View Full Version : What sights do you like
03-25-2010, 03:38 PM
Trying to decide on sights. You can get the Crimson Trace for about $180 and put it on yourself, not sure if I can still get a good grip with those though. Or maybe the XS sights, not sure if I like that round dot on the front. I also really like the novak sights but they are high dollar and I don't know if I like that tiny dot for a front sight. I really like the regular sights but of course they are not night sights. What do you guys think?
03-25-2010, 03:45 PM
Trying to decide on sights. You can get the Crimson Trace for about $180 and put it on yourself, not sure if I can still get a good grip with those though. Or maybe the XS sights, not sure if I like that round dot on the front. I also really like the novak sights but they are high dollar and I don't know if I like that tiny dot for a front sight. I really like the regular sights but of course they are not night sights. What do you guys think?
I really liked the regular sights on my K40 so I left them. My other guns with less satisfactory sights all got XS's with standard dot. On a small Kahr I would probably go with the big dot, up close, fast, just the ticket. Anything larger I prefer the standard dot, just as accurate as anything else out there once you get the hang of it.
Again and I always get stoned whenever I say this. Night sights in my tiny little own opinion are highly over rated. A full size gun, or a cop duty gun, mandatory but not on a little belly gun shot at arms length. While bad things usually happen in the dark it's usually not total dark, there's building light, street lights, the moon whatever, ain't pitch black. Carry a surefire and you can use it to read the map to find your way back to civilization.
03-25-2010, 03:46 PM
My personal preference is the Mepro night sights. I pick them up quickly and they are quite bright.
03-25-2010, 03:47 PM
Night sights for a Kahr are a bit hard to find....I see that Novaks are available from Kahr Shop now but I have a CW40 and the trijicons are all thats available for the CW's....Most folks here (myself included) send the slide back to Kahr and have the trijicons or meprolights installed....Thats what I did and I like them alot....I really didnt need night sights but just wanted the 3 dot design that all my other guns have...I didn't like the single bar with the dot that came stock (nothing wrong with that I just didn't shoot as well as with the 3 dot) Jocko loves his XS big dot sights so its just whatever works for you...I would highly recommend that you let Kahr do the work as they will do it right and from what others have said trying to do it yourself is possible but very difficult.....
03-25-2010, 03:52 PM
I have both the XS Big Dots (and they are night sights) and the CTC laser on my PM9. Given time to acquire and fire, either will do just fine. But in those situations where it may not be possible to attain a full arms length sighting position, they laser is perfect! Others will disagree but, hey, to each their own :D
03-25-2010, 05:10 PM
I bought a PM40 last evening and paid more for a used gun with Novaks than a new gun without. My T40 has Novaks and I just wanted the same sights for the same reasons on the fanny pack/light carry gun. All the same holsters fit fine by the way.
03-25-2010, 07:08 PM
My preference is the XS 24/7 Big Dot Tritium Express sights along with a set of Crimson Trace grips.
03-25-2010, 07:32 PM
Trying to decide on sights. You can get the Crimson Trace for about $180 and put it on yourself, not sure if I can still get a good grip with those though. Or maybe the XS sights, not sure if I like that round dot on the front. I also really like the novak sights but they are high dollar and I don't know if I like that tiny dot for a front sight. I really like the regular sights but of course they are not night sights. What
do you guys think?
I prefer a single large front fiber optic sight and a plain black rear, preferably with a wide notch. XS sights are great - 3 dot Novaks I find to be slow, as with 2 dot Heinie. I don't use dots in my sights, just the tops, hence why my front sight is a big glowing blob centered in a big rear notch.
The rod is much bigger, photo trickery. The rod's almost the width of the front sight post.
My responses on some of this stuff is below:
:) I see lot's of questions on here about Night Sights (should I get em'. Should I not ? )
Value added, but not mandatory. You're not going to be going for a good sight picture and sight alignment when your heart's racing 200 beats/minute. Toss in a busy sight picture of standard 3 dot sights, and the utilization just isn't there.
Odds are IF you are ever in a gunfight. It will happen at night , 8pm. or later and, it will be up close & personal. 10 yards or less. Law enforcement statistics back this up.
Now let me ask you........................
Other than fellow LEO's................................
How many of you go out and practice night shooting? Well you SHOULD.
When I have the opportunity to do so - not often enough, don't have my own land.
How many practice shooting strong hand only? Well you SHOULD.
How many practice WEAK hand only ? Not only firing but, reloading also? Well you SHOULD.
