View Full Version : Rounds hitting slide stop K-40

Sgt 127
01-08-2013, 10:11 AM
Greetings. New member, hate to start with a problem, my apologies.

I have owned a number of Kahr pistols, happy with every one of them. But, I'm having a little problem with my K40.

I noticed that every once in awhile, maybe once every 50-100 rounds, the slide would lock back during a string of fire. I assumed my thumb was bumping it. Made an effort to keep my thumb out of the way, still did it occasionally.

Finally, took a look at the bullet that was halfway up the feedramp when the slide locked back and there is a definite notch cut into the copper where its hitting the slide stop on the way up. There is a TINY amount of room in there for the bullet to get past the slide stop and, occasionallly, it seems to bump it.

Sent back to Kahr with complaint. They sent it back with a new slide stop. "Test fired, no problems". Well, yeah, if they test fired it 20 rounds or so, they were right, but, it did it to me, again, within the first 50 rounds, same notch on the bullet.

I bought a spare slide stop and filed it down. I got it to where the round could not contact it...but, it would occasionally fail to engage when the follower hit it too.

So. I'm thinking the magazine has a little too much slop in it and is allowing the round to drift a little to the left, just enough to contact the slide stop.

Anybody else had this happen? I'm thinking about ordering a couple spare mags and seeing if it helps. The gun was bought brand new a few months ago, but, very old stock. Have thier been any magazine/follower changes?

Thanks for any ideas.

01-08-2013, 10:22 AM
hwo about trying anuuter brand of ammo to sewe what happens. Looks like u filed off tokuch also. Try shooting in some rounds left handed to completely eliinate the possable thumb thing. No mag follower changes to my knowledge. why not just call kar or email them and tell them the rounds are hitting the slide stop and I would bet they wold sende u a new slide stop levert n.c. Ask for Jay. Some have tweeked the magaqzine lips on the left side a tad, but that would be my last resort to do. Normally a new slide stop lever takes care of it.

How about trying anutter magazine also, U should have got two magazines with that K40...

Sgt 127
01-08-2013, 12:06 PM
Sorry. Should mentioned. Both magazines. Different ammo. It's not my thumb, there are obvious gouges on the side of the bullet. I ordered a couple new mags, we'll see how that works. There is very little room in a .40 compared to the 9's.

I may have them send me a spare slide stop. I would rather grind off the stop and let it close on an empty chamber than have it stop in the middle of a magazine.

01-08-2013, 02:54 PM
I am not a gun doctor, but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express one time. So try this at your own risk. Take locking pliers and bend the feed lips on one mag slightly. Bend them both slightly to the right (or maybe just bend the left lip a bit). WTH, it might be all that is needed. I am very unimpressed with the design and quality of the Kahr mags, so a little tuning is in order. I have made such adjustments to mags from other guns before and got good results.

Sgt 127
01-08-2013, 03:06 PM
I think you may be on to something...Perhaps the round can get just a LITTLE too far over to the left...and, bump the slide stop. I'll measure the gap on the new ones when they come in, that may be a good indicator. Its possible they changed the specs ever so slightly, or, the old ones just wallowed out a little.

I've owned a MK9 and still own a PM9 and a K9 along with the K40. The 9's have alot more room in there than the .40. If it is even a little bit out of place as it goes past the slide stop, to the left, it looks like it will invariably hit the slide stop. And, the gouge on the bullet is very pronounced. Its on an old Iphone, I'll post it later.

I will report back with either success...or...some slightly used and buggered up magazines for sale... :)

Sgt 127
01-13-2013, 03:24 PM
Nope...tried two new magazines. Still doing it. Filed down the slide stop a little, still htting, if I take any more off, its going to miss the follower.

Its not the feed lips. Its htting way before the round gets to the feedlips, while the next round is going from position 2 in the magazine to being the top round (does that make sense?)


01-13-2013, 03:31 PM
Yes, because as the top round is pushed forward, it drags the next round forward a bit and THAT round can easily hit the actuator as it rises to the top when the slide goes to the rear. One way to "guarantee" getting two shots off, if to chamber a round, drop the magazine and top it off with another round if you want, but make sure the TOP round is ALL the way to the REAR!


Sgt 127
01-13-2013, 04:23 PM
Sadly, there is no consistency. It could be round two, three, five. Its going back to Kahr after the SHOT show. We'll see if they can fix it. I'm thinking something is milled a little too far to the left. None of my other Kahrs have ever done this...they were just dead reliable. Of course, all my other Kahrs have been 9's. Theres a little more room to work with in that caliber.

My Dept issues .40, so, I just wanted a small gun in the same caliber. I have nothing against 9. It was just a matter of convenience.

Little better picture...its smacking it pretty hard:


01-13-2013, 05:24 PM
I think I would send this photo to kahr, attention Jay and ask him if hey think the gun should go back or would they send u a new slide stop lever to test i tout before doing so. I realy think I would try a new slide stop lever before sending the gun back. Might save u alot of time . Normally a new slide stop lever tkaes care of that issue. If that doesn 't sove it then send it back. Cou7rse its ur call but let kahr see your photos also.

Sgt 127
01-13-2013, 06:27 PM
I think I would send this photo to kahr, attention Jay and ask him if hey think the gun should go back or would they send u a new slide stop lever to test i tout before doing so. I realy think I would try a new slide stop lever before sending the gun back. Might save u alot of time . Normally a new slide stop lever tkaes care of that issue. If that doesn 't sove it then send it back. Cou7rse its ur call but let kahr see your photos also.

I appreciate the advice. I'll send the pic and call them tomorrow. Thanks!

01-13-2013, 06:31 PM
Wehave read of owners haveing feed issues and kahr sending them a new slide stop lever and the issue goes away, So give it a shot anyways, It is not hte magazines. I would be surprised if it is a slide issue but u gotta start somewhere to eliminate the issues and if this does not do it then indeed let kahr have it back to do it right. They have the priveldge thatwe owners don't have and that is to just keep replacing parts until the issue goes away.

Not that it matters but I had a new Palr carry 9 that had 3 slide stops replaced before the issue went away. They all looked the same to me also but the last one they sent me did the trick.