir, is funny.

In a morbid sense.