What would you do if your strong arm was suddenly put out of commission? Could you reload your firearm? Could you "rack" the slide with one hand?
These are very important things you should think about. ALL Leo's train for these things. Most civilians don't. But, you should. I would be VERY shocked if there is a Law Enforcement Agency in America that does not have Night Sights on their issued weapons.Go out and shoot your weapon on a dark night and, you will see why you should have them.
No, they don't train for these things. They have to qualify once or twice a year and do 12 stages composing of less than 150 rounds fired. They use a 50 yard pistol target at 15 yards - and as long as you're on the shadow figure, you pass.
Laser's and flashlight's have their place too. But, they also give the bad guy something to shoot at. Namely YOU !
Bunk. My LED light puts out 80 lumens - disorienting in the daylight. It is painfully blinding at night - I have tried, as have friends, both sober and drunk, to look at the light and the longest is about 3 seconds - and unable to see anything after the lights were on.
On lasers, they only come on when you're pulling out the gun. If you're pulling the gun without pulling the trigger, you aren't in a situation where you should have pulled the gun from the get go. A small 1/8" red light will not get you killed, in reality it can only help you. I'd like to know what super secret squirrel mission some armchair commando was on that came up with on this logic.
This argument isn't well thought out. If the laser is going to give you away, then wouldn't the glowing dots from night sights do the same? No? They won't? Huh, guess the laser won't either. Must be the muzzle flash.
I know that some people say " well I don't like them in the daytime. They don't show up as good as standard sights. " Well fine then, you go arrange for all the dirt bags in the world to make " daytime only " appointments with you. They are reasonable people. I'm sure they will work with you on that. As for me Night Sights are the ONLY way to go.
They're extremely reasonable people! :D Seriously though, if you want night sights, I highly recommend trying only a front night sight with a plain black rear. Sight and target acquisition are extremely fast in all conditions (see green thing over target, pull trigger). Very accurate if you do your part.
I now conclude my rant.......................
( for an audio version or transcript of the above. Contact www.gee, (http://www.gee, please send check or money order.) call in the next 30 minutes and get free Ginsu Knives.:der:
My responses in bold.
03-25-2010, 07:52 PM
For a conceal carry gun fiber optics are not an option in my opinion, you'll end up breaking the fiber off from concealing it. I have the factory night sights on my Kahr and like them. I have the XS Big Dot on my Para and like it even better; probably not the best sight for target shooting but absolutely awesome for a carry gun. One thing to consider on the XS Sights however is that the sight does not clear all holster sight grooves. One of my favorite holsters don't work with the XS because it is bigger and snags on the holster when drawing weapon and makes it difficult to get gun out. I don't care for the Crimson Trace on the Kahr because it defeats some of the concealabilty of the small Kahr and makes it a bit bulky; plus the fact at 10 feet or so do you really need a laser?
03-25-2010, 07:58 PM
For a conceal carry gun fiber optics are not an option in my opinion, you'll end up breaking the fiber off from concealing it.
I obviously disagree - the reason being is the front sight is imbedded within a steel cage, known as a sight - and even if the rod does somehow come out with both ends melted, the front sight post still serves it's function.
I have the factory night sights on my Kahr and like them. I have the XS Big Dot on my Para and like it even better; probably not the best sight for target shooting but absolutely awesome for a carry gun. One thing to consider on the XS Sights however is that the sight does not clear all holster sight grooves. One of my favorite holsters don't work with the XS because it is bigger and snags on the holster when drawing weapon and makes it difficult to get gun out. I don't care for the Crimson Trace on the Kahr because it defeats some of the concealabilty of the small Kahr and makes it a bit bulky; plus the fact at 10 feet or so do you really need a laser?
On a polymer pistol, yes, it's more bulky - not on a steel. Do you NEED a laser? No, and I don't run one on any of mine (I think my money's better spent on training and ammunition). But, does it hurt the end user? No. That which does not hurt you provides no reason to claim one should not have one. In some awkward shooting positions, it may be advantageous. Value added, but not taken away.
Reply in bold.
03-25-2010, 08:44 PM
I'm not going to reply to any specific message, as there are a variety of opinions on sights and lasers. I will say this though, the one thing missing from all practice at the range is PF (Pucker Factor)! If I can develop muscle memory to use iron sights when I CAN, and a laser when I CAN'T, to me that's a big bonus. At close range (within 15' or so) you can get off a shot from an odd or off balance shooting position and hit something without using any sights. But with a laser, you will hit very close to where that laser is every time. Just MHO :behindsofa:
03-25-2010, 09:11 PM
Jeep45238 said "Laser's and flashlight's have their place too. But, they also give the bad guy something to shoot at. Namely YOU !
