View Full Version : Old Faithful IWB

01-09-2013, 11:41 AM
I have a MK40, and several of the IWB makers do not have the molds for the MKs. I did discover that Old Faithful has the IWB holsters for the MKs, and so I ordered one. It took about a month to get it.

These come in ready to assemble kits. According to their video, it takes about 15 minutes to put it together, but it took me over an hour. It wasn't hard, but nothing went together like the video showed. I had to ream out some pre-cut holes and had to mix spacers with different sized screws. All in all, it wasn't rocket science, but it took me much more than 15 minutes.

When I got it together, I found that it fit my MK40 perfectly. I have begun to wear it, and it is very comfortable to wear. They claim that it takes a week or two to break in, but I found it to be very comfortable from the get-go. These holster are the Cross Breed style holsters, but not at the Cross Breed price point. I have not worn an IWB style holster, so I was wondering how it would feel to wear. So far, I'm happy with it.

01-09-2013, 12:09 PM
I'm wearing my Old Faithful for my CW45 right now. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it doesn't seem any more comfortable than my single-clip holster did, both feel like a big lump on my hip. I'm not going to stop wearing it, mind you; because it's a very good holster. Draw and re-holster is smooth and one-handed. But I'm not getting the comfort advantage.

01-12-2013, 04:25 PM
I don't have an old faithful, but it took me several adjustment tries for me to find the sweet spot with the hybrid holster model I have.

For me the sight lines up on the outside leg seam, say 4:30ish. As far as cant goes, the front clip is positioned one hole higher on the front that back.

Concerning clip height, it's just high enough to keep the bottom of the leather off the ball of the hip, but not so high it pokes the grip out. There is sort of a balancing act high and low with your belt acting like a lever so to speak.

So take some time and make small adjustments and give it a try, also include moving along the belt, maybe back a bit further.

Once you find it, it will really make a difference. If you can't find it, then maybe another brand may make a difference. While they look the same, there are subtle differences in many of the dimensions.

01-17-2013, 11:41 AM
I am looking at the Old Faithful holster now too for several of my pistols. Thanks for the thread.