View Full Version : When I got my Kahr...

01-08-2013, 01:26 PM
I have wanted one for about a year, and knew I wanted it in 9mm b/c that is my round of choice currently. I hadn't read up on all the different models. In fact I had no idea there were so many different models until after I bought it.

I was in Cabellas and saw one used in their "gun library" and asked to see it. To be honest, I had heard good things but bought it just because of the reputation and it seemed to be a good deal.

I bought it and found this site the next day. I did a little research and found out it is a 2007 TP9 (original shorter framed). I've been to the range with it twice, cleaned it twice and added a hogue jr grip.

I can honestly say that I like this gun better than any gun I have owned except maybe the 22-250 that my dad gave me for my 16th birthday, although that gun has been given to my nephew now for him to use hunting with my Dad (his grandpa). I shoot the Kahr easier and more accurately than my Springfield XDm9.

I am glad I got it. Definitely one gun I don't plan on ever selling.

What's your Kahr story?

01-08-2013, 02:35 PM
My first Kahr was the CM9. Since I bought it my wife refers to me as, "the grinning idiot". Before that I was just, "the idiot". Some wives have no sense of humor. My next Kahr was the P380, affectionately known as the little bastard. It goes where ever I go. It's my constant companion. I haven't decided on what my next Kahr pistol will be. I only know that my next pistol will be a Kahr. I'm an addict.

01-08-2013, 03:41 PM
My first was a CW9 about six years ago. I bought it to replace a Taurus 709 Slim that even Taurus couldn't make right. I've never bought another Taurus and sold the 24/7 45 I had, but I have bought six more Kahrs. Even though I no longer have that CW, it must have made a good impression.

01-08-2013, 05:30 PM
Well, since it has only been about 3 weeks since I became a Kahr fan I don't have a lot of legitimacy. With that said I AM IN LOVE!!

I started out wanting something that was like the glock 26, Ruger sr9c, M&p shield, XD compact. I said no to the glock, love the gun and shoot the g26 well. My brother has one and I shoot it often. I just hate the ****** grip along with the retarded angel. I owned a XD and liked it but the slide is so bulky and clunky. The m&p had nice grip but didn't like the safety or the goofy trigger. I liked the sr9c the best but can't stand all that liberal safety crap.

So I kept looking. Went back and forth back and forth. Thought about the Caracal but didn't like it was from the UAE. So I looked into the Kahr. Sexy and plain like the glock. I like simple and since I'm a revolver fan I thought double action with no safety. I'm already use to that style of trigger. So went and held the Kahr and made up my mind. Plus the single stack mags are great for edc.

Now I have already made upgrades have holsters and plan on probably buying a Kahr K9 when I can rip some money from the ol' lady and the wedding fund. Yea right haha. Guess I'll wait until my next Christmas bonus. I think the ol' lady is tired of me cleaning and working on my Kahr in her kitchen.

01-08-2013, 06:25 PM
First Kahr was a PM9 about five years ago based upon the reading I had done. Since have added MK40, P380, and just last week an MK9 Elite. That should about do it for the Kahrs. They make good companions to my Springfield EMP9, Loaded Micro Compact 45, UltraCompact stainless 45, and XDS 45. I do have a couple of others but the ones above are among my favorites. Kahrs make wonderful guns.

01-08-2013, 09:45 PM
First Kahr... walked in to gun store across the street from biker bar in Port Orange (Daytona Bike Week) and wanted to see a PM9, walked out with PM45

01-08-2013, 10:45 PM
I shoot the Kahr easier and more accurately than my Springfield XDm9.

Funny...I'm the same with my Kahr.

01-09-2013, 05:02 AM
The first time I ever heard the name Kahr was about 5 years ago at a gun shop in Dayton, Ohio. I was looking at Glocks for ccw when the store owner asked if I knew anything about Kahrs. We talked for a while, I came home and hit the internet for as much info as I could find, went back the next day and bought a MK9 :).

Kept the MK9 for 3 years, sold it to buy my CM9 :D I carry now (wanted less weight) Love my CM very much but I sure do miss my all steel MK!!

My new MK9 should be here by end of next week if all gos' well.

(yes i'm keeping my CM)

01-09-2013, 06:54 AM
My first Kahr was a older All black K9.

I bought it off Gunbroker. Back then, Kahrs were pretty rare in gun shops and I'd never even seen one in person. This forum didn't exist then either, so it was a leap of faith based on the few comments I could find on various forums. I was so glad to hear of this forum, ( from a post on the Glock Forum/Kahr Topic ), when it started up a few years ago.:) I just missed the hat giveaway! :(

I'm a collector, so I don't always buy guns for a particular purpose, but rather simply to add to my family. The K9 however was bought with the intent of being a potential CCW. I liked the design but I didn't bond with the K9 enough to replace the gun I then carried. I did like it enough to start adding other Kahrs to the family, and again, a few bought with the intent of making them a carry gun. Since that first K9 I've added another late model K9, a T9, TP9, P9, P45, TP45 and a CW9

The one I bought relevent to Gangplank's story is the TP45. I bought it with the intent of chopping the grip down to a P size grip, or in other words a "Covert TP45". It seemed to me to be the perfect carry gun. I never started the project for a number of reasons. I've never even read of anyone doing this particular covert change. The P45 seems to me to be the most logical CC Kahr option and the longer barrel seems a natural. I wonder why it's not done?

For the record, of all the Kahrs listed above, my favorite is my new style TP9, even more than the T9. Can't explain why... just is.

01-09-2013, 07:43 AM
Earlier in 2010 I had a XD9sc. I really liked that pistol. Loved the ergonomics of the pistol and especially the grip angle. The only problem was it was,to me anyway just little to fat and brick like for CC. I got tried of hearing all the rumors that they were going to bring out a XD9 in a single stack. So I went on a mission to find a good single stack 9mm pistol with the same ergo's (feel) as the XD9sc. I tried many like the Taurus, KT PF9 and a few others that were around at the time. I liked the Kahr PM9 but the price was a little more than I wanted to spend for an EDC pistol that was going to take some bumps and more thn likely get scratched up.
One morning I walked into one of my favorite local GS and got talking to the owner about single stack 9's. After a few minutes of chatter back and forth he reached down in the case and pulled out a PM9 that had the factory night sites on it and said from what your saying this is what you want. I kind of chuckled and said that's a little to rich for a retired Carpenters wallet. He then informed me that it was used, and told me the story that a fairly rich older gentilmen had it on order and bought it when it came in. He then took it to the range in the back and fired a few mags through it and decided the recoil was to much for him, and traded it in for something else. So the PM9 had to be sold as a used pistol. Now I've done business with this GS for a few years and I get along quite well with the owner. Bottom line is he made me and offer I could not refuse. Now after owning a carrying it for for a few years I've come to appreciate what a quality piece the Kahr PM9 really is. It has never failed to chamber,shoot,or eject any type or brand of ammo I've ever fed it. Including reloads. I have looked at all the other latest and greatest product of the month Single stack 9's that have come out over the last couple years and there are some very nice single stack 9's, butt there is not one that I'd trade the PM9 for even up. Now if it were today I'd probably buy the CM9 ,but I'm very happy the way things worked out for me and the PM9.