Bunk. My LED light puts out 80 lumens - disorienting in the daylight. It is painfully blinding at night - I have tried, as have friends, both sober and drunk, to look at the light and the longest is about 3 seconds - and unable to see anything after the lights were on.
On lasers, they only come on when you're pulling out the gun. If you're pulling the gun without pulling the trigger, you aren't in a situation where you should have pulled the gun from the get go. A small 1/8" red light will not get you killed, in reality it can only help you. I'd like to know what super secret squirrel mission some armchair commando was on that came up with on this logic.
This argument isn't well thought out. If the laser is going to give you away, then wouldn't the glowing dots from night sights do the same? No? They won't? Huh, guess the laser won't either. Must be the muzzle flash.
I know that some people say " well I don't like them in the daytime. They don't show up as good as standard sights. " Well fine then, you go arrange for all the dirt bags in the world to make " daytime only " appointments with you. They are reasonable people. I'm sure they will work with you on that. As for me Night Sights are the ONLY way to go.
They're extremely reasonable people! Seriously though, if you want night sights, I highly recommend trying only a front night sight with a plain black rear. Sight and target acquisition are extremely fast in all conditions (see green thing over target, pull trigger). Very accurate if you do your part."
The "bold" didn't copy over, BUT
Jeep45238, you might think you know it all, but some of the things you said are really not so smart, and obvious to anyone who uses night sights or lasers.
The glow of night sights doesn't point at your target and they don't make your face visible in the dark, unless you've got reflections from your glasses, so the enemy won't see those unless he gets control of your weapon. I put the back of my brand new PM45 with bright NS to the wall in the dark and I saw nothing -- no reflected glow.
The LASER, however, will be pointed at the target and can be seen as far as they paint... especially if you are aligned with where the laser is pointing, as at you or the target. The laser is VERY visible then and for close to 180 degrees left to right, as they have to be VISIBLE for the user to see. And yes I tried that in the light and the dark -- very visible. Pix included.
As far as powerful flashlights go, there's a technique to hold one of those away from your body and point it in the direction of the target. If you hold the light between you and the target, he can blaze away at the light... even if "blinded"... it IS a BRIGHT light at night, right?
We may not know everything or claim to know everything, but most of us have been around and know which end of a gun the bullet departs.
Picture one is in low light, #2 in the dark, #3 the laser alone, #4 in light, and #5 in light. And, like in the movies, in the presence of fog or smoke or mist, if not TOO thick, the entire beam can be followed back to the source... real helpful to your enemy.:eek:
03-25-2010, 09:30 PM
Whynn - the laser is absolutely visible to both your target and you - nowhere near as much as that muzzle flash that had better be happening, so it's a moot point. The night sights revealing your position was meant as a humorous joke to illustrate that people are too worried about "hiding in the night" when they're about to fire off an extremely loud gunshot with a severe muzzleflash. Yes, I have friends (one former) who stated that was the reason they didn't want night sights - it would give away their position if a bad fellow was behind them. I just had to shake my head. Same with lasers giving away your position - unless you're running a green laser, it won't. Almost every serious gun mounted laser activates when the user wants it to, be it under grip or flick of a switch. If you've got a gun with a light or laser on it drawn, and aren't pulling off a shot - why the hell aren't you?
Have you ever looked directly into 80 or 120 lumens with night adjusted vision? Mind you these are off the shelf lights that I have, nothing fancy or high tech. I'm aware of the FBI light technique, and have used it just fine. It is not my primary choice of use.
I certainly don't know it all (there's a reason why I go take as many courses as I can afford - I DON'T know it all) - but in all seriousness, I've heard a lot of these things propagated to me by local law enforcement, including two SWAT members.
Guess who went through the shoot house with them without getting killed? I can tell ya right now, it wasn't the SWAT members that were pushing the tales in the beginning of this topic.
FYI - the attached pictures are taken in normal household lighting. Find me - 4 different positions in front of the camera. :rolleyes:
03-25-2010, 09:35 PM
I like the Crimson Trace. I have 50+ year old eyes. Any of the other sights mentioned are nothing but blurry for me.
I conceal all the time, pocket and OWB and the CT doesn't add a bit to length, width, or height. There are holsters for the Kahr with the CT.
And, I don't have to even get the gun to an aiming position to acquire a target. Whether one handed, and especially if the target is moving, plant the dot and pull the trigger. The CT is also easy and instinctive to control so as to not give your position away until you are ready to acquire and fire if still necessary.
03-25-2010, 09:37 PM
I give this round to Jeep, iffen you allow me the opportunity to judge. I have officers who don't like to carry stainless mags because they will reflect light in the dark and give away their position. The night sight deal, it goes on and on. Guys who carry 4 or 5 flashlights, 3 back up guns, one swat guy carries so much crap on him that he loses all his mobility, probably won't remember where everything is and has little use for most of the stuff anyhow. I've told him so too, in fact I call inspector gadget but I'm just a civilian puke with no credibility. I do encourage guys using lasers to stay practiced in sights and use them whenever possible. LIke computers, you never know when you'll be back to pencils.
03-25-2010, 09:38 PM
I kind of forgot, you should be running rather than standing around pointing your laser or flashlight at stuff. Or shooting, that would be good in the proper situation as well.
Ok bye.
03-26-2010, 07:57 AM
Reply in bold.
My local gunsmith says he replaces about 6 fiber optic strips a week because they are getting broke off from being bumped etc...I noticed just from holstering they get some abuse, they don't ALL have a nice protective cage, some do, most don't. I don't want them on my carry gun.
I had them removed from my Judge. They are great for visability and on a target range though.
03-26-2010, 08:06 AM
It'd still function just fine and dandy without the rod. Sure, it has a hole - big deal, the top is still intact.
03-26-2010, 09:15 AM
Whoa, lots of opinions. For every reason why there's a reason why not to. Start with the laser, probably the fastest, but also looks like it would be easy to knock off. The XS, probably next best thing, but I would prefer the standard dot, maybe it wouldn't hang on a holster. The Novak is probably the best looking and can be bought with the flat bar tritium. I'm thinking about XS standard dot on the front with Novak flat bar on the back. Or maybe just the XS on the front and be done with it. One thing I seen mentioned was about the stainless mags, I prefer them because they are easier to see in the dark. The laser can give you away, but could also be a deterent. Most likely sights don't even get if the SHTF. Anyway, appreciate the info on the XS getting hung occasionally, cause thats what I'm leaning towards. Please continue though, I'm still undecided.
03-26-2010, 09:22 AM
Look into a Novak low mount wide notch rear sight (Kahr sells this direct for about $30) and either a front night sight or fiber optic.
Front sight aquisition is as fast as the XS sights because the sight picture uses the same operating princible - a simple, fast, clean sight picture. But by having the front sight in the notch, you can eliminate the bar in the back - which simplifies things even more. Instead of putting the dot on the bar, if you see the dot, pull the trigger. If the gun is canted far enough to the left or right to prevent a hit, the front sight will not be visible if the slide is on the same plane as your eyes.
The laser units are NOT easy to knock off. Run one if you want one, but I'd rather spend the money on reloading components and/or gun fighting courses from people who have been there/done that.
03-26-2010, 09:47 AM
I think you need to shoot a rental with Novaks on it...any caliber or size really. I don't understand any misgivings about a white dot (or glowing) front sight. Kahr chose Novaks for a reason. Go with it. If it's really about the cost, skip the process of rationalizing why you don't need it. The sights can be added later when finances allow.
03-26-2010, 03:01 PM
I have some Novaks off my Para Ordnance you could have if they will fitt your gun??? Not sure on mounting size dovetail.
03-26-2010, 03:09 PM
I have some Novaks off my Para Ordnance you could have if they will fitt your gun??? Not sure on mounting size dovetail.
Should be 1/4" standard dovetail on the front sight, 3/8" standard dovetail on the rear.
03-26-2010, 03:12 PM
Whoa, lots of opinions. For every reason why there's a reason why not to. Start with the laser, probably the fastest, but also looks like it would be easy to knock off. The XS, probably next best thing, but I would prefer the standard dot, maybe it wouldn't hang on a holster. The Novak is probably the best looking and can be bought with the flat bar tritium. I'm thinking about XS standard dot on the front with Novak flat bar on the back. Or maybe just the XS on the front and be done with it. One thing I seen mentioned was about the stainless mags, I prefer them because they are easier to see in the dark. The laser can give you away, but could also be a deterent. Most likely sights don't even get if the SHTF. Anyway, appreciate the info on the XS getting hung occasionally, cause thats what I'm leaning towards. Please continue though, I'm still undecided.
Good thoughts here. I have fiber optics on the front of my para and an adjustable black rear. The fiber optic just doesn't make it for me. Tried a couple different colors and it's ok but not great. I intended to get XS front and rear but was trying to figure out the dovetail. Might borrow your idea and Jeeps and just put a standard dot XS on the front and call it a day. I have XS's on all my others, this is my everyday (wait???my EDC, gotta apply the codes). That should be easy. I've never had issues with holsters and the standard dot. When I had my Mernickle:cheer2::cheer2:made I mentioned a high front sight and they gave it extra room.
03-31-2010, 10:44 AM
I have some Novaks off my Para Ordnance you could have if they will fitt your gun??? Not sure on mounting size dovetail.
Hey Jeepster, sorry so long to get back, I haven't been able to make a decision yet. Thanks for the offer though.
04-04-2010, 03:39 AM
Why settle for a dot when you can have a reticle? :D
04-04-2010, 06:22 AM
I really like the trijicon on my CW9, and for my P22 the Top Point Red Dot is lots of fun. No problem in direct sunlight, and effectively makes the little Walther a longer range laser targeting pinger...
04-04-2010, 09:47 AM
Why settle for a dot when you can have a reticle? :D
I actually had a chance to use a similar setup on Saturday. It was fun.
04-04-2010, 09:58 AM
I have Mepro tru-dots on front and rear of a PM45. I have great difficulty picking up the front sight in any daytime outdoor or indoor light. I'm thinking of keeping the rear night sights and replacing the front sight with XS big or standard dot. Is this a hairbrained idea? Anyone with some experience in this configuration?
04-04-2010, 10:16 AM
The XS sights use the standard size tritium capsule, outlined in white paint - big dot uses a larger amount of white.
As long as the height isn't way off, and it'll fit in the notch, why not? Better yet, keep the front sight you have and toss this one on the back - very very quick and easy to pick up the front sight:
New Novak Sight, Flat Black (
04-04-2010, 10:44 AM
The XS sights use the standard size tritium capsule, outlined in white paint - big dot uses a larger amount of white.
As long as the height isn't way off, and it'll fit in the notch, why not? Better yet, keep the front sight you have and toss this one on the back - very very quick and easy to pick up the front sight:
New Novak Sight, Flat Black (
Quick question... if I install a Novak rear sight, will that really help me pick up the Tru-dot n/s during the day? The problem I have is an old set of eyes, possible cataract problem, and the front tru-dot n/s is just not bright/white enough to see with any clarity. I have no problem with the standard white dot front Glock sight on my G19.
04-04-2010, 11:04 AM
Yeah, it will. The problem most people have with picking up the front sight is that the rear sight almost always has junk on it as well, and your eyes/brain must quickly sort out which one is the front and which one is the rear.
The reason you don't have the problem with glock sights is the rear sight is a thin white outline around the rear notch - there's next to no distraction.
Give it a go on your pistol. Take some electrical tape, cut it down a bit, and put it over anything that's not black on your rear sight. Stand in front of a plain wall at the low ready with an empty gun, and pull the pistol up in front of you - do it a few times and then peel off the tape, trying it again with the stock sight picture.
Garantee you'll have a big difference.
I'm just a dumb trigger puller that's worn glasses for most of my life with a severe case of astigmatism - so I understand, partly, where you're coming from.
04-04-2010, 11:31 AM
Yeah, it will. The problem most people have with picking up the front sight is that the rear sight almost always has junk on it as well, and your eyes/brain must quickly sort out which one is the front and which one is the rear.
The reason you don't have the problem with glock sights is the rear sight is a thin white outline around the rear notch - there's next to no distraction.
Give it a go on your pistol. Take some electrical tape, cut it down a bit, and put it over anything that's not black on your rear sight. Stand in front of a plain wall at the low ready with an empty gun, and pull the pistol up in front of you - do it a few times and then peel off the tape, trying it again with the stock sight picture.
Garantee you'll have a big difference.
I'm just a dumb trigger puller that's worn glasses for most of my life with a severe case of astigmatism - so I understand, partly, where you're coming from.
Makes a lot of sense. Looks like I do have some options - xs up front - or novaks in rear. Will do some experimenting and let you know what works for me. I know a lot of folks have this problem and it would be a good report to share.
I will be getting a new PM9 in a month or so and was planning on the XS standard dots on that one.
04-04-2010, 06:52 PM
I actually had a chance to use a similar setup on Saturday. It was fun.
Dang, yours looks good. Mine uses the scotch tape mounting system, just
for the pic. Was supposed to be funny. Hey, I tried!
My real sights are Meprolight, agree with your "tape training" method.
Helped me to practice holding the muzzle up slightly on the draw so the
front sight is not obscured by the rear.
04-04-2010, 10:20 PM
Not my pistola - I'm going to ask Bowie if he'll let me fire off a mag on the plates with the timer going, between his and mine.
04-06-2010, 01:16 AM
It's all the same movements, but only 2 points of reference (target and dot)
vs 3 with regular sights (target, front sight, rear sight). Could be faster, let us know.
I'm working with a 2-bit processor so every little bit helps (attempt at computer humor).
04-06-2010, 05:12 AM
It's all the same movements, but only 2 points of reference (target and dot)
vs 3 with regular sights (target, front sight, rear sight). Could be faster, let us know.
I'm working with a 2-bit processor so every little bit helps (attempt at computer humor).
Actually, 4 points with the 3 dot sights (night sights) - remove the left or right one and you'll understand hos much it screws with you :)
When I first started running that sight picture I was about 1/2 second faster from the draw to first shot/hit. I'm still getting faster ;)
Yeah, it will. The problem most people have with picking up the front sight is that the rear sight almost always has junk on it as well, and your eyes/brain must quickly sort out which one is the front and which one is the rear.
The reason you don't have the problem with glock sights is the rear sight is a thin white outline around the rear notch - there's next to no distraction.
Give it a go on your pistol. Take some electrical tape, cut it down a bit, and put it over anything that's not black on your rear sight. Stand in front of a plain wall at the low ready with an empty gun, and pull the pistol up in front of you - do it a few times and then peel off the tape, trying it again with the stock sight picture.
Garantee you'll have a big difference.
I'm just a dumb trigger puller that's worn glasses for most of my life with a severe case of astigmatism - so I understand, partly, where you're coming from.
I blacked out the white bar on the rear site on my PM9 and it's much easier to bring to aim with just the front dot. You're right about this and right about why Glock sites work so well.
04-18-2010, 01:27 PM
Yeah, it will. The problem most people have with picking up the front sight is that the rear sight almost always has junk on it as well, and your eyes/brain must quickly sort out which one is the front and which one is the rear.
The reason you don't have the problem with glock sights is the rear sight is a thin white outline around the rear notch - there's next to no distraction.
Give it a go on your pistol. Take some electrical tape, cut it down a bit, and put it over anything that's not black on your rear sight. Stand in front of a plain wall at the low ready with an empty gun, and pull the pistol up in front of you - do it a few times and then peel off the tape, trying it again with the stock sight picture.
Garantee you'll have a big difference.
I'm just a dumb trigger puller that's worn glasses for most of my life with a severe case of astigmatism - so I understand, partly, where you're coming from.
I'm going to try it, I've been having a difficult time with the sights on my PM9. I guess I'm just not use to the setup.
It sounds like this drill it will help me solve my problem with the sights.
04-18-2010, 02:50 PM
I really don't worry much about it, if I can pick up the front sight. I have 9 pistols and a carbine, so I have a variety of sights, including one figure eight, a Sig and PM45 with nite sights, bar-dots on the other Kahrs, a ghost ring on the carbine, and an old Sig P225 and old Hi-Power with black sights. The other 2 are three-dots. The P225 and Browning are the only ones that bother me, but since I never carry them, it's not really a problem.
04-18-2010, 04:41 PM
I really don't worry much about it, if I can pick up the front sight. I have 9 pistols and a carbine...
You'll develop some preferences as you amass a collection...
04-18-2010, 06:06 PM
You'll develop some preferences as you amass a collection...
Well said and as the eyes age preferences sometimes become requirements. My eyes are about all I got left, can't walk, can't hear, I sometimes wonder what my purpose in life is. Eye's are not near what they used to be but if Wyn ever invites me to go to the mall and check out scantily clad young ladies I can still hold up my end.
Guess sights are personal too. What one fella really likes another might not think much of. I'll stick to my XS's, they work good for me.
04-19-2010, 01:02 PM
You'll develop some preferences as you amass a collection...
To me ten guns is a collection. <G> I've been shooting for 40+ years and that's the most I've ever had at one time. I don't target shoot, and I really need to settle on two or three guns for carry, get very familiar with those, and put the others away. I never practice past 15 yds, and usually shoot at 7 to 10, so having a good front sight picture works pretty well. My purpose is purely defensive.
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